Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Hate to bring us back a page from the dark ages, but it's very obvious that somebody's never played Spore.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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Honestly, Spore probably does suck, and I'm giving it too much credit because it's a very charming kind of suck, but usually that's because it's a "So bad it's good" kind of feeling, which I don't get from Spore. I guess it kind of railroads you into playing a certain way early on, and it can be hard and expensive to switch between playstyles, which ticked off a lot of people... But I ended up liking it better than the Sims, which I've been told is a very decent game, and it's something I agree is a very decent game. Not least because of all the fetish fuel. Sometimes Spore taps into that as well, actually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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Honestly, Spore probably does suck, and I'm giving it too much credit because it's a very charming kind of suck, but usually that's because it's a "So bad it's good" kind of feeling, which I don't get from Spore. I guess it kind of railroads you into playing a certain way early on, and it can be hard and expensive to switch between playstyles, which ticked off a lot of people... But I ended up liking it better than the Sims, which I've been told is a very decent game, and it's something I agree is a very decent game. Not least because of all the fetish fuel. Sometimes Spore taps into that as well, actually.

Spore is a good example of why EA sucks though. It was a great idea, and in the execution you could see what it could ended up being if given the sort of attention good games get, but at the end of the day they created the hollow shell of that good idea instead of fleshing it out.

I liked the creator and seeding system. That was probably the best part of what they ended up making. The actual game play was like a series of shitty arcade games leading up to a lazy 4x space explorer, but the novelty that came from meeting other people's creations, and seeing them, and playing them when it came to adventures, what pretty clever. I think I played the game part for maybe a month, but I played with the creators for thereabout two years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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>me playing starcraft arcade
>kobold tribes has a super high skill cap to the point where the number of noobs don't matter to someone good (a la me)
>People not believe me when I say this
>Tell me I'm being conceited
>1v6, win while screwing around
>they salty cause they think they could win, despite me telling them they won't win
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Garattee
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>me playing starcraft arcade

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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I am a cuck, and I'm not a race realist.

Really? you need to watch this, doggo.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Really? you need to watch this, doggo.

wat? when where we talking about this?

Either way I don't watch videos of dudes ranting about their politics on youtube, don't matter if I agree with them or not. I just find the entire thing grating and unpleasant, like listening to a drunk uncle rant about politics at thanksgiving.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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In the end all humans came from Ethiopia/Somalia so the topic of race doesn't matter.

Nor does nation when we all are rightfully citizens of the grand republic of Somalia.

Praise be to Somalia, now end the perpetual civil war and let us all rejoin in our union with our brothers in the Horn of Africa!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Well, here goes nothing as these things are tanking my mood and it's bothering me.

So, I'm rather tired of living in constant fear of being cheated on, that's just out front of this thing. I know she'd never cheat on me but I live in fear of that. Doesn't help I know people who've cheated on the other, some multiple times. Fuck, even some family members did that and it's stuck with me. If anything I have a valid reason to have hatred to that and while it could explain this feeling, I just can't shake it.

We've talked about it before to be honest about that. I still feel that she might and the feelings only been growing stronger lately. I don't know what it is but it's just growing and growing. I don't want to be that overly jealous, always has to know kind of person as I'm not that person. It's just stuck in my head about that and as I said the feelings gotten worse lately. Doesn't help when she'll just leave for hours on end and not say anything about it. It also doesn't help that this is a long distance thing either. While that part is fine, we do love being together. I just can't shake this constant feeling of being cheated on, paranoia is a b!tch like that.

I've considered bringing it up to her again but I don't know what that will do for me in the end of things. It didn't do much before so I have my doubts that it will this time. All I know is I live in a constant paranoid state of being cheated on. I don't know what to do about it at this point, as I said we've talked about it before but it didn't help me. Knowing her and what I've heard, she wouldn't and she's said that she never would. I still just can't shake this feeling that I've got.

The other thing bothering me is just memories of me with someone whom is no longer in my life. That gets me down at times but I just happened to go on that server in that game with everything. All the stuff we'd do and had and the cheesy names on stuff for compliments. I freaking still have all of that, haven't spoken to that person in ages and to this day I don't fully understand why they left my life. I mean, I have a feeling those last few days I'd spoken to her didn't help. I was in a shit mood those days and she'd stay offline of where I'm always online, just sorta avoiding me. I honestly don't exactly know what happened to cause our friendship to end.

