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1 day ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
3 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
3 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
4 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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4 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Jbcool I'd say it does except I was looking for something more straight forward. Once every week? Twice every week?
@Jbcool Consider me interested, but I'm not sure if I can join up quite yet. I'd like to see where this goes anyway, so if need be, add me to the list of people that are willing to play.

What pace were you hoping to have for this RP?
@JaceBeleren they were definitely used historically. Their primary use was in formation with pike and against pike. I'm sure you have heard of 'landsknecht' or 'landsknechten', who used this type of weapon. They came from Germany but their most famous applications were used by the Spaniards who hired them. It was also not as much 'a sword' as it was a combination between a polearm (without pole) and a sword.

Arguably I wouldn't say it's a very efficient weapon in smaller scale combat - the weapon seemed most efficient in combination with pike (and shot). But there is application of it in duels, although admittedly I am unsure of how well they fared. I'm not sure on this, but I think the zweihander is considered the appropriate weapon for a lot of late-medieval sword arts books.

Now here's the kicker - the weapon was only efficient in trained hands. As in, you can give a peasant a sword and a shield and he'd be able to cut down a few men, but if you gave him a zweihander he'd be dead before even swinging it. It's a professional's weapon. That's where it power was but also it's drawback in my eyes. Due to the small amount of zweihander experts available, you'd never be able to amass an army consisting of them. They were more supplementary expert troops than 'main battle troops' so to speak.

So, while they were effective in battle, there were also very few of them. If I had to choose between arming 10.000 peasants with swords or hiring 2.000 landsknechts for a larger sum of money than the peasants cost me, I'd probably arm my peasants, mostly because that's almost free (granted that I have the swords) where as landsknechts and mercenaries were historically unreliable and prone to looting and pillaging cities if they weren't paid precisely on time.

The weapon itself is dope.
In Hi! 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Cynthiia that would be here. Have fun!
@Angels Shadow Can't go wrong with that, either, so no harm done.
@Angels Shadow Hey, welcome to the guild, enjoy your stay! If you're looking for 1x1's here's the best place to start: 1x1 interest checks.
@tsukune that fixes my problem, though. Is there a way I can make that bottom line be in color?
@JDolan It does but they're not listed anywhere and it's gonna be hard to figure out tables myself.
I'm looking to align text. Specifically I want it to look like this:

A B.

BUT! The issue comes in when I want text B to align to the right side which normally I would do with [right][/right]. But this breaks the line if I were to do it as such:

A [right]B[/right]
A [right]B[/right]
A [right]B[/right]




Now the other problem is that I need all the A's to align below each other (so no line breaks which the above code causes) because they are part of the same text, as well as the B.

Is there anyone that knows how? My solution right now is doing it in GIMP and making it into an image, but that arguably is a lot more annoying to make and post. It's for my bio after all.
@Meta This happens occasionally and frankly, I have stopped believing it's an issue with the server. We have switched hosts, after all. Last time when I asked Mahz (which was about 5 months ago? It was about the time when things were really bad.) he said it had something to do with something that someone was doing. I guessed at the time it was related to something with coding (bbcodes, or something, but in a way that made the entire guild shit itself).

Maybe there's a fault in his coding somewhere that leads to this - either that, or Mahz' server choices are awful.
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