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Current i love your cat more than you btw
1 day ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
2 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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2 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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2 days ago
what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Fisticuffs nah he doesn't explicitly 'state' that it's about dead presidents but it's what you can infer given the lingo surrounding dead presidents. It's a common theme, hence I just automatically made that link as did many others.
@Fisticuffs I love XXX. Most his songs are just lit hypebeast tracks and a few of them are lyrically just really good. I don't mind the KKK speech in Riot. It serves its purpose, and it definitely fits the rest of the song.

I think you might be misunderstanding XO tour life. "All his friends are dead" refers to his only friends being dead presidents (money). The rest of it is about how his girlfriend broke up with him, telling him to get off the xanny, and how she was pushing him to the edge. I don't think it's depressing per say. But yeah overall this has been going on for a while.
Oh, new complaint.

Can we disable the visitor page? I made a reply whoopsie and now it's there forever on my profile.

I doubt we can, but perhaps a delete button on your own visitor messages is a good idea.
It's not like it's hard to look at someone's post history anyway, unless they do a lot of posting outside of the RP sections. of course, the forum search function can bring you to those posts easily enough.

Adding to that, posting a lot outside of the RP forums indicates some form of activity. It's your job also to assess whether they are appearing motivated enough to participate. I.e. the difference between doing a sheet in 2-3 days or doing it in 2 weeks. Which happens. And is a clear telltale sign of someone not really being motivated, especially if they post a lot elsewhere.
I agree that it's ultimately up to the GM, the idea of imposing a site wide system to do that judgement call for them is a bit silly.

If I GM an RP there are people I will not allow in it, and there are people I will accept without a sheet given my level of trust in them. Every GM has to make that call based on their own experiences.

100% agree.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity I have to say I understand your frustration, I just don't see this as a right answer to the problem. A blacklist is more preferable, but even then, *who manages it* *can we manage it on site?* *If not where do we host it?*

I have a personal blacklist with names of people I don't want to roleplay with on my discord server. I suggest you make one too.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity Yes, GM's should have to do that. Moderators aren't responsible for your RP failing or succeeding. 'Don't leave RP's without saying' isn't part of the rules. I think that it's more reasonable to expect GM's to sort of take a look at who they're taking in. When I GM, which isn't often but frequent enough to say I have a good amount of experience, I take a look at potential recruits and ask around a bit in the already accepted members of the group if they know the person.

It doesn't take much time. Building and using a system to give people negative karma for flaking out is probably more time consuming.

If this ends up becoming a thing and I get negative marks, guess I'll just make new accounts.
<Snipped quote by mdk>

But the British don't have Mexicans. They have the Polish.

Admittedly pierogi is fucking delicious.
@Pseudo Stygian welcome, and do enjoy your stay. And yes, scheduling isn't something I'd inherently prescribe to 'free'. Your best bet might be to do a 1x1 if that's the type of play you're after.
@Hank perhaps it's not so much a problem as it is something that we can work on. For me, I'd like to see the arena become more active, even if I don't participate. Making the arena active is something that we should all be striving for here too, even if it's not inherently problematic. You'll agree that if arena got more activity, that'd be a good thing, right?
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