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3 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
5 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
5 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
6 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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6 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Weird Tales The best paying mission is the one for team Trouble, which arguably is also the only team with no established clans. Except Kaido, but he's the jonin.

@Masaki Haruna Doesn't make sense. Sakura didn't use 'yin chakra' afaik but used regular chakra. Which arguably is yin-yang chakra, but then every jutsu would be yin-yang release. Yin chakra is imagination -> it's like genjutsu exclusively, unless you are creating new things. Like Sai, he had the ability to create things and that would be yin release, then he used yang release to bring them to life, I think.

@Weird Tales They do? Didn't notice. Also I hope nobody goes tracking their money because I'm not gonna track/open a shop. It's just for immersion lol.
@pkken Seems that way. I'm not grading em as we are currently mid-mission and I don't wanna shuffle teams. They might be on standby for an indefinite amount of time.
@McFazzer you better.. fucking Konohagakure depends on you.
@McFazzer I mean, you won't be expected to fight per say but lets just say me and Hillan have a fun surprise planned for you. You guys are, with this mission, at the front line of a plot. Whether you discover it later on or not that is up to you to pay attention.
@pkken It happens sometimes, just edit your post and it'll be fine.

Interacting with:
Chimamire Shirayuri - @Asura
Uchiha Kaido's clone(s) - @Hillan


“Lunch?” Sakana answered, staring the girl down. This idiot was eating her food, while he was doing the work. Typical. Then again, now that she mentioned it, he kinda felt like going for lunch himself. “You could've at least brought me something you- h-hey, is that fish? Do you have to eat that around me? You're practically eating my namesake, you know?” The mere thought of it made his body shudder, which was only made worse when she flicked that stinking thing at him once she was done.

“Hey!” he shouted, stepping away, but not in time to avoid the fish head tapping against his chest. Instead of catching it, which would be strange, he stepped back further, flailing his arms somewhat in disgust. He looked at the fish head as it laid on the ground, and then looked at the annoying runt in front of him. “That's fucking gross, Shirayuri. And for the record.. my father is called Kingyo.. 'goldfish.' Not 'ugly brown thing on a stick.' Get it right. Fuckin' idiot. Ahhh.. Okay! Now that you've had lunch, I'm going to get something to eat too. You don't mind.”

He turned left towards the gate and began to make headway, but stopped after merely two footsteps. Something was off. “Oi.. Shirayuri, do you.. feel that?” he carefully asked as he turned back to the girl. The moment he turned, something flashed in the corner of his eye, and he quickly ducked. He stepped forwards twice, and then looked back completely, only to see some stranger wielding a kunai.

“H-hey!” Sakana yelled, stepping backwards once again and ducking once more, stepping underneath the second swipe the man made at him. “What the hell is wrong with you?” his seemed very strange. Also, why the fuck was nobody else helping him? What the hell was wrong with this guy? “If you don't stop, I'm gonna whoop your ass, you id- HEY!” Once again, Sakana ducked low and stepped forward, rapidly moving underneath the man's arm and ending up behind him. Sakana flashed his teeth momentarily as he reached for Han'nin, his knife, and pulled it out.

For a moment he considered asking Shirayuri to help him, but knowing her she'd probably sit by the side and laugh at him. So he just gritted his teeth and stepped forward, slashing at the man. But he reacted too swiftly and his kunai and Sakana's Han'nin clashed, sparks flying off as the blades touched and let go again. It seemed like regular stabbing wasn't going to make the cut - so it was time to pretend Sakana was stupid. Hm, well, it didn't take much pretending in all fairness.

Rather than stab the man, Sakana didn't do anything at all and waited for him to attack. When he did attack, with a wide slashing motion, Sakana merely had to step into the swipe, use his left hand to grab the arm and stop it completely, before stabbing the guy twice with his knife. Once he did that, he dropped Han'nin on the ground and grabbed his shoulders, before letting himself fall backwards. He extended his leg, kicking it into the man's gut, and then used it to launch the man into the distance. “Give it a rest, yeah?!” he yelled the moment he let go.

