Avatar of Dmessenger
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1163 (0.30 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Dmessenger 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Hey long time no see RPG, I've been having a busy life and new stuff has happened, how is everyone
9 yrs ago
i'm finally getting a rp off the ground


I have had experience role playing at a old site known as Whookos forum (I was known as Death's messenger and Zeek on there). I've always had a interest in sci fi, movies, video games. For consoles I own a 3DS, 3DS xl, New 3DS xl, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox one, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket. I have a lot of games, from the Zelda, Mario, Smash, Mario kart, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter.

Pm me if you want to add me on xbox live, PSN, 3DS, and Wii U.

Most Recent Posts

In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Hey sorry I didn't come on earlier.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Max was now in his room gathering his stuff. He took the devices that he had been secretly making. He only took his clothes and the devices since none of his books or other stuff would he be allowed to take. He then went to leave only to see his father standing in the doorway. His father walked up to him and smack him in the face. "I never want to see your face again, you are a disgrace to me and this family." Max didn't reply he only walked past his father and headed out the front door. His father slammed the front door as soon as Max had left the house. He then walked towards the sidewalk to begin his long walk to wherever he could find a new home.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Max ignored them and kept walking toward his house. He didn't want to talk to anyone just wanted to leave.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Max just took off the helmet and let it drop to the ground. He just turned and walked off stage and towards his house so he could just leave his home as soon as possible. His father had already left with his family.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Max turned to Lila, smiled and said "yes you did tell me."
Max looked at Daniella and smiled and said "Alright wish me luck"
Max then walked up to the stage. Luke (Max's father) was excited and said to his two younger kids "watch your older brother get my job as a lawyer." His wife smiled at him as they saw Max walk up to the machine and put the helmet on. Max did his best to focus on Lawyer. Suddenly the machine began making weird noises and was taking longer than usual to work. The crowd got quiet as the machine suddenly stopped. The screen was black for a bit before it then showed the word Metalheart. Max took a step back from the machine he was shocked. The crowds gasped, the first metalheart born from the upper class in nearly a decade.
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Framing A Moose I just want to say thank you, I honestly didn't want to move on without you, because that's how other rps have died. The good thing is that after this even you should be able to post when you want so if you get busy you can just jump in wherever we are in the rp.

Also thank you to everyone else who was patient. RL likes to mess with everyone to the point of sometimes going offline for a while.
my biggest pet peeve is people that create a character that is "all knowing". By this I mean when a person's character has a secret that they haven't told anyone yet and has only been mentioned as a thought bubble and another character calls them out on what the other character thought. Mind you this was in multiple rps where there were no super powers were present.

Now if a person just accidentally read a thought as them speaking that is understandable, that can be solved. I've done this, but I just don't like it when some ruins a secret that was going to be used as something to shock the characters.
(this is the beginning of the story)
This story is about a massive war that was started in between the Humans and the Demons. The war has been going on for almost 100 years and both sides now control half of the world and are fighting for control of the lande between the two. Both sides have gained huge casualties and both sides are beginning to question the purpose of the War. The Demon King wishes to end the war so he sends a demon soldier to the castle of the humans to kill the princess. Around this time some humans were planning to overthrow the King so that they can end the war their way. At the same time the Demon King's son ran away from home and now travels around the human world desguised as a Human Merchant and he has just stopped in the capital city for the night. One of the princess's loyal guards over hears about the take over and warns the Princess. The princess and the guard are now planning to sneak out of the castle and hitch a ride to a safe house in one of the middle towns.

So the basice premise is the Princess and the guard escape the take over and hitch aride with Merchant and adventures ensue (I can't give away the hole story yet)

Ok I'm looking for someone to play: the Princess (age 17-21), a Human Guard (can be female)(18-30),
I'm gonna take the Merchat/demon prince (22), and the Demon soldier(26).
this is not the limit of the characters I will allow up to 6 rpers total (not including me)
I have the short backstory to a few sidecharacters that others can choose from besides the princess and the human guard.

Human soldier: can have what ever back story just has to join the group at some point.

Orphan: a human civilian who stows away in the merchants cart and ends up joining the group. (can be male, female) (if you want there can be twin orphans instead of just one) (young in age so around 10-15)
rebel 1 : A human who was working with the guys taking over the castle who doesn't fully agree with them. they attack the group but joins them after (can be male or female)(age:17-21)
Rebel 2: same as first but can have different back story and different way fo joining the group

Optional Romance: If you want romance their can be.
Love triangle are your choice

the Rule I will create with the OCC if this get's enough interest. (minimum Rpers I will start with is 3 (not including me), because I want to at least have the Princess, Guard, and Rebel) (orphans are optional characters)

Princess: 1/1
personal Guard: 0/1
Human soldier: 0/1
Orphan(s): 0/1 or 0/2
Rebel 1 : 0/1
Rebel 2: 0/1
Demon soldier: 1/1


Demon or Human:
Affliation (King, rebels, demons etc):
In Metalheart 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
hey don't take it as this rp will end soon, I usually only think of a beginning and then let everyone else help make the actual story grow, also if moose hasn't post by tomorrow, I'm probably just going to post mine so we can continue, If she comes back she can just join in. it's one of the better parts of this rp.
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