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14 hrs ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
3 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
3 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
3 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
3 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Buddha fine you can have the sweetrolls too, you monster

cheese for everyone
@Buddha you could do that, or i could give you free moon sugar in return for letting me keep my wares. hmm?

i desire more than moonsugar
@Buddha i am but a lowly khajiit merchant and i spent all my septims on skooma.

Your goods are hereby forfeit. I will use your moonsugar to procure expensive potions so I can sell them for profits.
hello! i'm kitsy, i've been roleplaying for years but somehow never on a forum, not sure how much different it'd be however. i actually have a few questions? see, i roleplay mainly on tumblr, where i make a new account for the different characters i want to roleplay (for those who also rp on tumblr, i know multimuse blogs are a thing, but i'm not a big fan). but on forums, do you just establish the character you're playing as within the post? that's the only question i have about these things.

Most GM's will ask you to post a character sheet for them to review. So, you use 1 account and create multiple characters. If you want to store your characters, you can do that here: roleplayerguild.com/forums/34-characte... You can also browse other peoples characters to see how others do it.

RP happens here: roleplayerguild.com/forums/4-casual-ro.. (or the other levels of RP) or in private PM's. Just click any thread and you'll see there are 3 tabs: IC (in character), OOC (out of character) and characters (where people post their character sheets after approval). I think it is pretty obvious what goes where.

i enjoy my good share of angst, feelsy RP's with in depth character analysis and development. i'm not very good at fight scenes, like most, i have a zero tolerance for god-modding. i enjoy drama and fantasy amongst others! i'm mostly versed in the elder scrolls universe, as well as bloodborne. but i'm pretty adaptive, i like to think. my first official character i roleplayed as was Angela Cross from the Ratchet and Clank series, and i think i'd like to give her another try!

I think you'll find that there is a good share of TES RP's or people that are willing to do them. If you are looking to specifically do an idea that isn't around you can of course make your own RP, or post a interest check here: roleplayerguild.com/forums/16-1x1-inte.. asking if someone is interested in doing a private 1x1 with you about that idea.

and another question i have, while i have a few OC's that i enjoy playing as, i wonder if-- on forums, is it strictly OC or can i play as an already established character, like Angela Cross stated above.

You can play whatever the hell you want as long as the GM/your partner agrees. Hell if you want to play a talking octopus in an RP about gods and goddesses, and the GM approves it, then why the fuck not.

That's all I have for now! thank you for taking the time to read

You're welcome. Consultation costs are €5,-. Payment will be due in 1 day, otherwise your account will be terminated and a report will be filed with the local authorities. While payment is pending, posts will be moderated by me (Buddha, God of this website, otherwise known as 'the best guy') personally to ensure that you are not secretly roleplaying before payment.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

@Dinh AaronMk Can I volunteer as tribute? I feel like I can.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Because the former is a personal matter betwixt the developers and JonTron, whereas JonTron's views have public implications by virtue of being political. You can say things, but you have to accept the potential social repercussions of those things. Just because you say something doesn't mean everyone owes it to you to like you.

W-which he did. twitter.com/JonTronShow/status/8450382.. I don't get your point here. And politics, by nature, are not based in disrespecting your opponent views. Respect =/= liking people. Sorry, but you're missing the point here.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

I don't have to treat anyone with respect, that's the best part about being a free man. I don't have to treat Anwar Congo with respect, I don't have to treat Richard Kuklinski with respect, I don't have to treat Rupert Murdoch with respect, and I certainly don't need to pretend to respect anyone who I don't respect just to protect their sense of self worth. If your happiness cannot sustain the battering of scorn, perhaps you should be acting in a manner that makes you appear like less of a massive cock. Or maybe you should just, like me and anyone else who voices an opinion that someone disagrees with, accept that you can't make everyone happy.

Edit: Villageidiot above me says something similar in a much more kind, gentlehearted way not burdened by years of being a cynic.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

And I have literally no interest in Europe and its immigration. We're pretty much on the same page here.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

I'm against our current conflicts and the past few ones, but that does sound an awful lot like your problem.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Because I do not live there and the situation is entirely different from the one I currently live in. I cannot solve the rest of the worlds problems and do not pretend that I can.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Jontron is an American citizen, so that's what I was discussing. I've already heard concerns from European countries regarding immigration (I can't remember whether it was my buddy from the Netherlands or the one from Portugal that was discussing an issue with immigrants being given several hundred dollars and a room in a cheap tenant building, but it sounded like a pretty bad situation) and consider them valid.