The man flew into the distance, indeed, and landed against a tree. Satisfied with himself, Sakana got up and grabbed Han'nin, putting it away quickly, before turning to see what the man had done. But it seemed like he was already gone - in his place was only a pool of water. What the hell. “Oi.. that's not right. Shiray- get down!”

The moment he looked over to Shirayuri, in that dumbass wooden booth, he had noticed a hand extending from the back wall of the booth. It seemed that something, or someone, had used some hiding technique to morph with the booth, and was now trying to slit Shirayuri's throat. Though, she had probably already noticed that herself.

Interacting with:
Mu Sarutobi - @Pkken
Ira Sarutobi - @Hillan
Dio Hyuga - @LokiLeo789


“Uh, tragic?” Mawari seemed slightly confused by Ira's words when he had appeared. On his own accord, no less. It seemed that both Dio and Mu were more useless than they had seemed at first. Perhaps even Ira could out-do them. She scoffed at the thought, looking away from Ira the moment he had spoken to her. “Not quite. I'm your new jonin. And you're late already. At least you're not quite as late as Dio and Mu.” Well, let's not mention how she had sent them away to go find Ira. It was better for Ira to blame them.

Though, it seemed like not a moment later, Dio had figured out that Ira was already there. He wasted no time in putting Ira in his place. Too late. She shook her head at his comment, and her hands would both curl into fists. The youth of today.. they were idiots. All of them! Baka! she yelled, before she stepped out forwards, clearing the distance between them with one long step.

She opened her right fist into a palm and, with utmost precision, and a whole lot of force, placed it into Dio's stomach. Despite her lack of knowledge on the gentle fist style, Dio would most certainly be remembered of any hard blows he'd received in his training. The hokage's physical strength allowed her to punch and strike very hard, as Mu had already discovered when she had 'claimed' him during his lunchtime. Now it was Dio's turn to found out.

If Dio didn't move, he'd be hit very hard in the stomach, which would at the very least shove him back a few feet, kicking up dust perhaps. At the very best, if he didn't anticipate the hit at all, well.. he would possibly be sent tumbling back into the fountain. “Don't pretend you did work when you did nothing! If you were a real man, like your father, you'd have accepted that you lost!” She was visibly angered, yelling quite loudly at him. Whatever feminine charms she had, they would fade when she was angry, and instead she seemed more like a very strong leader. An authority - one that was meant to be respected. “Lying to me won't make up for your failure! Get on the ground and do twenty push-ups!”

Once he was done, and once Mu had arrived, Mawari would cross her arms. Her face would be stern and her chin would be up - either arrogance, disappointment, of self-confidence. Perhaps all three. “Mu, Dio, you were both late, and besides that you failed in your mission. For that, you should feel ashamed. Ira, you were late, but at least you completed the mission. Without even knowing the mission. For that, you have won the prize.”

She leaned forwards slightly then, looking Ira directly in the eyes. Her large bossom would expose itself, and she would make no attempts to cover it up. But she was certain Ira would not dare look away from her eyes, not now. The prize is.. she slowly said, looking deeper and deeper into Ira's eyes until she could almost feel his soul being pulled out. Figuratively.

“.. wisdom. So listen carefully; the weak are meat; the strong eat. Huh. Well, whatever the boys had expected to win off of this competition, she was quite sure they'd be happier with some wisdom than with an actual prize. They were from the biggest and most important family anyway. It wasn't like she needed to bribe them. They had anything they wanted, she was sure.

“And before we leave on our mission, I want you all to tell me what you think those words of wisdom mean.”
@BladeSS4 I mean, you're free to look into the case aren't you? Perhaps the people that have it might use it against you, you don't know.
Two 'edit: nevermind's' later we can all agree that reading is a lost art ;)
@Buddha I am willing to change missions for a team if there are concerns, or better ideas. But, as only team Kishimoto and team Senhime were reached out to me for (by Hillan and Ryo) I have only custom made the missions to suit their ideas for those teams. Team Trouble and strike team I lack 'an interesting mission' and as such I am willing to take ideas on them. By that, I mean, 'missions that potentially have a larger effect on the story and the characters' as they are currently somewhat bland missions.
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