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I stopped RPing for nearly a year because I've been self publishing novels, but maybe I should jump back in again.
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Stan Lee was able to create superheroes on the pages for us as kids, so we could find the superheroes in ourselves as adults.
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A local hairdresser was arrested for prostitution last night. I'm shocked. I was a customer of hers for years, and I didn't even know she was a hairdresser.

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Yes I'm very aware of that exchange.

Now Xaiver Bloodbayne is one person, and lets remember that later on in that thread he aplogised for his words, you were present for that too correct?

And yes, in a very short-handed way I did tell him not to treat a civil debate like an Arena roleplay. That shouldn't be confused with thinking that everyone in the Arena acts like that outside of IC, you don't actually think that do you?

but I believe this was also before I tried to actively participate (two arena roleplays that did not work out that were largely my fault, by the way). I was pretty transparent how it wouldn't be received well by regulars of the section. I don't think my opinion is largely the same at this point in time.

Well thanks for being honest, but people having one or two bad experiences in this forum and then using that as a way to call this entire sub-forum toxic is pretty prejudiced and short sighted.
I would love to know more, though if you wouldn't mind PMing me?

@Dynamo Frokane

Well I didn't have anything concrete in mind, but I have some ideas.

Also how do you feel about sci-fi and mechas?
To draw parallels with a tabletop game, in tabletops you have a shitload more systems. Aside from just punching a guy, you also have speech, investigation, smarts and any other manner of skills that could be useful and apply. At the same time, you're still playing in an actual world, so doing something stupid will get you punished, and this encourages, y'know, roleplaying.

Arena, however, has one goal: Winning. This does not lend itself to RP, it lends itself to powergaming and the aforementioned ego-contest going on in there. I'm avoiding calling out specific individuals, but I do mean it when I say it's *the* elitist subforum. The people there I would rather stay there, because the infrastructure of the subforum combined with the community creates an incredibly toxic environment, and when I say I want them out of my RPs, I want them out of my RPs. You can hang around in there all I want; my opinion of the subforum won't change, and this thread gave me an opportunity to share said opinion.

You seem to forget that the Arena actually has rules, and these rules are discussed by both players before any match starts (Character Tiers, Win Conditions, Banned Actions etc). 'Powergaming and ego contest' can apply to any form of competition, and that ALSO extends to regular roleplay, marty stus and godmodding certainly isn't Arena specific, it just depends on who your playing with and what restrictions you've put in place.

Share your opinion all you want but it sounds like this does boil down to bad experiences youve had with individuals and you are using anecdotes to call plenty of people youve never interacted before 'a toxic community' and people you don't want in your RPs. Well guess what, you're wrong if you think that Arena RPers dont RP outside of it and there is a good chance you already have RPd or about to RP with people from that sub-forum, try not to be so prejudiced about people based on them posting in a sub-forum you dont like.

If you have problems with how some of the users expressed their opinion on a sub-forum they don't really engage with you could talk to moderation staff.

That'll be the next step if someone calls an entire sub-forum slurs again.

Also, just because I'm not a “regular” doesn't mean I lack any insight or constructive commentary about the forum. You could start being productive by answering my questions. Requesting things to be limited in a discussion is not only insular but vacuous.

Forgive me if I don't believe you want the absolute best for a sub-forum you see little use for. Weren't you of the opinion that this place should removed/merged a few months back?

This might be one of the reasons people avoid arena – acting like a “we are tough guys and everyone is too sensitive lol”

This sounds pretty baseless, I really hope you have a citation for this.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

“Arena Regulars” YO! Deme got here damn near yesterday and he a regular! The standards are low. You should be looking for the insight of the people who are not there. There is a reason they don’t wanna hang with y’all. Maybe y’all got bad rep, who knows? Competitive rp makes people butt hurt. People hate to lose and being called out on they bs. Tbh the arena from how I see it wack af cause y’all don’t want it alive. You tagged these “Regulars” but they not making the cut. They not doing 2v2s or trying to make good stories, they not making like Npcs for the arena or making actually titles. Do y’all even update ya records? If you want something to work make it work, put the effort into it. Y’all can still be dicks and toxic, but make shit happen.

Yeah, Yeah you know what I mean by 'regular' I mean someone whos experienced with combat based 'non collaborative' combat which you and deme seem to be. Nothing what you said I disagree with the sub forum clearly needs work, but it needs work internally, it doesn't need snark, insults and personal attacks who would probably rather not see the sub-forum exist (not you personally, I mean the comments from that other thread).

And WHERE IS THIS TOXIC COMMUNITY? Y'all cant have your cake and eat it, you cant on one hand say we are non-existent and a vacant/dead forum and then the other hand say we are all toxic flamers 'who doesn't let anyone in'. I feel like its easy to insult a low population forum because you know you can avoid backlash.

Sounds like you are a 'Casual' level writer which is where most of us fall anyway.

Welcome! I take it if you like Fire Emblem you might be interested in a large scale fantasy war RP with nations etc? Let me know if you want to know more.

I'm going to guess @HaleyTheRandom wanted your opinions on how you felt about the categories of the forums in terms of writing as apposed to personal feelings you have about people who frequent sub-forums. Because then it quickly turns into the Roleplayers bitchfest thread again and we all know what happened to that.

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
I guess the best approach outside of defaming individuals who don't have any interest or fondness for the section

Personal attacks on 'the community' is more than not having interest or fondness Gowi. Try and be a little honest here.

If you want to become a mod one day I guess the best approach is to judge personal attacks/borderline flaming like you would with any other sub-forum/community that you want to become accepted with.

Also there was reason I tagged actual arena regulars with the question, if you don't partake in these RPs then your insight is going to be limited.

Sarcasm aside I mostly agree with you.

Strong effective counter protesting and exposing those on the fringe does work.
Intimidation and violence is what emboldens people.

I think the fact is that everyone knew they had eyes on them and for the most part didnt really get into any fights, also a lot of the big names in the alt right includinf spencer, anglin, cantwell just straight up decided not to go because it was 'bad for optics'. The only 'leader' there was the fat, arrogant, borderline 'alt lite' Jason Kessler who is unpopular in his own circles and a total nobody to everyone else.

It was a pretty toothless rally from the jump.

Awesome, next post is yours, the stun baton shes laying next to is going to short ciruit and the explosion of electricity is going to restart her systems and 'wake her up' but she will have no memory and little to no understanding of the world around her.

Youre up!
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