Avatar of Divine Ferocity
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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    1. Divine Ferocity 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current {Bio finally updated. Enjoy~}
8 yrs ago
{Just got here, no idea how anything works or what anything is. But I'm optimistic. (: What's up, everyone?}


Terlin Niugami (Maiden name: Terlin Lockharde)
From her village being put through frequent raids and arson as a young child, to living alone in the wilderness for a year as a kid, to being kidnapped by pseudo-humans and sold into slavery, to leading a brigade of misfit mercenaries before their untimely and universal death, to her planet's falling under the vicious attack of space pirates - Terra's been through it all. She's mastered the use of various weapons in her time, from the traditional swordsmanship to archaic styles of fighting taught to her by her late mentor. Through being tortured, whipped, and worse, she's built her pain threshold to insane levels, rendering her nearly impossible to debilitate through even horrible flesh wounds in battle. She's developed nature-oriented magic in her recent time on Earth, and (given any natural resources) can Macgyver her way out of nearly any situation. Through nature, nurture, training, and living through all manner of hell, Terra's become a borderline natural machine - and few have what it takes to approach her.

While her kind could be mistaken for humans at first glance, there are many anatomical differences. Externally, her dark mocha skin is patterned with red-brown markings akin to those of a python or other breed of constrictor. She has peculiar irises made up of flecks and chips of two different colors, as well as an extra set of extra-sharp incisors in her jaw. The grip strength of her joints and jaw is 6,400 pounds per square inch - almost twice that of the known limit for natural creatures - and she has a higher strength to muscle mass ratio; this means that with even minor training, the strength and skill of her muscular system could outweigh even highly trained athletes of the human race.

Internally, she has an advanced form of respiratory and cardiovascular system, which allows for quicker oxygenation of blood, faster immune response, quicker reflexes, and more rapid bodily repair. Her digestive tract puts ingested material through an unnaturally strong acid-bath, which makes her nearly immune to toxins, viruses, or bacteria found in raw meat or other things she ingests. She also has a bizarre skeletal system, where her collar bones and hip bones can disconnect from her main skeletal system and sink into her flesh; this allows for her to fit anywhere she can slip her head and one arm.

TRAITS: Kind, loyal, protective, mildly possessive, loving, solemn
DISORDERS: Amnestic disorder, episodal atelophobia, cyclothymia, episodal insomnia, nightmare disorder
ADDICTIONS: Hot chocolate and making lo- that which shall not be mentioned
LIKES: Loved ones, the beach, swimming, carving, tree climbing
DISLIKES: People who try to harm her or her loved ones
QUIRKS: Technologically "challenged", sometimes behaves like a child

While Terra likes to think of herself as a hardened survivor of persecution and war - which she is - she has a vulnerable side, which is seen only by those she trusts wholly. When it comes to facing her adversaries, she is ruthless, and will not stop until the opponent is unable to get up or until they beg for mercy. However, if there is a personal matter involved, she is not often merciful, and can be more vindictive about the way she handles a situation. Whether by her upbringing or simply her nature as a woman, has an inherent maternal instinct that can be seen toward relatives, certain close friends, and children, in which she strives for nothing less than their complete safety and prosperity. She is diligent and determined in all that she does, and the rare times she does give up only occur when her loss of touch with her inner self causes her to have a loss of hope.

While she is anything from vigilant to caring and protective in her normal state, the interference of her antithesis, or "yin," causes her to take on an entirely different personality. She becomes driven by solely primal desires, typically in the form of bloodlust, though intensified lust of the body may also be displayed. She loses all traces of maternal or vulnerable behaviors, and often will attack even those she (in a normal state) considers friends or loved ones. This state also lends her heightened physical strength and reflexes, and completely nullifies normal pain response - even in the presence of mortal wounds such as losing a non-circulatory organ or half of her body's blood. This state begins with self-deprecating thoughts as well as thoughts suggestive of an inferiority complex within her brain - as though it were a second person altogether - and accelerates into the physical loss of control later on. It is still unclear what exactly triggers this side of Terra, and it will persist until she regains control of her mind and, consequently, her motor functions.

She was married to Niukii Niugami (King of Giants, or The Giant King), not long after her introduction to Earth's solar system.

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It was a good thing that the lofty lover had repeated his request for her preparedness - because the first inquiry had gone right over her head. The spritely yet worn young woman listened, of course, or intended to, but so much information overwhelmed her consciousness much like how a myriad of new scents flooded the nose and brain of a canine. The new technology her husband had taught her of, a new planet with new creatures, new power from her training... all of these things, whirling together in an epitome of novelty, and taking her varying attention span by the back of the neck. She was fixated upon the concrete and glass jungle below them, and it was a marvel - even from this absurd height, her multi-layered oculars could detect most of the details of the buildings below, and even a few occupants here and there. Her mouth waters faintly, and she wonders if there was a delectable dish being served below, or a primed game animal that somehow wandered into the clutches of civilization. It was a little absurd, perhaps... but with senses about nine times as powerful as the most developed ones known to Earth, it was hard not to be distracted or intrigued with such possibilities.

Niukii's second clarification, despite the vicious zephyrs that spiraled about them, makes it to her sensitive tympanum. She tilts her head fifteen degrees upwards in that direction, as if this somehow perfected the faint sound that reached the drum, and gives him a smile as bright as the sun. A curt nod follows, before the complete levity melts from her features as she looks to the ground miles below. Two sets of sharper-than-a-canine's incisors knead her bottom lip, a bit of apprehension prickling up her spine. While it was a perfectly evolutionary fear, she had never been fearful of heights, never experienced vertigo. However, she was still aware of the danger. Niukii had trained her with her newfound resilience (along with a power she had perfected) how to survive this long drop. Still, the thought of jumping wrong, changing at the wrong time, becoming nothing more than a reddish splatter on the pavement... it was sobering.

She'd forgotten, momentarily, that she was far from alone, and far from unsafe. She was a capable woman, with a capable lover. This mission - or at least, the simple part of landing okay - would succeed without fail.

She only has the reassurance of the animated heart that briefly appears in her field of vision. She'd answer in kind and with a roguish smile - if she'd even used this technology correctly, that is - before she follows Niukii out of the hatch, jogging the few steps before leaping off with the confidence of an Olympic diver.


A few instants before she hits the ground, she squeezes the rubber lining of part of her gear, knuckles going white with the force...
And her body and the armor around it ripple with transparent waves before the color of the blue-black rubber creeps rapidly over every inch of it. The impact on the debris of a building, already demolished by her lover's descent, was trivial now. Her rubber body bounces off to the side, which alarms her some, but it's no matter. Once she is mostly grounded, she releases her hold, and her body is once again composed of all different manner of chemicals and compounds. She stands, dusting off her pants as if she'd merely tripped into pre-existing rubble. "Now, where's my beloved gone...?" She comments absently, innocently - as if they hadn't just obliterated a major institution of some kind.
{-Sits next to boyfriend with popcorn, waiting to read replies-}
Hey there! I'm Cassie, and I roleplay an original character of a fantasy race I've created. I'll probably have new info for her up later, but since this is OOC.. ahem.

I've been roleplaying for about seven years or so now. This character I use has been worked on for.. around four of those years. I enjoy a lot of genres, it really just depends what I'm in the mood for or what others wanna do. I tend to run longer and more detailed when I write.

What else.. uh, my house is pretty much a mini zoo, and my irl boyfriend joined along with me (his name's The Giant King, go check him out!) I like writing, drawing, and aimlessly browsing random stuff on the internet. Nice to meet all of you, and don't be afraid to kick up a story or something with me! :D
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