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@MelonHead Do you think a solution would be the creation of an additional 'tournament moderator' or 'tournament host' role would benefit arena RP where arena RP can, with help of moderators, pick a person or two, three that are experienced and capable of hosting tournaments, and whose only power _is_ the hosting of tournaments, that that would help?
@JBRam2002 all of these have been mentioned before but that doesn't mean you can't raise these issues again because they are all valid and in fact most people here share your opinions.

It's kind of strange that we don't have a report button given that the always updated rules literally state you should use the report button. ;) You're right though and a report button would at least fix the problem of people not reporting anything.
@Vordak the problem with this for me is that at the moment there seems to be no pull towards arena RP. It's just sort of there, and the lack of inactivity would make me personally very uninterested in even trying it. Having it on the front page only works if something is actually happening there. Which in the case between two tournaments (as was said by other members of arena roleplay) is mostly just a whole lot of nothing/abandoned threads.

So, again, I'll ask: what do you think could pull people towards arena roleplay then?
@MelonHead The last tournament previous to this one was a year ago. I'm not sure if a year of inactivity is what you see as dormant, I see that as dead. Perhaps a better solution is to add more arena moderators or change the current one(s) to ensure that tournaments are hosted semi-reliably?

I think the reputation was there before I showed people that screenshot, and I think the purpose of my post was and will continue to be to ask the question why it is inactive, and how we can fix it. If the last tournament was anything to go by the current tournament will follow a similar path where people post a fight but never finish it. My question is more related to how we can fix it.

I'd like an explanation on how the last tournament was a year ago and wasn't as active as you made it seem like it was. Perhaps that'll help us reach some form of understanding as to why you are so sure this tournament will be the saving grace of arena. It seems dead. Surely you can acknowledge that, to an outsider, arena RP seems dead. Surely you can also acknowledge, being intelligent like you seem, that that can be seen as a problem and therefore is worth addressing.

Which returns me to my previous point. If tournaments are what arena RP needs to function - why are none being hosted. Why does it take a year for one to be hosted. Why are no people hosting their own tournaments and is this a sign of a failure for moderator activity if they are the ones that are supposed to do it?
Initially it will. Though I'm sure a few people will drop or never finish their matches, that sort of lack of commitment is pretty much prevalent across all RP.

Like I said, we will see. I'm not an expert on arena RP, and I'm curious to how it'll play out. And yes it is, which is actually an issue we've touched on within this thread, if you'd cared to read the entirety of it, rather than jump on here to be defensive.

Dynamo already offered thoughts on how to re-energize that forum, which was a good start. I've yet to see yours. I'll just presume my ignorance has carried over on you and prevents you from posting meaningful solutions, which is the same reason why I'll not reply to the arena chat thread. I just think you severely misrepresent my opinion. For instance I never once said we should remove all arena aspects on the forum. That'd be stupid.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

You don't need to wait, you're showing your ignorance as to how tournament organisation works, which is understandable as you have no knowledge of the arena subsection. Just click the TZDL thread and look at how many characters (and subsequently active players, one player per character) have been entered.

No, I'm more curious as to whether or not it'll have the effect you say it'll have.

My bet is on no. Characters or not, I'm sure people will drop, or never finish their matches.
I don't think Buddha was expecting the amount of red ants that poured out of the nest when he kicked it, thinking it was dead. Kinda funny to watch though.

I wasn't but I suppose it's true that I didn't expect all five active members of the arena board to come give me a piece of mind. Some of you made good arguments. But I stand by my argument in favor of a lack of any other ideas to re-energize the board. So I remain of the opinion that having a tournament in the near future doesn't really give us much reason to maintain the forum as a dedicated independent sub-forum.

I'd like to (continue to) invite you to share your ideas about re-energizing the subforum so you can change my mind about how dead it is. I'd like to see arena revitalized because you guys were right in your assessment that arena RP is a vital part of roleplaying. So, please, if you do have the time, enter the debate in my thread/another thread about how you would prefer to see arena RP revitalized and how you'd ensure that it's an active community rather than a near-dead 5 playerbase community.

@Dynamo Frokane

I think the punkass who made that suggestion had best tighten their belt. If I meet 'em they'll get the worst Dirty Atomic Melvin of their life.

Try me. I'll uhh... I'll construct an arena character and challenge you to a battle to see who is better at coming up with overpowered attacks!
It's the nature of the Arena sub-forum to go through ebbs and flows of activity, particularly when there are no tournaments currently being ran. However, there is a tournament starting early next month, so when you take your next screenshot, you'll see about eight sub-threads miraculously appear with constant replies, and wonder how you ever thought the place was dead. The Arena is unique in that way.

We'll see. I'll anxiously wait. But to whoever said I selectively screenshotted that, I'd invite you all to take a look at arena at the moment. You'll understand (hopefully) why I think arena is near dead. I'd like to come back to this next month when the tournament is around. It'll be interesting :).

Let me clarify this -- I am not the head of anything. All I can claim is that I simply have been a moderator for the longest out of the current bunch. I was appointed shortly before Guildfall occurred

Then that was a failure on the part of whoever informed me though, to their credit, they didn't say you were explicitly the head moderator. Just that you were, quote, 'Team Mom to the other mods' and 'Sherlock Holmes was a Spam reg for many years (during Jorick's time as a regular user), and is essentially the head moderator.' Perhaps the fact that people see you as such is another indicator of the perceived failure to establish moderator presence/knowledge on this site.

As for not knowing me, that's nothing new. I tend to not say too much and mind my business behind the scenes. I keep my visibility off, but I'm actually around quite a bit. (I actually pop on the site several times a day to keep up on PMs and check threads.)

Do you think this is a good thing? I'm not sure how this is preferable for a moderator.

If you have any questions specifically for me, I'm always happy to answer them. Otherwise, I usually just lurk until I have something relevant to say, much as I have done in this thread.

Since I don't know you I can't comment on questions I have specifically for you but I can give you some questions that I've asked the other moderators in this thread/want to ask the moderators in general.

Do you feel like the issues touched upon in this thread are real, or are you under the impression that everything is fine?
How do you feel about the amount of moderators, and their activity?
How do you feel about the engagement of the community as a moderator? Do you think it's not required?
How do you feel about the quote that states;
"I think people, myself included, are afraid to take concrete steps toward solving this problem because the moment we do, Mahz and the mods will come back just long enough to put us in our place and remind us of who's boss. Then they'll fuck off again, having impeded our progress toward self-government but then refused to replace our system with their own. Some of us may be banned in the process, too, another large risk in taking any strong actions toward fixing this site."

Do you feel like the community is deteriorating, whether through shrinking member counts, increasing toxicity or any other reasons?
What are your ideas on how we can fix the community?
What are your ideas on how we can make the community better (in case you are under the impression there are no problems)? We can always make the community even better, so 'the community is already good' won't really suffice here.
What are priority issues for the moderators at the moment?
What are your concerns in terms of moderator recruitment processes?
What are your concerns in terms of how moderators currently discuss and act together?

@ClocktowerEchos those against her or in her favor?

TBH I don't think le Pen is that meme-y.
@Grimhildr liar
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