Blade and beam would contact one another for a split moment before the force of a channeled disjunction meeting the volatile energy caused an explosion that would knock corban several meters back, leaving a foot-deep, three foot wide impact crater. With a focused precision-blast of wind made-pool-cue, he shot himself some good forty extra feet away like a runaway billiard ball. Steaming irrigation canals detailed his flight path, and as the hamster ball rolled to a quick stop, the extent of the beam had been made known. Corban had recalled the disjunction used just moments prior and set it upon Ishtalle to sublimate a decent portion of the beams energy into a wave of sugars and salts that would wash over either combatant like a warm wave of summer. The spare energy diffused into kinetic slipstreams that would punch through several patches of his barrier and robes, burning his left shoulder and right rib in minimal coverage second-degree burns.
Fingers thoughtfully touched over one of the several holes in his robes as he ruminated for half a moment on his mistake, water pooling around his burns as the graphene threads sewed themselves shut over top of them. He was not green to pain, but the touch still made him flinch ever so slightly. Traps like that rarely found purchase. This one almost did, and he acknowledged that fact. His tactics and thinking would need to reflect this development. "Hm, I was being careless..." he said, more to himself than anyone else as he clenched his free hand into a fist. "That won't be happening again."
The first half of the circuit was already complete, albeit somewhat damaged. All that was left to do was finish it. In a flash of violet flame the air around the coccoon crystallized, material filling its broken gaps as it amalgamated in arcing lightning feelers into a complex reinforced diamond-oxygen chrysalis. It was further insulated against magical forces, owing to its already natural spell-resistance and was home to roughly a million carats. The shadow within shrunk marginally, hair exploding forth like ribbon sillhouettes. The operation lasted all but two and a half seconds, and only when the chrysalis collapsed, its fuel spent, was the truth revealed.
Where once stood a man there now was a woman, hanging robes altered aesthetically into a black and white trimmed, ankle-length jacket with metal-plated gloves woven onto the sleeves. The set even came complete with a wonderful wide-brimmed and pointed hat. The overall aesthetic made her look like a pretty, albeit dangerous dark sorceress, something befitting the so-called "world destroyer". The light-blue blade-flesh that lay beneath was infused with the disjunction that had been placed on Ishtalle, properly owing to her title as a Gestalt. Crimson eyes were now cerulean blue, and brown locks seemed to float as if submerged in water.
The sword, now inexorably connected to the host body[1] was perfectly recreated before her, dumped into the earth blade-first. Creating carbon-copies of herself was no issue for the half of the equation that was Ishtalle within the new body, so long as they were summoned within a two meter radius. 'Crystal', as this body was lovingly named, circled her hand, wrenching it from its place without haptic contact as it returned to her. Taking a Gedan-Kamae stance, her free hand amassed the remaining crystals from her incubator into a fused, multicolored hollow centerpiece. With a flick of the wrist, she tossed it skyward where it vanished into the wild clouds of the storm.
"Prepare yourself with whatever amenities you like, mage. For you shall need them all!" she said before craning her head back and summoning forth her best impression of an evil laugh. If she were to be hunted down for some unnamed villainy, she may as well play the part straight and true! Myron's master may have been able to see the future, but it didn't take a clairvoyant to know that the flow of the battle was about to change.
[1] Crystal - Fusion product between Corban and Ishtalle.
Note: I was unsure if the aerogel was still in effect or not as of Innue's judgment, hence it not being re-mentioned.
@DazsosHey I'm not an asshole! Pissant is far more accurate xD. In any case, I'm not too proud to admit I was just a little more than volatile back there as well, and id like it to be known that the feelings your expressing are exactly mutual. I have the utmost faith and commitment in my actions, and I am willing to get as boringly scientific as it takes if we will be involving judges. I still think ny physics argument is an incredibly fair one.
As for 'blocking full powered energy beams', how is that either high powered or high tier? The attack had no preps and Corban specializes in defense. My defense also was appropriate for the situation. If you really want to get technical, I put a lot more time and effort into my defense than you're first attack, which you just flung at me. That isn't even taking the distance between us into account and the fact no speed or comparable speed was given for the beam, so I assumed it wasn't moving that fast. I vehemently still am of the school of thought that 'ease' is not a factor in determining high tier and low tier, but scope and power.
