Lex Luthor... of course! The son of the famous Lex Luthor, who was the son of the other famous Lex Luthor!!!
Mike had heard a lot about Alexander Luthor III and how he rebuilt the company and the main office. If he was anywhere near as evil as his grandfather, it was a good thing that Smoke was here.
Mike felt like such an idiot. He followed a guy called Lex into LexCorp and did not even make the connection until now. He wondered if it was all the pressure that he felt on him over the course of the day. He was so embarrassed and he wanted to just melt into nothing. But when he finally mustered up some common-sense and snapped back to reality, he realized that there was no way that a 20-something amateur magician and free-runner was going to get an appointment with Lex - and if he did, how would he find anything out while hiding the fact that he was suspicious of Lex? "Hello, Mr Luthor, are you evil? And who stole your device?" Back to the drawing board. He turned to leave, sulking as the receptionist called out after him.