║ Name ║Anjun "Jun" Bradford
║ Birthday & Age ║August 22, 1999, 17 years old
║ Gender & Sexual Orientation ║Male & Bisexual, though he isn't open about.
║ Other Labels ║Adoptee, Atheist, Liberal, Artist
║ Occupation ║He works at the campus library while also selling prints of his stuff online.
║ Appearance ║The first thing about Jun is how pretty his face is, with his thick, wavy, shoulder length black hair that frames his deceptively delicate face, high cheek bones, slanted brown eyes, and thin lips. His skin is pale, not in a pasty sense but not tan either. At first glance his body fits the figure his face presents, sans his above average height of six feet nothing, with his weight of 140 pounds. In truth his figure belies his litheness and muscularity, hidden if not for Jun's propensity to wear simple, loose shirts. Perhaps it is a way to tell the world that, hey, he's someone that shouldn't be messed with.
He often wears simple clothing, seemingly to give a finger to fashion and style. Simple colors and utilitarian styles make up the majority of his closet, save for the occasional dress piece that he is obligated to have. The only thing that Jun splurges even a little on is his jackets, which is odd considering how little he generally cares for his clothing. Biker, fleece, bomber, you name it he probably has at least one.
Under his clothing, however, Jun hides scars from his childhood. His upper thighs and back are dotted with cigarette burns and there are two Chinese zheng characters scarred in between his shoulder blades , souvenirs from the orphanage his foster parents saved him from. Jun hides them as best as he can, but he tries not to let on how much they bother him.

║ Personality ║The Positive:- Loyal
- Self-Aware
- Intelligent
- Patient
The Negative:- Pathologically Altruistic
- Cynical
- Secretive
- Drifting
- Sarcastic
What You See:
To the outside world, Jun puts up a detached and polite front to those he isn't close to. That is not to say that he fakes a personality, but rarely does his other half show when he's like this. In a way it's his "professional" face, one meant to keep distance between him and the other person(s). This leads to an air of aloofness that makes it difficult for others to interact with him and not feel as if he's not really paying attention to the conversation. He is hesitant to give definite promises to people, with holds information, and passively tries to end conversations as quickly as possible. For the most part this is limited to anybody outside his group of friends and adults he's comfortable around.
What I Know:
When in the presence of people he feels comfortable with, his personality changes drastically. In particular his sense of humor appears, which can only be described as a slightly more sarcastic, punny, and erudite Cards Against Humanity. However, he still does not like giving definite, always leaving a way out of anything he does. He wears his cloak of urbane crudity proudly to cover his heart. That heart is that of a scarred and bruised romantic, selfishly selfless towards his relationships. He will always put others before himself, with little more than a quip or dismissal, even to his own detriment.
Without a center, Jun would just drift off in seclusion or wanderlust. He will occasionally "disappear" from any interaction for days at times, ignoring any form of communication save verbal, only to reappear in a conversation at random. He brushes off any attempts to dig into his disappearances with ease, but will hide behind his shield of snark to fend off determined attempts.
As well, as the the traumatic experience of almost being raped as a child still scars him somewhat even ten years after the event. For example: he flinches when ever he sees or smells cigarettes, he dislikes staying in poorly ventilated areas, and he really doesn't like it if his hands are forced behind his back. He has recovered remarkably, though, all things considered and he recognizes how lucky he was and is to even be able to have any sense of "normalcy". He has also repressed his memories, and even lost the ability to speak, read or write Chinese, though he can still understand the language.
Perhaps the truest part of his self is that romantic, the one that persists despite his cynicism. The part of him that wants his friends to be happy, the part that believes the life is the meaning of life, the part that, despite himself, always tries to see the best in everyone.
Jun knows his faults, and though he wishes he could be more honest, he knows that all he has are masks.

"Nothing is more real than the masks we make to show each other who we are. "
- Christopher Barzak, The Love We Share Without Knowing
║ My Dreams ║Jun just wants do something where he'll be able to do something he likes while enjoying the other thing he likes. So far that translates to, "I don't gotta do squat till next year."
║ Fears ║- Cigarettes
- People only liking him for his appearance
- Being dependent on others
║ Likes ║- Music, any kind really
- Platonic relationships
- Roleplaying
- Writing
- Drawing
- Day dreaming
- Contrasting food textures
- Romance novels
- You know what, just books in general
- If he's being honest, escapism in an even general sense.
║ Dislikes ║- Sour foods
- Romantic Comedies
- Questions regarding his scars
- Others seeing his scars
- Pity
- People focused entirely on physical appearances.
║ Brief History ║Right, so Jun's story begin in Harbin, China in the year 1999 when he was born to an unknown mother and left in an orphanage. As he grew up, he was picked on due to his looks and small size. When he was five, however, something changed. The orphanage's director took an interest in the young boy and befriended him, giving him little gifts and treats until the day it happened. He had called Jun to his office that smelled like cigarette smoke and had forced him to strip. There was little the boy could do as the man took his time, smothering his cigarette out on his legs repeatedly. Every time Jun cried out in pain, the man would cut his skin to form Chinese tally marks. It was after the tenth mark that a miracle happened. A woman came barging into the room, demanding to see the orphanage director. What followed was a localized media circus that barely made touch with the US.
That woman was
Dr. Harriet Reynolds-Bradford, wife to retired Iraq War veteran
Sergeant Samson Bradford, who had gone to Harbin to find a foster child after it was found that she was barren after she had been treated for cancer at the age of thirty. She quickly took the scarred boy back to her childhood home of Westworth, Colorado and raised her as her own. All three members of the family have lost something, which tied them together; Jun his innocence, Harriet her fertility, and Sam the sight in his left eye and the lives of his men. The three of them helped the others heal their wounds and move on in the ten years they have lived together.

║ Extra Curricular Activities & Sports ║- Art
- Martial Arts
- Elective: Art
- Elective: Creative Writing
║ Reputation ║Jun's that one smart kid that you can't decide if you like or if he's just some smarmy asshole. He's the most likely to get that obscure reference that the English or History throws in, while also tossing in his own two cents and tidbits. He's also known for his horrifying humor, joking about anything from the ineptness of the Fourth Crusade to implying(read:mocking) "Westworth's distressingly small gene pool" to creating a limerick off the top of his head about the futility of life and how the sweet release of death is the only thing worth looking forward to. The final thing he's known for is challenging someone to a match of chess-kickboxing and winning, albeit barely.
║ Best subjects, Worst subjects ║Best:
- English
- History
- Art
Worst: - Science
- Math
║ Extra information ║Samson runs a gym that Jun trains at and Harriet works at the local hospital.
He wears his hear long in honor of his foster mom, whose hair was about that length when they met.