With all of this said, I just don't know what to do with any of this. The paranoia of being cheated on, as I said just builds and builds and builds. The thing with my ex-friend doesn't happen nearly as much, only a select few times since it had happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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@CrazyShadowy hate to say it but that is literally all online dating is

arguments over paranoia

like, there's nothing more. of course this is just what i think, so feel free to disregard what i think. but i think every 16 year old has been there, and i hope every 16 year old learned something from it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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The thing with that is this isn't an online relationship.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chrononaut
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The thing with that is this isn't an online relationship.

You need to stop worrying. The fact you're worried that she might cheat on you is an obsession with control, in general (not over her specifically, but just you feel you're losing control and because of this something bad may happen). You can't worry whether or not someone will do something they haven't done. If she's going to do it, she's going to do it, and that's that whether or not she does it near you or far from you. It may hurt, but pain comes and goes. Your life won't end and shouldn't end because of what some woman does. Furthermore, you shouldn't attach all your happiness to another. A relationship, in full, should be a bonus and not the prize. Otherwise, you'll find yourself obsessed with the acts of your significant other and push them away.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrazyShadowy
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Interesting, I'll take this in mind and process it. While you are right, I do have an obsession with control, due to my past stuff though. Trying to let that go, that takes time but I'm trying!

I have a hard time not worrying, I am trying to worry less and I have with some things. Not all but some, there is progress to be made with this all, it comes with times from how I've seen it and had it happen to me.

While I do consider it a bonus and I don't attach all of my happiness to my other half. I don't view it as a prize in anyway, from how I've experienced it and was raised and watched it around me and told about them. A relationship is not a prize by any means, a bonus yes but like anything they do require work.

If she does, it'll hurt but pain is only temporary. We spoke about it again and it seems to be fine now. She does fear the same with me at times, I've reassured her I have no interest in anybody else (I said anybody as I happen to be pan) and then we did talk about it as I said. It seems to be fine now though.

I do appreciate the the time and the advice you've given to me. I will keep it in mind, I thank you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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Know what's some big fucking hypocritical? My mom constantly telling me to watch the pot on the stove when I am usually aware of it and just walk away to wait for it to boil. Then having both her, AND my father fall asleep (after an admittedly hard day of work) forgetting that she had a pot of water on the stove with the burner on, and nearly burning our fucking house down. If I hadn't smelt something burning we'd be on the street right now waiting for the fire department to bail us out of what is left of our house.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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Know what's some big fucking hypocritical? My mom constantly telling me to watch the pot on the stove when I am usually aware of it and just walk away to wait for it to boil. Then having both her, AND my father fall asleep (after an admittedly hard day of work) forgetting that she had a pot of water on the stove with the burner on, and nearly burning our fucking house down. If I hadn't smelt something burning we'd be on the street right now waiting for the fire department to bail us out of what is left of our house.

why do you guys boil water just for no reason so often?

like, usually if I am boiling water, i'm about to do something with it so i'm standing right there. just turn that shit to the highest setting and it'll boil in five minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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@VilageidiotxWe don't boil it often for no reason. usually I boil water only to make food as I eat a lot of pasta. My mother was probably doing it to water to the Christmas tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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@VilageidiotxWe don't boil it often for no reason. usually I boil water only to make food as I eat a lot of pasta. My mother was probably doing it to water to the Christmas tree.

Aha. I just had this image of your parents and you keeping water boiling into the depths of the night.

What does boiling water do for the Christmas Tree though? Do they not like lukewarm water?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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@VilageidiotxTrees live longer with warm water. Mother was trying to get it warmer but fell asleep and let it boil which almost turn the pot into slag before I caught the smell of something going wrong downstairs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chrononaut
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@VilageidiotxTrees live longer with warm water. Mother was trying to get it warmer but fell asleep and let it boil which almost turn the pot into slag before I caught the smell of something going wrong downstairs.

The trees only going to be in the house for a month.

Also, do you have a water heater? Normally your sink should heat your water for you.

Your families weird. I mean, your mother apparently decided to not only boil some water to keep a tree that's going to exist for a month alive but also go into a position where she could easily fall asleep.
2x Laugh Laugh
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