@Vec It is still 2007 in my heart.
@Double Capybara I've unfortunately not gotten round to reading and rereading the rest the IC from page 11 yet. I'm sure your Maeus post is very interesting and I very much look forward to reading it and all other posts just as soon as I've finished up with some commitments that have reared their head now that exams are done. And I've overburdened myself with other RPs to, which is never nice :|
@Double Capybara You didn't confirm whether you took Maeus or not - I feel you spoke with me about it before...
This was going to be a prologue to Osveril's introduction collab, but I realised that it was sort of irrelevant and, being dialogue, much longer than the content was worth. Also, no more double post, I guess.
Today we learn that Jvan has a surname, and that she originates from the Oldguild Divinus version of Galbar, complete with some very old but familiar gods.
I really wanted to get an important post in before the end of the turn, but damn it, no one has posted since the Aitiraq/Toun collab. I may have to be a rude, uncouth, and downright savage person and double post in IC :C