Then why bring up Trump when I have equally little to do with your president? I never once stated anything about Trump or American politics. I merely mentioned that immigration is a valid political point and that if people are passionate about it/care about it a lot that doesn't equal them to being dumb or racist?
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Agreed, though if anyone deserves to be insulted personally it's a man who, in front of hundreds of thousands of people (not sure on video viewcounts), decided to 'debate', despite his credentials previously only being making loud shouty noises and surreal jokes. That being said, I enjoy his videos.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

I am not an immigrant. While I do express concerns about the abused or downtrodden (like those poor souls who are currently locked out of their colleges at the moment due to the temporary immigration ban), often to coworkers who spout anti-poor or anti-immigrant rhetoric, I can't say whether or not I care actually has any affect on the outcome. Immigration hasn't been a real issue for 200 years (though that hasn't stopped people from believing it was at the time), it's the current politicians and anti-immigration spouting bobbleheads that are the problem. They're the ones making it a problem, I'm more concerned about their ilk still being in office. Basically, I view it as a non-issue that was made an issue by idiocy. Really, it's more likely voting Trump into office is the seed that made this an issue, because guess what, this ban was only made possible because he's in office. If we had elected Hillary, it'd just have been a few idiots spouting shit about Muslims.

Hopefully everyone can get their head out of their asses and their fingers off their bare nipples before it becomes an actual issue, as in, a permanent immigration ban. Or, and this is the subject of many of my wet dreams, fire Trump, the guy spearheading this shit.

So yes, I care, but not enough to shout on twitter "FUCK YOU, TRUMP, YOUR MUMS A CUNT AND I FUCKED HER, THAT I DID"

So you think that he deserves to be receiving insults from developers who, after they got caught shittalking, made their accounts private? And you don't think that equally deserves backlash just like JonTron got backlash? Purely because... what, purely because youtubers aren't allowed to show political opinions and affiliations?

I disagree and I think that's a stupid opinion. He's just as entitled to say what he thinks (and be treated with respect) as anyone else regardless of how he earned his fame.

As for your second point, I'm not American, I have literally zero interest in the USA and it's immigration, and I for one am happy that the American hegemony is finally falling (if Trump keeps up what he's doing). So I'm going to ignore everything you said about the US (mostly because the US takes in a stupidly low number of refugees and immigrants to begin with and takes the privilege of being over seas, therefore not being an easily accessible refugee country. That, and the fact that you hand-pick/cherry-pick the refugees that do come...) and explain to you how it is in Europe, where due to geo-location, immigration (both legal and illegal) have been a massive problem for the past 200 years.

Because, yes, the world isn't limited to America, and yes, Europe is currently paying for/cleaning up the mess that the USA started when they started bombing the fuck out of the middle East and invading left and right.

Europe is currently facing an immigration crisis because we have a stream of refugees that is currently only stemmed per agreement with the hostile Turkish president, mr. Erdotürk, also know as the Dictatürk. He is using this power to manipulate the EU into conceding rights to Turkey, i.e. visa-free travel. So, as you can tell, the immigration crisis here has already had severe political consequences. Remind me how, in fact, this isn't an issue.

Read this.

We're not talking about 100.000 refugees spread in Europe either. They are large numbers.

The Netherlands has 17 million people, and we are facing a housing crisis because there aren't enough affordable homes for people. Please enlighten me how we should give these people shelter in a humane way and at the same time maintain order and keep a headcount present to avoid people escaping into illegality when we ask them to return home.

Which volunteer 'help organizations' are suspecting is happening because people that aren't from dangerous countries (Morocco, Tunis, Albania) are coming here to apply as 'refugee' knowing that they will get sent back. That's apparently not an issue either.

But, ignoring refugees, lets assume that everything is 100% okay there.

What about existing immigrant families? I mean surely, the US has got to handpick all immigrants that entered the USA except for Mexicans, so your integration is 100% okay because people that live there as immigrants actually live there because the US let them live there. What about here?

Well, immigrants here aren't integrated at all. For example, third generation Dutch citizens with a migration background (so, grandparents that came from abroad) still suffer a language barrier because they just don't learn Dutch. And, let me tell you, that's not because they are just simply genetically inferior, it's because of culture. You can read it in Dutch here. You wouldn't understand but perhaps you can translate it, if you truly think that immigration is not an issue then perhaps you will find a way to explain why certain demographics have a harder time with the Dutch language despite being born here.

But it's not just them. Asians have completely segregated themselves from the rest of society (as they do all across the world) and perhaps this is the finest example of integration I can give you except it's not 'integration'. It's just co-existence. They're not integrated at all. They just respect our culture and we don't ask questions about theirs because they do what they do in private. That's not integration at all.

We used the slogan 'The Netherlands, our multicultural society' a few years back and we have unofficially changed this to 'The Netherlands, our failed multicultural schoolproject' nowadays simply because multiculturalism doesn't work when you can't control who enters your country and under what motives.

So no, I disagree entirely, immigration is very important no matter which side of the argument you are one. And even though I care, I'm not going online to shout at people, because believe it or not, there is a difference between being anti-immigration for no reason other than racism, or having issues with the current immigration policy, or simply having concerns about it.
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