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3 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
5 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
5 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
6 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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6 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Asura fuck off thats way too ugly
@Masaki Haruna The same as regular Konoha flak jackets, for simplicity sake. Unless you happen to be/know a designer that will design a flak jacket for us.

@Gowi More or less, yes.
@Shoryu Magami It is also my opinion that we are grossly over diagnosing certain 'illnesses' so I believe you are right that we will be hard pressed to find anyone not mentally ill. But I was referring more to those that clearly suffer some 'not-normal' illness. Everyone gets anxious from time to time - but as you understand as well as I do, there is a very large area between 'being nervous sometimes' and 'literally crying and vomiting because you have to present something' or something like that.

I'm interested in your opinions on how mental illness affects this site, what I meant about personal stories were more along the lines of 'I have depression, please feel bad for me people.' as a means of an argument to support some other notion. Having a mental illness does not make you an expert on that illness/mental illness in general, which was the argument I was trying to avoid.
@Masaki Haruna It's like early days, when Madara and Hashirama were still around. We probably just invented the flak jacket. Use that as your guideline.
@Gowi I don't feel like it affects the story too much, otherwise I would've obviously spoken up, but you're right. @Masaki Haruna just a reminder that this takes place some 50-70 years after the creation of the villages, and in fact some villages are still building up/nonexistant. We're still in early history, so keep that in mind when you create things.

Also, I don't have anything against a police force, because it doesn't interest me, but it won't be anything useful. I will not incorporate police forces into my plots. The mention of them is fine as a background, but I will never do anything with it. All shinobi are expected to act as ''police'' anyway, since you're supposed to also take care of the day to day business of the village and that includes keeping the peace.
So after discussing with some people on my RP's Discord, we talked about mental health for a bit and I was reminded of something I was going to write a little topic about to see what everyone else thought. This is about mental health - in the most broad scale of the word.

Over the years that I've spent here I've noticed a recurring trend that there are a large variety of people on here - who mostly share one trait, that trait being that there are a lot of people here with varying degrees of mental illnesses. They often do fall on varying ends of the spectrum of seriousness, to the point of having me wonder if they're really illnesses or not. Regardless, I think it is quite interesting to see how many of us struggle with illness.

Let's get something out of the way first; I myself struggle with mental illness too (genetics fucked me up) but I don't really feel like making a public statement about it because I don't think it really matters too much. But if you wanna come at me for being insensitive about it, please, take a fucking hike and just don't reply, or send me a PM to rant about how much of a cunt I am. Thanks. I know that these issues are serious, I'm not having a fucking laugh, I'm just saying it's pretty interesting to see this development.

As of yet, a lot of my RPG friends struggle with varying degrees of mental illness - the most common one being depression as far as I've been able to tell, and this seems to hold true with most of RPG. Furthermore, a lot of people on here also seem to suffer from anxiety in some way or form, and a lot of people show anti social tendencies (makes sense, therefore, that we choose to be social on an online platform, where nobody can see us, no?). I have spoken to people on this website that are autistic (in, again, the wide sense of that word, as in 'scores somewhere on the autistic spectrum') or have ADHD, ADD, whatever you might name. OCD seems prevalent but I'm not really sure how much of that is real and how much of it is in jest.

Now the theory, which isn't really a theory, is that we use RPG as a form of escapism. While that doesn't hold true for me personally, I can see why it would for a lot of people. Although many of us consider writing as a hobby, we have to admit that any hobby is, in truth, escapism. But I think roleplaying takes it a step further. Where as some might consider soccer a form of escapism for someone who, say, doesn't have a healthy life in their own home, consider that while they play soccer they are still themselves. This goes for a large variety of 'escapist' hobbies. But the one past-time where you do not play as yourself is roleplaying. It's called roleplaying for a reason after all. So perhaps you could consider a 'escapism' that goes even further than regular escapes.

This has lead me to wonder if this is healthy at all? While I can imagine that some might say an escape from 'reality' is normal and to an extent that is true but I also wonder if escaping reality is really all that healthy. Sure, everyone enjoys escaping reality every now and then, but when you struggle with real life issues, I have to wonder if it's healthy to escape from them at any chance, and avoid them like that? It seems/sounds unhealthy.

Anyway, I was also kind of curious as to how realistic my view is that we have a large amount of mental illness on this website. I don't want to hear about peoples personal stories, because honestly, those tend to sound like people being crybabies. But, feel free to let me know if you think mental illness is present on this forum, and if so, how present precisely? Do you think that people on this website are aware of their illness? And do you feel the escapism roleplaying offers is healthy, unhealthy or perhaps both?
@SoulEater [hider]Content here[/hider]

Results in

@Asura it is aids

i'll look later
Too many Uchiha, gonna need an Itachi to take care of shit (except, he necks himself too, ensuring I never have to grade an Uchiha again with the clan now exterminated ;))
@Masaki Haruna and anyone that can be arsed: discord.gg/B2jv2p7
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