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14 hrs ago
Current remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
2 days ago
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3 days ago
ah alts
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3 days ago
what does mules mean in this context
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4 days ago
Epic win!


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

[...] half the time you got people who think they're being sexy [...]

Almost sounds like real life.
In hmm 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum

What times suit you the best?
20:00 (GMT+1).

What role do you like to play and what characters are you best with and/or enjoy playing the most?
Don't care, I mostly play braindead characters like Hanzo, Mei, Roadhog...

What game mode you prefer or are happy with? List all that apply, or just put 'Any'.

What platform do you play on?

What Battletag/PSN/Xbox Live name do you go by?
So on the level of 'is it ok?' I'd say it's OK so long as everyone included in the RP is enjoying it (because that's what matters). Something I've noticed on RPG specifically is that there are a lot of underage roleplayers or roleplayers that appear underage that RP smut. But overall the smut community on RPG seems to be pretty dead or is more prevalent on other websites that cater particularly to writing smut (because as much as it pains me I cannot call it erotica when you write a paragraph about 'stick de pepeepee into the vagene', lol).

I've also noticed that a lot of the ERP on RPG is super low quality comparable to free RP levels of writing (oneliners or single paragraph) which isn't a problem but just doesn't do anything for me. Combine that with low-brow writing styles, word usage and overall not the greatest sense of literacy and you basically have the perfect means to make any literotica writer shake their heads and move to greener pastures. I'm not saying this is bad, since as long as both sides enjoy it, I'm OK with it -- I'm saying it doesn't do anything for me.

I've also had some bad experiences with partners whether it be unsolicited OOC stuff that I wasn't interested in or just downright weird stuff that wasn't sexual but just made me really uncomfortable.

This is my reasoning for mostly passing on the matter of ERP.

But literotica is something else entirely to me, but it's just impossible for me to find partners that write literate erotica and who I can get along with.
In hmm 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum

In hmm 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum

In order to be accepted to anything in life, there are typically some sort of requirements before you can be admitted to whatever you're requesting to be part of. This includes the shinobi academy in Amegakure no Sato -- and the roleplay too. Below are some stipulations in what we are looking for in a character:

  • Genin
  • Born in, or grown up in Amegakure
  • Resides in Amegakure and has resided there for the duration of his/her enrollment in the academy
  • Fresh graduate, between ages 13-14 (timeskip will occur later, so no worry - you're not stuck playing a baby forever)
  • Decent backstory, not an over the top edgy sobstory
  • Motivations for things that aren't 'standard' make sense and withstand criticism (ergo, he has a sharingan because his dad is Uchiha really doesn't make sense as you are in Amegakure)
  • Character is psychologically fit (enough) -- or can pretend to be
  • Character is capable of performing at an average level in multiple fields of shinobi arts (no one trick ponies)
  • Operates at a level one would expect from a genin (slightly above/below is fine)
  • Either shares a theme or a backstory with the rest of their team (added later on)

  • Ware ware wa... Pain. Kami da. My word is law. I am 100% okay with you discussing things with me, but when discussing turns into argument, I want you to remember who is the GM and who is not. Sway me with suggestions, not harsh words.
  • This RP is highly collaborative. Discussing and collaborating together is not an option, it is a duty to all those who enter this RP. We intend to capture the dramatic nature of war and the periods following that - to create an epic story where everything is connected. Failure to collaborate will mean failure to include yourself into the story. This is not an RP where you can RP in your own corner.
  • I'm looking for a high standard of writing. If your clan idea is 'they r the epic god of war xd clan' then I'm not gonna accept it. Come up with interesting fresh ideas that take root in the Narutoverse and everything will be fine.
  • This RP will likely move slowly. I'm thinking that a post every week or every two weeks from a member is fine, so long as OOC communication doesn't halt. Preferably we include longer, better thought out posts and collaborative efforts. Think Naruto exposition, where characters are yelling at each other constantly about why they are using this specific super cool jutsu. I don't want you to just destroy the world. I want you to explain why you're doing it, how you're doing it and above all, I want your character to cry during it because his qt3.14 girlfriend died when he was 10.
@Odin looooooooool, i guess we could have a swear fest xDD

As much as I appreciate swear fests I'm gonna pass on those for now, if you don't mind.
@shokhanFazla bilmiyorum sorry. I have some Turkish friends and that's about it. Unless you want me to swear at you, I guess.
@shokhan Günaydin, iyi aksamlar and geceler.
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