I also don't get where you're getting all these measurement and data points. Exactly what source states that ice magic is inherently slow? And it isn't working at light-speed at all. It's just doing what spells that are activated do; activating upon release. The thing being activated just so happens to be a kinetic drain, which again I see no reason for having to be slow or any less fast than it is.
About the book, I said it could capture it, and not did capture it, because that would be autoing. Based on your own descriptions, the book is well within the blast radius, and blasts cover ground quickly. I'm not saying it can't be moved. I'm just saying you'd need a convenient, and good argument for relocating it fast enough to satisfy me, because to just let it go would also be completely ignoring a tactical move on my part that I spent a loving amount of time crafting. I'm not going to be an asshole about it if you do decide to try to have it escape, but if I am not satisfied we probably will need Innue to judge again to avoid further infighting. I really dont like it.
Edit: Argument redacted. I'll just roll with the punches in the name of fun. I am tired of arguing. So from hereon I will not be complaining unless it is something highly unbalanced or a match-deciding oversight or something.
Do you have any idea how much energy is in a lightning bolt? Are you aware a lightning bolt can be as hot as the surface of the sun? This spell has not even approached that level. And now you're building theoretical arguments? It couldn't expand 80 feet because that much liquid couldn't logically fit in a single clone. I also recall in pm's I asked for specifics on regards to where your book and positioning was in relation to Corban, and you said the book was about 12 feet off to either left or right, and corban was already fairly close to you when you let the water out, so your book would be well within that thirty foot range, given positioning.
Innue has already said she is fine with my casting times, unless I'm misreading her previous judgment. So once again im leaving that to her.
The post stated it 'would draw all the kinetic energy away'. Whether you interpret that as absorbing or not doesn't matter because the end result would still not alter the fact that it would not be able to receive or build kinetic energy, because both explanations have the same effect, the ice being immovable.
And what do you mean 'all kinetic energy is connected'? That, on a surface level is untrue. The liquid can't draw away kinetic energy outside of a few inches from its physical components area. That's why the liquid is there at all, to also serve as an outliner for its range. It doesn't stop time because it doesn't effect time at all. Time is a dimensional abstraction, and this spell is not functioning anywhere near that level.
His movements were also hidden behind a diamond storm. That's how he did it without giving himself away. Keep on ignoring clear logical flaws in your arguments, it makes picking them apart far easier. Complain about 'opnis' all you want. There is nothing op about it and this is another perfect example of you backdating and pedaling. What makes you think corban is not highly skilled with ice magic? I already explained twice now ice is an interesting crystal, and on top of that ice magic falls under his primary vocation of evocation. Talk about repeating things! He is quite skilled in ice magic, buddy.
But we're leaving this to Innue, right? With that in mind, I am removing myself from the discussion until her judgment is made.
Edit: And in what, like two posts you summoned an absolute barrier of 'division', which stopped essentially any conceivable attack outside of perhaps gravity. So our power to preps ratio is clearly out of whack.
Edit 2: I also don't find the cryo spell to be that powerful. It accomplishes the exact same thing as the spell 'zone of stop', and functions on a plane right above 'zone of slow', which I'd say are pretty average-level spells. And I already said we could put a post count on the time that the liquid will remain active. I'm not quite comfortable with one post, but if that's what it takes to get this ball rolling again then fine.
First of all, I'm more than willing to take my clone to court. Innue is free to judge. I've laid my arguments out plainly. Secondly, I'm describing the interactions between our spells based on physics principles and laws. I'm not applying anything to your spells that shouldn't be there within the context of my posts.
A cryogenic LIQUID, yes. A liquid that absorbs kinetic energy. Your argument is still flawed severely. Your ice does not need to have kinetic energy. And the answer to your 'cuz magic' statement is, no, it wouldn't rob your control because it's magical, it'd rob your control because it would absorb any kinetic energy you apply to it. Just saying you'll 'add kinetic energy' to it would not logically work given the nature of my spell. It would absorb any kinetic energy applied and the ice would remain in the same immoveable state. I have been anything but 'cuz magic', buddy.
As for its wide radius? There were easily over 15 gallons of liquid in that body. Quite enough to cover the distance I've mentioned. You say you want to leave this to a judge as well? Perfectly fine by me.
