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7 hrs ago
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10 hrs ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
11 hrs ago
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Peridot right, so that's pretty obviously placed there, right behind literally the line that says what to do.
Having to stay in place to charge an attack is kind of a weakness, as the method to counter that ability is clearly just to run up to them and hit them.

Depends entirely on context - a good writer will turn the limitation into a weakness (and write that out). A poor writer/a powertripper will just leave it vague and just say 'he has to stay in place' which isn't a weakness on and of it's own.

More often than not, I skim. However, given that the title told me right off the bat that it was in the wrong category I paid it even less attention than usual. As I've mentioned in other topics that drew into question my copy and paste welcoming post, this is merely to increase my post count. While many may not understand or care to understand, the fact that I had a lower post count than days on the forum tweaked my mind for whatever reason. But it has driven some interesting interactions as some newcomers take it upon themselves to follow up. It takes five minutes of my time on the guild before I move to my composition and gives others the impression that others might actually have a real interest in their being here other than for their own gain. So take it for what it is worth, and worry your pretty little head all for naught.

your post count is rookie numbers even with artificial inflation
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Penny laughed, so it was funny.

i'm gonna laugh-emote my own posts so that i can call myself funny
<Snipped quote by Raddum>


Just because the teenager on the other end thinks I'm angry

i'm 2 1 bro

grow up lol

@PrinceAlexus I need to see the original post to make an estimate as to 'how obvious' it is but from what I can see, you can quote GM post and 'see' the hidden portion easily.

<Snipped quote by Grim>

That is simple, yet amazing.

bro this is a feature in most ~~~free~~~ forum setups. rpg doesn't need any of that free crap. RPG is like the home made hand-milled coffee that tastes like shit but 'you have to appreciate the flavor' because it's artisan handmade coffee.

Seemed appropriate-
<Snipped quote by What people try to do for weaknesses on a CS>

I think the more annoying one is when people pass off 'limits' as 'weaknesses'

`my character can't use this technique for more than 2 seconds`

y-yeah that's a limitation on it's use but how do i surpass the technique or overpower i-

`he has to stay in his place for 2 whole minutes to channel it first`

y-yeah but how do i bloc-

`it drains a lot of his stamina`

<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Is it really funny? You don't seem to be particularly amused, quite the opposite really.

i don't think this came across nearly as funnily as you imagined. unless you actually take his comment that seriously.
@PrinceAlexus but then that indicates that the 'prompt' was visible if you used that.. right?
@Raddum We really don't. I'd normally PM for spats or report them. But that's not how this forum has worked out.

@Odin Yes, proofreading would help. Because you'd know I never mentioned anything about swear words. Along with everything else you ironically call me stupid for when -you- don't comprehend something I said.

I don't really see how, besides 'swearing' I've flipped shit. I just called you an idiot.

This is my last reply, because I don't feel like debating with someone without a hint of self-awareness.

u a lier?????
<Snipped quote by Odin>

My nice, rude and curious reply all at the same time.

Nice: Yeah I figured, that's why I crossed it out.
Rude: Rhetorical means question I don't want an answer to.
Curious: Are you actually autistic? Why can you speak casually sometimes, but flip shit at other equally innocuous sentences?

Because you attach too much value to my (swear)words and think too little. Whether you wanted an answer or not is irrelevant because you got one anyway.

Because you're blind.

Because you're the fucking idiot.

Because there's a smudge on your screen.

No, I'll go with look at my obvious numbering on your own quotes that I made for easy reference to which paragraph/sentence I was talking about. Though growing up in general would be a nice start. This is my last reply, because I don't feel like debating with someone without a hint of self-awareness.

It is entirely logical for me to look at my own quoted post again after posting it and knowing what I wrote, you are right.

<Snipped quote by Odin>

The man who said "dark ___" said.

Covered my bases, you see.


still too dark damnit
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