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8 hrs ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.
9 hrs ago
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
you mean you've been exiled... that's badass
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@PrinceAlexus I question whether these ideas endure. There are very very few people nowadays who carry on Hitler’s exact ideology. Neo-nazi’s are not the nazi’s of 1940. Same for confederate’s.

Of course they have changed but I’d argue changing neo-nazism still doesn’t mean triumph.
I sometimes find it hard to turn off my realistic brain for more fun loving role play. It is like being in a Disney movie, but being from the real world and being a realist haha.

Role Play: "Lets have a fun school based spy role play!"

Role Play: "Students are 15, laughing, flirting, and chatting and talking about this and that."

Me: "Will our characters have to kill people? Cause it doesn't look like any of our characters have ever done that."

Note this is in no way a criticism of the role play or anything. More just my inability to sometimes have the same mindset / tone as a role play presented. Anyone have any advice on how to work on breaking out of that type of mindset?

Maybe you don’t have the same vision of reality as me - if you live in Uganda I presume school children who are 15 that HAVENT killed are rare and school children that HAVE killed are reality.

Sounds like you’re not looking for realism (your suggested question shows that) and more the opposite. I don’t see why you’d change that rather than embrace it. You don’t HAVE to like fun settings where the sun always shines. You get to choose that yourself.

Read the setting and read it correctly. If someone proposes a fun scenario where the setting is happy and whatever, the question “will we kill people” isn’t really relevant. It’s not about mindsets, it’s about reading the setting and understanding it.
<Snipped quote by NuttsnBolts>

Ideas die hard.

If they where easy to kill off we would have no Nazi, confederates, or others still running about and still dangerous. Even up to a Century or longer after Thete defeat.

what the fuck

you can’t “defeat” an ideology, only the people believing in it. you do that either by total eradication, erasure and removal from history (so you holocaust the shit outta them) or you just remove the ideology by making people believe in something else

trying to kill an ideology by defeating people is pointless. it only strengthens the ideology - look at ISIS
@Frizan I know you have yet to receive any... confirmation on your posting, but consider this.
@Ms Patoots Which slur? Because queer actually means strange or odd. And now that I think about it, fag is British slang for a cigarette.

yeah and the swastika is a symbol used by many others beyond the nazis but i'd still think twice tattooing it on my fucking forehead

Not naming any names, but I sometimes encounter people incorporating homophobic slurs into roleplay, either as something a character says, or simply in narration. And it immediately puts me off the roleplay. Even if they correct the usage once I point it out, I'm always left with that niggling doubt in the back of my mind. "Am I roleplaying with a homophobe." I don't like the idea of that, but i also hate the idea of dropping a roleplay due to personal differences. I don't know. I'm a confused mess about this and needed to vent, and maybe get some advice.

surtr already summed it up so i'll just follow it up by saying you sound stupid

that is entirely my own subjective analysis of what you just said but you just sound stupid, sorry
The individual, (not on this site), that makes me look like a natural joker due to an inability to take any sort of joke or read beyond literal interpretation. Including being derisive to folks without even understanding the tone of that conversation or thinking beyond "well this literally is not this though" and frequent efforts to be all-knowing and eternally right.

Doesn't even shitpost, just... shits on people.

It is that you clarified that they weren't on this site or else I'd feel like this was throwing shade at a few people on RPG.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

The way life works they will always win in thr end.

I really don’t care.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

What about dying?

Presuming that the meaning of something working is succeeding in your goal. If your goal is to die, that means if you end up dying you did it well (enough). So it also goes for dying.
Subverting tropes only works if you do it well. I'd never want to be a Rian Johnson.

(insert thing) only works if you do it well.

Things tend to not work if you don’t do it well.
I get that people can be retarded, but is it so necessary to publicly confront them about it and yet again derail the Bitch thread? Talk to them in PMs about it and tell them to stop, and if they don't, get a mod involved or whatever. A public witch-hunt isn't exactly the best way to deal with the situation.

this is what irony looks like
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