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16 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
2 days ago
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3 days ago
ah alts
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3 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
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4 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Sandboxes are inherently a purposeless pursuit of 'what is interesting to me' and can only be pushed forward by incredibly driven players and this, on it's own, already signals that the GM is kaka because he can't find a way to drive the players himself and relies on them to drive themselves - essentially, you're expecting a character and their player to give themselves purpose and ideally give others purpose. Given the standard of writing prevalent on ALL roleplay websites and the fact that succesful roleplays all have at least one thing in common (a driven plot, or at the very least story arcs that aren't sandbox) leads me to belief that sandboxes are, in fact, kaka, and kill roleplays simply because they can only succeed when a player is driven.

And, in the end, when that one driven player is left, it's not a roleplay but a monologue.

And at that point one may argue, SO IT'S THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE IF ALL PLAYERS ARE DRIVEN????? TOUCHÉ ODIN to which I say yes, but you're living in a fantasy world where communism might succeed because theoretically it might and nazi's were sweet kind boys because theoretically they could be, but I'd kindly invite you to come back to reality and face the symphony of truth.
IDK about sandboxes being a principal issue, but yeah, a lot of sandbox RPs rarely work.

they're the principal issue
Sandboxes. Sandboxes kill RP's.
the black tiling is a nice touch too, really artistic
@Stormflyx nice sandals
<Snipped quote by Mara>

<Snipped quote by Odin>

I do have to question when these fuckers existed, because I don't remember them either. If anything, people tend to be assholes the more you go in the opposite direction; Advanced has never been anything but polite and welcoming for me. (A shit writer who tries to avoid the Casual turmoil)

I think the people who couldn't/didn't want to write at advanced level were just looking for excuses and figured 'the people there aren't nice ANYWAY' would suffice?????
@Mara yeah I see what you mean now my bad. I mean it's kinda dumb because advanced RP's playerbase is like pretty dead compared to when it was full of elitist snob (if they ever existed, because I certainly don't think so lmao). So that argument doesn't really make sense to me. But there are like numerous factors that can go into this, like intimidation or laziness (huh i can write 20 paragraphs i just dont WANNA spend more than 20 minutes on my post...............), lack of time or whatever.

None of that goes for high cas because you're essentially writing at advanced levels while making it artificially casual, but that doesn't even work because most likely you're still spending the same amount of time on the rp lol
@Mara yes but he's not asking about the subforums

he's asking about the self-invented ''high casual'' tag and whether using it makes you a coward. there's no high casual subforum (description) so nothing you said applies to it
I'm 100% convinced this was a shitpost from the start


deadbeat informed me that his friend from nyc robbed someone (and that this wasn't a shitpost). he was probably just off some good shit when he wrote this, because that's how he usually writes literally anything
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