Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

4 hrs ago
Current Soul, the memes of DNA
4 days ago
Gotta get a bed big enough to fit all the dogs
6 days ago
I’m with you - I wish search engines would let you disable AI results 😓
9 days ago
Send me your rain 🥺 I’m in an excessive heat warning until the 7th right now 😭
1 like
10 days ago
As long as you meet the gay requirements and the crimes are against mega corporations, legally you can’t get in trouble… Right? >:3


If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 28
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

RP Style

POV: 3rd Person > 1st Person
Genres: Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, Slice of Life,
Character Types: Cinnamon Roll, Submissive, Gentle, Chaotic Gremlin, Jokester/Comedic Relief,
Genders: F > NB > M
Tropes: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Damsel in Distress, Tragic Backstory
Types: Casual, Advanced, 1x1
  • More than 1 sentence posts (Usually go for 1 paragraph)
  • Big overall plot w/ lots of subplots to keep it interesting
  • No OP characters
  • 50/50 collaboration
  • Equal amount of characters (1 for 1, 2 for 2, etc)


Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss


  • ‘Tempests and Slaughter’ by Tamora Pierce
  • ‘Finding Camelia’ on Manta
  • ‘The Last Straw’ on Manta
  • ‘Too Cute to Handle’ on Manta
  • ‘Raffine’s Plan: Save my Favorite Character’ on Manta
  • Midnight Mass
  • Sunny in Philadelphia
  • An Incurable Case of Love
  • The Resident


  • Social Path - Stray Kids, LiSA
  • Sweet Tooth - Scott Helman
  • Dysmorphia - girli
  • russian roulette - Ryan Mitchell
  • Pretty Lies - SouMix, Brad Arthur
  • d e a d - Madeline



  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Musical Theatre
  • Video Gaming
  • Sewing
  • Roleplaying
  • Photoshopping

Fandoms/Things I like:

This list will forever be under construction and never in a particular order


  • The Legend of Zelda (Favorite Game: Twilight Princess)
  • Sailor Moon (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • Rick Riodin’s Percy Jackson Universe
  • Fruits Basket (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • ‘See You in My 19th Life’ (Both the Manwha and the KDrama)
  • Studio Ghibli
  • ‘Sweet Home’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)
  • ‘My ID is Gangnam Beauty’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)


  • Scrubs
  • Shadow & Bone
  • Jane the Virgin
  • New Amsterdam
  • Bridgerton
  • Evil
  • Supernatural
  • The Walking Dead
  • Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Community
  • The Good Place
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra (Animated Series)
  • The Owl House
  • Kipo
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Good Girls
  • Arrested Development
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • You
  • Dead to Me
  • Archive 81

International Shows
  • Business Proposal
  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  • Cinderella and the Four Knights
  • The Glory
  • All of Us Are Dead
  • King the Land
  • Squid Games

  • Demon Slayer
  • My Hero Academia
  • Black Clover
  • Parasyte
  • The Imperfects
  • Arcane

Books, Manga, Etc

  • Chibi Vampire (Manga)
  • Tamora Pierce’s Universe
  • Entwined by Heather Dixon
  • Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale


  • Stick It
  • Swan Princess
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

I haven’t been playing video games lately, but once I pick them back up again, I’ll make this list

Most Recent Posts

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

Hearing Cass’ laugh makes me smile each time. I easily keep my balance and my grip on Cass as we battle for victory. It’s pretty even until Kat gets a good hit to my gut and I start to double over. Trying to make sure Cass doesn’t get hurt, I pick her up as I’m bending down and tuck her into my body as we fall off the beam. Luckily, the foam cubes work well. “Cass, are you okay?” I ask, holding her in my arms for a moment as the adrenaline wears off. Jane and Kat are doing what I can only assume is a victory dance on the beam. I’m close enough that I can reach them with my arm, so I knock them off to the other side of the foam pit with a laugh.


