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not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
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do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Cana Good to know. I'll make sure to shoot you a mention when it's around.
@Infamous Empath I was alerted to the fact that it was 'a tavern type' RP. I didn't even know that was a thing. I was just interested to see what people would come up with.

@ArenaSnow Very well, thanks. And you're right, it's a little more closed - I intend for it to be.. semi serious and definitely focused on character development. Having people from strange universes doesn't really fit that, imho.
@Andreyich I mean it's not entirely the purpose, but hey.

As long as you don't meme in my thread.
@Buddha So let me get this straight. We simply make a character from one era of humanity and have them interact with others from other eras ? Ok. Sounds interesting-ish.


Would you be willing to say if there would be an overall plot (maybe a murder or something) or it will be simply sandbox?

There could be. As of yet, I am aware that there is no sensation that will keep people interested. If character development and exposition isn't something you like, I'm afraid that no matter of overall plot would keep you interested in this RP. I intended for it to be a slow burn.

Also. If I understood right, we can't have characters from...let's say...the future?

How would you suppose that such a character looks, does, acts, talks, what manner of events can he talk about? I'm willing to hear your case, but I don't think it'd be wholly fit for this RP.

The Setting | |

The Time Pocket Lounge is a lounge set in some alternate dimension of spectacular design. Not only is time irrelevant here, as evidenced by the fact that people from all era's are in the lounge, it's also in direct contact with earth itself. Nobody quite knows how or why, but some people just happen to find themselves in this lounge all of a sudden. Faced with a sudden new location would be entirely alarming, but it seems that this universe has accounted for that, and the moment a new arrival appears in the entryway, they feel a sense of calmness and familiarity overcome them. Not only that - no, that would not be enough to prepare them for the technological shock they were about to endure. Besides the calming nature of the universe, it also somehow informs them of the workings of the lounge at the moment of arrival.

There will be no cavemen swinging their giant club around because they are confused with the concept of beer, oh no!

The machinations of the Time Pocket Lounge are mysterious and none have quite managed to figure out how it works, but really, what need is there to figure anything out at all if you are faced with such luxury! You have but to imagine it, and it will appear. This Soviet Cosmonaut wants to have a karaoke hall? So be it! A door opens and a cozy karaoke hall presents itself! The Cherokee warrior wishes for a smoking lounge? So be it! Yet another door opens and presents itself with a cozy smoking lounge!

The opportunities are endless, but if amusement is not your thing, fear not, the wide variety of drinks (namely, every drink to exist and have ever existed before!) will be more than enough to sate your alcoholic desires!

So, take a seat, and enjoy your stay in the Time Pocket Lounge! It's not like leaving is an option, after all!

The Premise | |

In this roleplay, if there is enough interest, we will take on the roles of characters, original or 'canon', from historical era's of our world. So, think among the likes of cavemen, hunters and gatherers, geisha's, samurai, cowboys, soldiers from world war one or two, etcetera. Any era is possible, so long as you remain in the existing history of our world. Know of an interesting historical figure you'd like to portray? You can play them too.

Suppose they somehow arrived in this lounge where they can relax and hang out with other people from other era's (or the same, if luck favors that). They can talk and discuss, they can engage in activities together, in short they can interact with each other in any way possible. Always wondered what a Soviet soldier would say to a samurai? This is your chance to find out (or rather, fabricate it yourself). Nothing, thus, is out of reach.

Or is it? Although this is an RP that focuses on the interactions between characters, and yes, that might mean characters that are radically opposed to each other would meet, this is not an RP for fictional battles between historical figures or ideologies. Let's suppose that there's some sort of effect over everyone that prevents harm from befalling anyone.

This means that the RP is highly based off of dialogue and interaction. As such, the players make the game. The way this will take place is thus entirely dependent on the players and how far they are willing to go to create interesting dynamic and dialogue. Consider it, if anything, a way for aspiring writers to improve their dialogue writing skills, and their ability to immerse themselves in a character. That means, yes, you may and should create a character that has interesting views, view that are outdated or that you disagree with. For the sake of character development, why not?

And with that, I must bid you, farewell and goodbye. I hope to see your interest!


The Setting | |

The Time Pocket Lounge is a lounge set in some alternate dimension of spectacular design. Not only is time irrelevant here, as evidenced by the fact that people from all era's are in the lounge, it's also in direct contact with earth itself. Nobody quite knows how or why, but some people just happen to find themselves in this lounge all of a sudden. Faced with a sudden new location would be entirely alarming, but it seems that this universe has accounted for that, and the moment a new arrival appears in the entryway, they feel a sense of calmness and familiarity overcome them. Not only that - no, that would not be enough to prepare them for the technological shock they were about to endure. Besides the calming nature of the universe, it also somehow informs them of the workings of the lounge at the moment of arrival.

There will be no cavemen swinging their giant club around because they are confused with the concept of beer, oh no!

The machinations of the Time Pocket Lounge are mysterious and none have quite managed to figure out how it works, but really, what need is there to figure anything out at all if you are faced with such luxury! You have but to imagine it, and it will appear. This Soviet Cosmonaut wants to have a karaoke hall? So be it! A door opens and a cozy karaoke hall presents itself! The Cherokee warrior wishes for a smoking lounge? So be it! Yet another door opens and presents itself with a cozy smoking lounge!

