Those barbiranians build things? >.> (edit: technically it was still Persia when that was built, so the fragility of my propaganda-induced understanding of modern-day Iranians remains just about intact. Whew, close one there Big Brother.)
Eh, the name change to Persia to Iran wasn't really radical, people there called it Iran already, and since 1930's Europe was all about Aryans, the Shah was like "Wait, my country is literally called Land of the Aryan in my language, screw that greek name, call me Iran now." (Not the exact words of the Shah)
Scholars debate if that was a smart decision or not to this day, one side goes with "But that is what we call ourselves." other side goes with "But in the west people mostly know our culture with Persia related terms, like Persian rugs, Persian cats. They don't associate the ancient heritage of Persia with Iran."
Anyway, in a side note about names, Iraq's name comes from Uruk, after multiple translations.
And changing a bit from that area, Brasil's name comes from a local tree that was "red like brass" (1º trigger phrase to very anti-communist compatriots who avoid anything red) but in an odd coincidence, Celts used to believe in a mythical island across the sea called Hy-Brasil, with no relation whatsoever to the former's name.