Location: Driving - Chicago, IL

I kick my legs lightly as Caden drives. “How’d you two meet?” I ask, glancing between the two of them. If I ask Cass to tell me more about Caden, I feel like she’ll pull the ex-lovers card on me again - which is fine, I don’t mind it so much, I just want to get more info about Caden that won’t make me get my claws out too. “Oh and how’d he convince you to work for him?”
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

“How long have you been old?” I shake with laughter and try to calm down so that Cass doesn’t worry. When rules are mentioned, I’m first to speak up. “Can I propose no aiming at Nic’s groin? Really we shouldn’t be aiming at anyone’s groins for that matter.”

Jane laughs. “Down Nurse Wu, we won’t touch your twig and berries.”

“My twig and berries thank you.” I say with a small bow of my head.


Location: Outside Drug Store - Chicago, IL

I’m smiling as I skip along with Caden to the front and to Avery. I nod my head when Caden says Costa can do the legwork. “It’s the least he can do - I don’t like that we have to do all the work for him… again.” Granted, Cass did most of the research on the Chimera case - I just flailed about trying to make my powers work.

I peer up at Avery as we walk. “So, how long have you worked for Caden, Avery?” I ask, purely curious. I would love to get to know his unique breed of werewolf too, but I figure there would be plenty of time to crack that riddle.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

“Cass, how old are you?” I try to say in a very serious tone, but end up laughing instead. Easily standing up with her on my shoulders, I hold onto Cass’ thighs for stability. “Also, don’t worry - I won’t let you fall.” I assure her, taking the foam staff that Jane is offering me and holding it up to offer to


Location: Drug Store - Chicago, IL

I peer owlishly up at Caden, ears a bit warm from shame. “That sounds expens- wait, sorry, I forget who I’m talking to.” I chuckle sheepishly. “Alright, spoil me further, I guess.” I relent, beaming up at him. “Also, don’t pretend the camera would be for monster hunting.” I wink cheekily at him.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

Now that makes me laugh fully. “Scout’s honor, I won’t haunt you.” I promise with a crooked smile. The kids who went after Jane and Kat have already finished and moved on to the next thing, so I take a step away from Cass and take a squat. “Hop on spider monkey.” I tease. Who knows if she’s seen the Twilight movie and will get the reference, but it’s a ridiculous line that lives in my head rent-free.


Location: Drug Store - Chicago, IL

I’m a little terrified at the expression Caden is making. “Um… yes? I dunno, I had the last phone for like a couple decades with no issue, but it didn’t agree with your pool.” I realize I had told him I only had the house phone before. ”Oh! I’m sorry I lied about having one to you before… I was still a bit wary of you and Cassi.” Feeling guilty, I look down at my feet, scuffing the floor with my toe.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

I grin, chuckling a little. “The best in fact. As for believing me, I’m a terrible liar so you’ll know right away if I’m fibbing.” I tell her. Kat manages to catch Jane by surprise and knocks her into the foam pit. The two finally notice us and join us where we’re spectating from. A couple of kids have been waiting patiently for their turn and quickly take over the beam.

”How do we feel about a game of chicken?” Jane agrees right away with no hesitation. Kat and I agree to be the supports, with Jane riding Kat. I lift my head off of Cass and pull away a little to see her face. ”Will that be okay?” I ask quietly so only she hears.


Location: Drug Store - Chicago, IL

I grin in victory of our success of finding the right scent. “Oh, well we’re here I should get a phone.” I mention to Caden, turning a little to look up at him. “I can go grab one while you two check out if that’s easier.” I say. It’s not glamorous, but burner flip phones have served me well enough so far.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

I can’t help but snort at that. “I mean, girlboss and all that, sure, but I wouldn’t say I’m attracted to those two.” I chuckle, shoulders shaking with laughter. “Jane and I were top of the class in pre-med so we become friends through our competitive sides taking over. I peer down at Cass with a smile. “If she says she was the top student, it’s not true. Don’t let her lie to you.” I wink before continuing. ”And then I met Kat through Jane. I think Jane said she met Kat at a gay bar or something one night.” I shift our positions a little so I can rest my chin on her head as we watch the two.


