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Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
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i love your cat more than you btw
7 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
7 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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This is going to be a very silly question I feel. Are all eye techniques kekkei genkai? I don't recall other eye techniques outside of that, apart form maybe senju modes if that counts. I wanted to create an eye technique with the theory of an insects compound eyes behind it, dividing the users vision into a smaller and smaller hexagonal grid with co-ordinates allowing greater accuracy.

I have been basing my character's family on the dragonfly (because why not, right?), but I felt that an eye kekkei genkai is somewhat cliche and was going to have extreme body control being it instead, hence the query :P

EDIT: Also the eyes seems to be a kind of... worse sharingan if they're a kekkei genkai

Theoretically, dojutsu are not kekkei genkai per definition. Canonically, yes they are. And because of that, if they exist as non-kekkei genkai they are almost certainly hiden techniques. But if you want to do the compound eye thing, then that's 100% certainly a kekkei genkai, even if it is limited to 1 person and not a clan.

Eye kekkei genkai are cliché though I will agree.
Review in red, you should be used to that

In short: look at the comments I made, and edit it accordingly, and then let me know when you've edited it. It's a good basis, but there are some things that need clarification (I still don't get the jasmin eagle motif thing..). Overall I'm satisfied though, just needs some more detailing imho.

I humbly present my character sheet. I aimed for a female Uchiha and I was wondering to take out or add in majority of the CS. So many questions too like Chidori. Does she qualify as Chuunin? Sure

I also made a custom clan. We may collab depending on what ideas you gained for it. I am loving the concept and belief you and Hilian made. I'm a fan of world building so yeah.. is it okay if I made a custom clan? Yeah, I'm surprised at the lack of custom clans/kekkei genkai, but yes. You can make custom clans.

Chidori have so many variations. Does that mean I will only be able to use one variant. If I can use more than one like Chidori Current, does that count as a second A rank? Does Chidori variants fall under one jutsu and not another jutsu? We have talked about it in the past and we've told you that we generally want to see it as a new jutsu.

It's fine making her two swirled right or should I go for three swirls? We won't rise above 3 tomoe for now, so it's probably best to have 1 or 2 so that you can have character progression towards 3. It's your call.

I tried making her like that. As much as possible, I am refraining from making more jutsus. The user itself is the definition, not the jutsu defines the user. We've taught you well.

Overall, I focused more on the character than the jutsus itself good and looked at Chuunin examples and the best example I got was Mū, kudos to the author who made him. I let the judgement be in your hands. I have lots of questions in the tip of my tongue too so these are what I can thinkfor now.


Uchiha vs "Hyuuga"

Not really a fair fight innit

Masaki, good to see your OOC commenting still makes me confused as ever.

If a trait associated with a Kekkei Genkai is not associated with a jutsu in canon, but appears to be an 'at-will' ability, should it be counted as an innate trait or made into a technique?

That depends. You're talking about making weapons out of bones? I'd say make it into a custom jutsu, and if it causes you to go over the limit, then I'll see it through the fingers.

@Buddha You make a good point with that but the thing is that uchiha are naturally gifted with ninjutsu and genjutsu. They usually also have fire or lightning natures. Both of which are good long range which the Hyuga aren't. Esentially it's a battle of who the better of the two actually is. Like much of naruto should have been. Not the mage anime/manga it became.

Genjutsu is taken care of directly because Hyuga can see chakra and chakra paths and therefore can detect genjutsu. I think only the most powerful genjutsu's (aka anything Itachi pulled from his ass) couldn't be dispelled. Literally anything else was fair game.

Ninjutsu.. I mean, besides the fact that Hyuga can see chakra buildup and thus can tell when someone is preparing ninjutsu, they also can dispel it more or less by fucking around with the chakra.

Furthermore, the point I'm making here is that the Uchiha are not some badass clan of shinobi. Not everyone is Madara, Sasuke or god forbid Itachi. Most Uchiha shinobi (which only made up a small part of the clan) never even awaken their sharingan, let alone unlock two tomoe. It just seems like every Uchiha will obtain an EMS or something because Itachi killed the whole clan, making Itachi, Madara and Sasuke the only survivors. Coincidentally they are all 'geniuses'. So it seems like the Uchiha clan are OP. In reality, Kishimoto just made it look like they were.

A standard, average Uchiha wouldn't be anywhere as close to powerful as any of those three.

Hyuga have wind chakra, though, and they use it fairly often.

<Snipped quote by Demous>

The Hyuga also have Chakra natures, they just chose not to use them. Not to mention the fact that they can be easily blocked. In fact, a Hyuga like Neji could take a chunk out of the Sususan'o and dispel Amatrasu with the Gentle Fist. Think the writer chose not to explore that interaction.

On the other hand, Neji was a genius and thus was more capable of matching Sasuke, Madara, Obito or Itachi. If we look at Hinata, who isn't a genius, it'd be a lot more iffy if she could do any of that.

Regardless, thanks for keeping the discussion civil.

Any comparison that is made is made by characters that were geniuses. Shisui? Genius. Itachi? Genius. Sasuke? Emo, but genius (it was claimed he was anyway). Madara? Literal shinobi god. By that definition alone we can already assume the comparisons are heavily biased.

@Hillan At that point you're entering such niche concepts that I'd say "just make it a custom kekkei genkai" though.
@Hillan As I pointed out on Skype, this would be useless as you can already "see through obstacles" and see chakra signatures. The only time this would be useful would be when fighting a robot (Asura path, or Savato's recycled Asura path shinobi).

But we have no plans of adding either of these.

@LokiLeo789 I have always been of the opinion that the Byakugan would always win against a regular sharingan. Statistically, only a very small percentage (say 5%) will ever unlock a sharingan. For Hyuga, this is 100%.

Of those 5% only 0.001% will ever unlock a MS (most Uchiha might not even progress past two tomoe).

Byakugan? Only hard training is required.

Byakugan will statistically always win in war.

Now one on one, I argue that even then the Byakugan is stronger. Seeing tenketsu and SEALING them is extremely powerful. I'm not sure why everyone thinks that Uchiha are so super strong. It only takes a mediocre Hyuga to take down a regular Uchiha.

I honestly don't think you need additions at this point. But I'm open to your ideas.
@Asura I prefer the rinne-bone.
@CrazyShadowy hate to say it but that is literally all online dating is

arguments over paranoia

like, there's nothing more. of course this is just what i think, so feel free to disregard what i think. but i think every 16 year old has been there, and i hope every 16 year old learned something from it.
@LokiLeo789 I'm conflicted because this sounds very similar to space-time jutsu and we generally do not accept space-time jutsu because it just create plotholes everywhere. There are exceptions, but this sounds like it's just insane reflex times.

IIRC, Sharingan already has this, too. The eyes move so fast that everything appears in slow motion. Different concept, same premise.

Furthermore, I can see some hole here in the sense that this sounds like some sort of 'activated' ability. The catch is that byakugan doesn't have, say, 'jutsu' that have to do with the dojutsu (unlike the sharingan, which have a lot of jutsu). A byakugan ability is, when activated, always active. Any application of jutsu afterwards is purely done by the user, and not the dojutsu.

As a result, that would mean that when the user activates their byakugan, they would more or less.. always see in slow motion.

That sounds very annoying to me.

I'm not sure. I'll sleep a night on it, but you can bother Hillan for his opinion.
@Hillan Bwok bwok.

You can read some of the history already. I'll continue working on it tomorrow, when it's not 1.30 AM.
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