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@Double Capybara You want me to change the shape of the mountain range for the Darkened Spires by shortening the horizontal pieces, yes? That means I have to redraw it, because it'll look ugly if I just select one half and drag it into the other half.

No, I want to take the whole thing which used to be called Darkened Spires before Ilunabar moved in, and take it all east, so the mountains are almost at the oncea and there is more free space in the west.
@WrongEndoftheRainbow What do you mean by manual drawing? If it is on a layer of its own you can move the layer. If it is on the map you can cut it.

I have never met anything like what you are describing before, and I have done quite a handful of maps before.

Could you give me the layered file so I can check what is the issue? Otherwise your map will be canonically wrong in my area.

What is stopping you from moving the mountains close to the shore going in a direct line west? Isn't the mountain thing in a layer of its own?
@Double Capybara I'm not sure how possible that request would be, it may just have to be a world-map local-map difference. There's a lot of shuffling around of the landmass and icons I'd need to do. I question if it's really worth the time when a small divergence between the two maps would be perfectly acceptable.

Dude, just move the mountain layer a bit and change the landmass.

Something like this (sorry for my sloopy edit, it is based on a thumbnail after all.)


As I said, I would like if the Mesathalassa kept the shape of the new map since that is what I'm currently working on.

Something around this shape (ignore the colors, except grey, which is the holy site)

Also, southern islands are decorative and not official, but if you needed an idea for a shape and location for those, you could also transfer them to the main map.

Areas in red were deleted from the map apparently due to Inkarnate's limited size. I think... we should just return them when given the chance. Mesathalassa also lost a lot of land, but I like the lean strip of the new one (and I already based too much of my time on that size.)
@BBeast There are too many sources mentioning it to be round, hell, my Pictaraika shrines are supposedly in a perfect circle.

I will be doing something with the surface so I need it to be the least the size of an European country. Of course, the one in the map is too big, but what isn't odd after the change to inkscape?

Anyway, a smaller Pictaraika just means a larger twisted forest. As it needs to be a barrier.

On a side note, how would we expand map borders? There are things in all borders. In an extreme case I could shift the sea west a bit and the mountains down a bit. Where the land strip is shorter.

I'm really pro-making the map more detailed so it can contain more things, places like the Mesathalassa and the Firewind are the size of small continents in comparison to Earth, surely we could do more with those zones.

If things get too messy though...

We could....



This is my current personal map of the region, pink is barrier forest to be. Idk how big that means the mountains will be.

@Kho I kinda need the Pictaraika to stay as something that can block passage to Mesathalassa, along with the messed up forest on its west(comming soon), it is an important thing for me. Though if needed the thing could go down on that circle.

Eitherway, I think I will be making my own version of the map. I already have one for Mesathalassa anyway. It doesn't need to be official either, just something I will share.
@Muttonhawk Shrinking back to the old map sizes would be interesting, but I think the main problem in here is that Inkarnate is a pretty map make that is actually very trashy mechanic wise.

We also need a larger map because soon we will have more and more named important cities.

And what is up with you and the creation of more and more oceans? Are you team aqua?

If anything we need islands is the seas (exception being Jvan's since she is a islaphobe.)

@Antarctic Termite bout dreams, I think J-girl could quite easily create some sort of wiretapping (actually neurontapping) in the brains and get what she wants. She could quite easily induce bad dreams.

But remember, no taxation without representation.
Those barbiranians build things? >.> (edit: technically it was still Persia when that was built, so the fragility of my propaganda-induced understanding of modern-day Iranians remains just about intact. Whew, close one there Big Brother.)

Eh, the name change to Persia to Iran wasn't really radical, people there called it Iran already, and since 1930's Europe was all about Aryans, the Shah was like "Wait, my country is literally called Land of the Aryan in my language, screw that greek name, call me Iran now." (Not the exact words of the Shah)

Scholars debate if that was a smart decision or not to this day, one side goes with "But that is what we call ourselves." other side goes with "But in the west people mostly know our culture with Persia related terms, like Persian rugs, Persian cats. They don't associate the ancient heritage of Persia with Iran."

Anyway, in a side note about names, Iraq's name comes from Uruk, after multiple translations.

And changing a bit from that area, Brasil's name comes from a local tree that was "red like brass" (1º trigger phrase to very anti-communist compatriots who avoid anything red) but in an odd coincidence, Celts used to believe in a mythical island across the sea called Hy-Brasil, with no relation whatsoever to the former's name.
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