Location: Drug Store - Chicago, IL

I sidle up to Caden when he puts his arm around me, appreciative of his touch even if I know it’s to stop my gremlin excitement from going crazy. “So… old lady rose lotion kind of smell?” It’s a common scent I liked to use for torturing in Hell - it garnered some good reactions from the damned souls. The memory isn’t as fun to think about with my perspectives now - sure, my torturing of souls was much different than most, but I still did things that weigh heavy on someone just now developing a conscious.

I grab one with a cheetah print pattern design and hold it up for Caden to check, needing a distraction.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

I chuckle, enjoying that she’s picked up some of the personality traits these two have. “It’s pretty rare for Jane to lose her cool - she’s the department head for the emergency room after all.” U tell Cass as I Jane taunt Kat. “Luckily for Kat though, she’s works for the defense attorney’s office, so not much throws her off either.”


Location: Drug Store - Chicago, IL

“I’d like that.” I tell Caden with a grin before getting in the car. I follow the men into the drug store when we arrive. I couldn’t smell what Caden and Avery could, but if they found the perfume here, I could get a whiff for reference. I prance about as we head inside.

“So, did we notice if there were anything specific about the perfume other than cheap? Like, floral, fruity, or ‘manly’ in scent?” Men’s scents and names for things were always so stupid - besides, leather and wood scents weren’t just for men anyhow.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

I chuckle, amused by her reaction. I desperately want to wrap my arms around her as we watch Janet and Kat spar, but I’m worried that’ll come off as too much. I settle for lightly wrapping an arm around her shoulder instead.

“Any bets on who will win?” I ask Cass, looking down at her. Kat is tall and relatively athletic, but Jane plays dirty and uses her short and curvy stature to every advantage. I’m just glad that they’re keeping their trash talking PG-rated - there are some families with kids here after all.


Location: Outside Police Station - Chicago, IL

Even if I can’t emotionally connect well to others, I’m happy to see that I can help a little. A startled squeak comes out of me when Caden pulls me close to him and I grin, wrapping my arms around him as well. I look up and beam at Caden. “Yes please!” I chirp. “Someone got me all these clothes and I want to show them off.” I flash him a cheeky wink.

Honestly, I just like being with Caden, no matter the circumstance. A small part of me that I’m in denial with is scared that I’ll have memories resurface and Caden won’t be there to help me through them, but I shove that to the back of my mind for now. I just want to be with him, that’s all.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

Chuckling, I watch as she puts her hair up and can see just a twinge of blush run across her ears, but I decide not to tease her about it. Now that I know she’s at least interested in me too, I feel silly that I didn’t notice her reactions before. Jane is right; it’s obvious that we’re intrigued by each other if nothing else.

“I’m just saying, carrying you bridal style would have been fun.” I say with a wink. I can see how hard she’s trying to make sure she reaches the others in one piece. It’s adorable.


Location: Police Station - Chicago, IL

I beam up at Caden when he says I did well, adding a skip to my step as we exit and head for the car. ”Oh, that’s what the shopping is for.” I say, feeling a little dense that I didn’t pick that up earlier.

“I’ll bite anyone who gives you a hard time.” I tell Avery with a toothy grin from beside Caden. “You just give me their name and I’ll make sure they stop bothering you.” I’m not actually going to go around biting people, but I know how rough it can be having a preconceived notion floating over you.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Altitude Chicago Trampoline Park - Chicago, IL

I scoff. ”You wouldn’t break me.” I tell her, following her as she carefully made her way towards Jane and Kat. Briefly, I wonder if she’s self conscious about her weight. I enjoy her curves, but if she’s worried, I won’t push it.

”I think you forget that I work out often.” I say to her, reaching out to teasingly muss her hair a little. As a nurse, I see doctors dismiss valid symptoms and complains often to perfectly healthy people often just because they aren’t super thin, but I made a vow long ago to only use weight as as probable cause for ailments when I’ve dismissed all other possibilities.


Location: Police Station - Chicago, IL

I flash a grin at Costa as Caden drags me away before I turn to walk in pace with Caden. ”Sorry, I did try to play nice.” I say, looking up at Caden to watch his expression. I briefly glance behind us at Avery to see if he has anything to add.

This puzzle would be difficult to solve, but I always did like a challenge. I stop suppressing my excitement and happily wiggle as we make our way out of the police station.
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