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1 day ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
3 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
3 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
4 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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4 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Can someone explain the appeal of Fallout? I've only played New Vegas and 4, but it strikes me as second-rate as both a shooter and an rpg. Games like, for example, the Far Cry series, have better action and shooting, and Elder Scrolls-type (to use another Bethesda series) games beat it as an rpg. I get it's a blend of two genres, it's never going to be the best at either, but I think it could have done both better than it did. Like I said, if I want to play a shooter, I'll play a better shooter, if I want to play an rpg, I'll play a better rpg. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see why Fallout has gotten as much hype as it has.

If you had played Fallout 3 instead you would've gotten it. Fans are upset with Fallout 4, and some of them are upset with NV because they were both watered down RPG's to appeal to a larger audience. F3 was... somewhat true to the original F1, 2 and Van Buuren. F Tactics and Brotherhood were also decent. But they're too old for me to recommend them to you.

In short, the appeal is the rather unique setting, the interesting lore, the depth it has but also just how wacky the game can be.

Also it's highly moddable so like Skyrim, it's the perfect place to make mature 18+ mods and that's why the game still has mods being made for it.
@JDolan Their latest patch notes said that they would 'put a release date' after the next one. The question is if that one has been released yet (which I don't think so?).

@Nanjue How did you get your hair to look so smooth????

@Kingfisher So, what type of roles for characters were you specifically wishing to see filled? I'm expecting the standard run-of-the-mill guests (millionaires and important people) but also employees, right?
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

We're using fascism a little broadly here, aren't were? The problem people have with Mussolini isn't simply that, under his rule, civilians sometimes punched Communists. A little more went on there.

I think calls for mass murder are more than just "Unacceptable opinions." That's where I pretty much stand on this. I agree a government deciding which opinions are acceptable and which ones aren't is alarming, and I've stated that before, but at the same time I don't think that civilians should be expected to treat something like genocide with the same civility they treat, say, healthcare. Or shit, even with the same civility we treat freedom.

Also, I'm not even broadening the subject to fascism, I am treating Fascism and Nazism as separate entities here. I disagree heavily with fascists, but I don't think authoritarian nationalist opinions within themselves demand punching. But with Nazis, we're moving past simple dictatorship and on to mass murder. That's where the problem is. I simply can not reconcile political differences with genocide.

Using violence to beat down and scare dissenting opinions is very much a fascist trait. Whether you agree or not that antifa (or anti fascist people) is now also fascist, surely you can agree that they are engaging in fascist behavior at times.

I can reconcile political differences with genocide, mostly because genocide can be rationalized. Maybe not to you, but it can be to these people. Everything is ideology. Even genocide. And politics tend to include ideology. The rationale that a race is weaker and is leeching off of the stronger and therefore they must be cleansed seems brutal and unfair but there's very much a rationale behind it, which can be politically motivated. It's not like there aren't tonnes of (political) books written about the theories of why we should hate certain people, no?
@Vilageidiotx "The fascists of the future will be called an anti-fascists." Using violence to keep down non-acceptable opinions was something we saw in another era too. One side has been compared to fascists (wrongly so) but it goes for the other side too, I find.
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