Avatar of Dion


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15 hrs ago
Current i see you stalkers that hate me cus they aint me and i suck toes and you don't. baby blue toes in my mouth, sucking.
18 hrs ago
red skull, nuclear death
1 like
24 hrs ago
fledermaus you're a freak, get a life and a job
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1 day ago
it's ocean wide puddle deep and its not a big ocean altogether. it's horribly broken and overpowered but when has a CK3 DLC not introduced horribly broken and overpowered mechanics?
1 day ago
using the new DLC to be a mongolian adventurer with a 10k stack of MAA with insane bonuses so I can stackwipe armies 10x my army size and never settling down because camps have elect. primogeniture


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I like to poke darker subjects, like experiments on humans, but I find that 99% of the time it's not done for roleplay value but just because these people get off on it. When I think of this, I think of it being death-camp nazi experiment style - it's definitely bad, it's definitely not ethical, and you're probably not using willing subjects. But it's for the sake of science.

What I'm not really interested in, and what it seems to be portraying 99% of the time, is sexual fantasies.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
I second displaying the old names. I want to collect names of Gods and deities.

Just kidding, I want to be able to continue my witch hunts even after people change their names. Where's my fucking pitchfork.
@Mae I'll have something for you, around tomorrow I think?
@Mae Pray tell, is a slot still available for this? The premise sounds amazing but I would hate to intrude on an RP with an established group.
@Angry Friend Why are you capitalizing random words?
I'm pretty new to this whole roleplay thing, but I hope to learn more through the people on this site and by roleplaying here. As well as help myself find the courage to just do the things that interest me without worry.

Thank you.

Welcome to the guild then, enjoy your stay!
Roleplaying career: I have role played off and on for almost 20 years. Cut my teeth on yahoo groups and msn groups. Had a stint on live journal and insane journal in my college days. Now I mostly RP with my family during our DnD nights. It has been a long time since I've role played in this format though.

Roleplaying preferences: I really enjoy low or high fantasy the most. I haven't really ever been part of a scifi rp. I may have to give it a try.

Hobbies and interests: Table top rpgs, video games, reading, and wood working.

I'd love to see some of the wooden items you've made. I'm not someone that does it but I like looking at it, so if you have time to show off, you should make a thread in the off topic section.
@0AngeldeviL0 It would be helpful if you listed your interests or ideas for a plot/setting.
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