Imperial Reform Bill
The Help Me Be Lazy BillSubmitted by: His Kholiness
On: The Last Day of the First Year
WHEREAS this first year of our approaches its completion
and WHEREAS it is the purpose of Divinus to become a completely player-run Roleplay
THE Imperial Reform Bill is put forth:
I'm going to share the stat file with you all, and each player will be responsible for ensuring their stats are up to date and correct. The turn update will be posted by a randomly chosen [read: trustworthy >.>] player whenever said player feels it is appropriate. Are y'all good with that?
Signed: Kho
Players handling the stats is great, since we are a stable community and all the players here are greate people who would never try to bamboozle others.
The second however, that one is a bit tense isn't it? Due to the different play styles the perception of time is quite different. I'm sure the time in which I, whose character has been out of might for 4 months, would call a turn and the time someone who is at risk of losing might to Fate's Might Pot due to going overboard would call a turn are very different.
Not that I think that a static turn time would be any better, I just think the decision is one that must be thought with a lot of care.