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1 hr ago
Current what the frick
21 hrs ago
i see you stalkers that hate me cus they aint me and i suck toes and you don't. baby blue toes in my mouth, sucking.
23 hrs ago
red skull, nuclear death
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1 day ago
fledermaus you're a freak, get a life and a job
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1 day ago
it's ocean wide puddle deep and its not a big ocean altogether. it's horribly broken and overpowered but when has a CK3 DLC not introduced horribly broken and overpowered mechanics?


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by TheTwistedOne>

A blood ritual doesn't always have to result in death, I have seen where just the spillage of blood and whatever other rituals is enough.

Once on some show, the blood ritual used just the amount that came out from a pin prick.

I mean, summoning an ancient god that has been locked up for x amount of time would probably require a bit more than that, but I get the gist of what you're saying.
@TheTwistedOne It's said that the Prophecy is the key to unleashing the Forsaken, though, so I kinda assumed they were evil. But that's fine too, I reckon I'll just create an interesting story.
I'm also sick.. took me forever to write this.. point out anything I need to look over >.>

Did you get someone for the totally evil character you needed yet?
@Warborn123 How many RP's have you GMed?
<Snipped quote by Lurking Shadow>

Tyranny is not a solution, no matter what the problem is (unless the problem is "Man, we're not messed up enough"). Democracy has made things immeasurably better. The current world order is as good as it's ever been, so I say we stick with that for a while.

Democracy is only good as long as your population is not ignorant and maintains their knowledge of (insert topic at hand) before voting. A similar but far inferior form of democracy, idiocracy, is very dangerous. And, on principle, I also disagree with democracy.

I'm curious how you dictate world order is good, or what criteria there are for that?
Hello, Faith here. I had another account "mihigh3725" and it got banned. I'm not sure if it was because I started a roleplay with the friend who invited me here without introducing myself? I've read the rules and I don't think I broke any of them... can someone help?

I'm assuming your name triggered the anti-spam bot.

@Hank @Mahz @Ruby @NuttsnBolts
@corneredbliss @JBRam2002 Then I think there's no point in continuing this RP. Thank you for the time you gave it, I suppose, but it feels fairly strange to say that given how little time we actually got to spend roleplaying.
@BigBadSentryGun Welcome to the guild! It does seem great. With writers this great I can only assume you'll find something worth your while!
<Snipped quote by Odin>
We've been waiting 8 days since the last post. I don't suppose another two weeks would harm much. I would let the others choose whether they wish to continue though. I'm kinda tied down to @corneredbliss with my PC, so if she goes, I will probably drop as well.

We'll see. I promise to do my best but if someone else can take over sooner that'd be welcome as I am limited with my time.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

I've tried that as well. Sadly I used to have two good roleplaying friends; The one that I am still friends with doesn't get on much so there really isn't a point in asking them. I've tried to get into other threads and make new roleplaying friends but the luck I've had lately is.... well, nicht gute.

I find it's easier to find people into the same things as you and make them into your friends, than to make friends and then see if they like the same things.

Consider finding an RP that you like then, and sticking with it and chatting people up. A friendly bit of banter goes a long way.
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