You being able to control your ice that 'has no kinetic movement' is an oversight of physics on your part, because it makes no sense, unless you're 'pushing' it with telekinetic control. Ice still can move, examples being ice bergs. Its entirely different if the ice was unable to even receive kinetic energy, let alone generate it. We are clearly abiding by entirely different magic systems. It would probably be best to leave it to innue.
If you still want to post that's fine, but mine will probably be postponed until @Innue makes her judgments.
Edit: I had also stopped any 'condescending' quips after innue made her judgment. Everything after that was pure discussion. If it didn't translate via text well, that's just sorta' how text is.
@DazsosIt being 'cryogenic' is a direct result of it robbing kinetic energy, which like I said before makes the 'ice' part of the equation a byproduct of the kinetic drain. I'd really, really appreciate it if you would stop trying to tell me how my spells work. You're doing exactly what I said earlier; ignoring my explanations and just reverting to your previous argument ignoring all the things said by me previously.
As for the air time, I already expounded on that. Any break in his feet from earth would be so negligible as to hardly, if at all effect the spell-connection. Now if he jumped? Different. If he was knocked off his feet? Different. But running has his feet apart from earth for literally fractions of a second at a time.
'cuz magic' is not at all a proper defense for you being able to control the ice. How can the magic move the ice, physically, if it can't amass any kinetic energy? Magic is also still energy, which means it still at least partially functions under similar laws to conventional physics. It can't is the answer, unless you give me a very, very detailed explanation of how he'd totally ignore the common laws of conservation of energy. If you notice all my spells function alongside physics, pushing its limits but never operating wholly outside of them.
Edit: the spell is a type of ice spell. It's categorized as 'ice' because it both creates ice and 'freezes' things with its kinetic drain. It being 'ice' magic is not a reason for you to be able to control it. That ignores its properties and the semantics and logistics behind it entirely.
@DazsosShe wasn't asking me to describe anything, simply chronicle where the spells were used. I also was following the rubric she gave.
Corban's clone was running fast, but the act of running never really has both feet off the ground, because that would probably end with a nasty faceplant. Even if they did by some fractional amount of time ever actually both be off the ground, gravity would bring them back down just as quickly, and thus suffer very little lag or connection speed. You're also over-exaggerating the scope of his cryo-clone. The kinetic dispersal/absorption is what gives it the 'freezing' effect. No kinetic energy means no excited particles. No excited particles means no heat. Lack of heat=cold. The two effects are quite the same, rather than entirely separate components.The clone, and its spell-sabot were summoned before he started running toward you as well. So this isn't all happening at once, or in quite the tiny time-frame you think.
I'm not entirely sure how you'd explain away moving fast enough without superhuman physiology(and you specifically stated he wasn't, though id gladly allow that to be changed for balancing) to summon that barrier in time to catch a rail gun packing about 10k joules of force behind it, even under high tier stipulations if the barrier is based on active activation, which it seems to be.
Corban didn't attack your barrier with an antimagic sword. He attacked it with the spear-drill he used to stop your nihil rune earlier, which was distinctly stated as being abjurative and antimagical in nature.
Corban is just surrounded in a diamond 'shell', by the way. No extra barrier involved. Everything was explained exactly as it happened. The term barrier simply replies to his diamond shell, because that's what it is; a barrier o_o
Edit: He doesn't really need to 'dig' through anything. His mastery over earth could easily have him move within and part it around him into canals with no issue. He is moving just slower than the clone however, but not by enough to be significant.
Edit 2: Note: The antimagic drill is no longer active as of the clone being destroyed.
@InnuePerfectly reasonable. I'm willing to limit his personal knowledge of enchantment to just general if that helps. Ishtalle does excel in it, and I suppose it does unbalance the RP to have them both be skilled in that area.
Myself personally, have no qualms with anything specific at this point in terms of the events IC. My main issue was to just contest his claims made in pm's and such. I'd actually like the fight to continue post haste @Dazsos!
Mask summon - post 4 - post 6(had to recast due to interrupt)
Corban Sublimation Turbine - post 3 - post 3
Railgun - post 3 - post 5(and 7 due to interrupt)
Cryo-clone - post 5 - post 9
There were some spell-like abilities and effects being thrown around, but not actual spells, and thus haven't been included. Among them are Dazsos' control over his books hardness, and Ishtalle's sight co-op.