The opportunities are endless, but if amusement is not your thing, fear not, the wide variety of drinks (namely, every drink to exist and have ever existed before!) will be more than enough to sate your alcoholic desires!

So, take a seat, and enjoy your stay in the Time Pocket Lounge! It's not like leaving is an option, after all!

The Premise | |

In this roleplay, if there is enough interest, we will take on the roles of characters, original or 'canon', from historical era's of our world. So, think among the likes of cavemen, hunters and gatherers, geisha's, samurai, cowboys, soldiers from world war one or two, etcetera. Any era is possible, so long as you remain in the existing history of our world. Know of an interesting historical figure you'd like to portray? You can play them too.

Suppose they somehow arrived in this lounge where they can relax and hang out with other people from other era's (or the same, if luck favors that). They can talk and discuss, they can engage in activities together, in short they can interact with each other in any way possible. Always wondered what a Soviet soldier would say to a samurai? This is your chance to find out (or rather, fabricate it yourself). Nothing, thus, is out of reach.

Or is it? Although this is an RP that focuses on the interactions between characters, and yes, that might mean characters that are radically opposed to each other would meet, this is not an RP for fictional battles between historical figures or ideologies. Let's suppose that there's some sort of effect over everyone that prevents harm from befalling anyone.

This means that the RP is highly based off of dialogue and interaction. As such, the players make the game. The way this will take place is thus entirely dependent on the players and how far they are willing to go to create interesting dynamic and dialogue. Consider it, if anything, a way for aspiring writers to improve their dialogue writing skills, and their ability to immerse themselves in a character. That means, yes, you may and should create a character that has interesting views, view that are outdated or that you disagree with. For the sake of character development, why not?

And with that, I must bid you, farewell and goodbye. I hope to see your interest!


@Vordak I had already considered that, and figured it wasn't worthwhile for me. I'm not playing to win, I'm playing to have fun. Having weakness in my character seems the easiest way to do that and force me to have to think. If I were to implement a plan for every potential weakness by just putting in a new power, that'd be rather silly. Hence I said offensive abilities, because it should match his overall theme.

I want my character to be a dumbass that just charges into battle like a moron. Besides, I made it a pretty big point that he doesn't really have 'powers' as much as he's just in tip-top shape. Besides, I imagine that if he grabs a player and puts them in a headlock, his superior physique would mean it'd be hard to escape that, no?
@Vordak That's a good way to tell me nothing at all. Got any suggestions that are offensively oriented?

捨てます, discard




Sutemasu has an explosive personality - he's easily rattled and will charge into battle seemingly convinced he'll come out unscathed. The many scars on his body are a reminder that this is not always true, but the fact that he is alive despite his nature seems to prove a point regardless. For this reason he might be easily convinced into a ruthless assault, lacking the clear mind and vision his opponents might have. This is balanced out with sheer power and perseverance. He will continue where others would fall down and die - this is not something purely physical, it's also something in his personality. A fighter will give up once the pain is too much, a warrior will continue to fight against the odds so that he may die fighting. It is this philosophy that causes Sutemasu to fight and it's this philosophy that gives him youth. After all, what greater opponent is there other than time?

The man wears a long skirt of sorts with enough width to allow him to move in whatever way he wants. And yes he wears underwear underneath, wishing to spare his opponents the shame of having to look at his privates. Other than that he wears nothing else. No better weapon exists other than the weapon given to man by nature, their body.

Overbearing Attack:
Though the overbearing attack is less of an ability and more of a style, it is worthwhile mentioning here for a lack of better placement. Though Sutemasu lacks any ability, magical or otherwise, his extreme physique are more than capable of balancing this. His body is hardened and his muscles are strong, and for an old man he is remarkably quick and flexible. He's too old to fight! some might say, and in response he'll flex his muscles and call you a whippersnapper. His overbearing attack is purely his style of attacking - determined to destroy the enemy and beat them to a pulp, his fists and arms are like cannons that fire round after round.

tl;dr he is very strong, has a large stamina pool and is very nimble, to counteract the fact that he's got no real abilities. Dude is basically the living embodiment of 'while you were studying your magic, I was lifting weights and doing cardio.' Of course he won't be hopping around dodging every attack. He's a human after all.

Will to Power:
Sutemasu has the will to power - he will keep going no matter what. Break an arm? Yeah it hurts. He'll just use his other arm to beat you to a pulp. Somehow he is capable of mentally blocking out the pain of such things, so that even if you throw a gigantic rock at him, he'll tank the hit like a champ, cough a bit and throw up some blood before attacking you again. He's not really done until he's dead, so to speak. Of course, he still takes damage. He just doesn't really feel it.

Menacing Presence:
His sheer physique and impressive stature are more than enough to give any mere thug reason to pause, and consider turning away from this old man to pick a more opportune target. So, for his opponents, perhaps this will have a psychological effect on them, causing hesitation or no. Perhaps not. That really is up to them and their mental fortitude.

Unwavering Chargé:
Once Sutemasu sets out to attack you there is very little you can do to stop him. And given his nimble and aggressive nature, you better be equally as swift. He'll come in and won't stop coming until he's had enough. And Sutemasu, Sutemasu never has enough.

Experience level:

@Rilla for your consideration, good sir.
When Grim gets off her fat British arse and does something yeah.
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