Avatar of Dr Lovecraft
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    1. Dr Lovecraft 3 yrs ago


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Current Still looking for players for Reality's Heroes, a Casual, Multi-Fandom RP starting in Hyrule.
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Still need players for Reality's Champions, a multi-fandom RP. Starting world is Hyrule.
3 yrs ago
I just wanted to listen to a silly song about beer from 2011. Instead I get a song about people partying during lockdown. All because Corona is the name of a beer, a girl, and a horrible virus.
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Multi-Fandom RP, looking for players- roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Looking for a co-GM for a fandom RP.
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The Medic: Word Count: 1,232 (+2)
Level: 2 Exp: ////////// (13/20)
Location: Sandswept Sky; Crown of Sand

The Medic dismounted his new friend as the sandstorm finally subsided, the dragons who had summoned it having been dispatched. The Medic barely had time to catch his breath and begin investigating his own wounds when a familiar voice called down to them. "Ach, hello, your highness. Hello, Fraulein Poppi." The Medic panted. While he had made sure to use correct prefixes, he didn't bother putting on the same airs he had before. If the big bug was so special, she could fight next time. When Poppi offered to heal him, however, he gave her slightly more attention. Before he could inquire how, she produced a glowing cartoon heart and pressed it into the Medic's chest. Instantly his wounds were healed, but more importantly, the red haze that had hung around his mind finally cleared. Staring at his own face reflected in the mechanical woman's oversized eyes, his memories finally came flooding back to him. Everything; his employer's murder, the stalemate against their robot clones, his joining up with another mercenary group, the murder and subsequent revival of Archimedes, everything.

The Medic stood in dumb silence for the next few moments, his glasses sliding down his nose in an almost comical fashion. He barely even noticed as the robot and insect set to work collecting the souls of the desert creatures. It wasn't until Queen Sectonia lifted him off the ground that he finally snapped out of his reality shattering trance, letting out a short, involuntary scream. His legs kicked uselessly as he was lifted up and away, his feet desperately searching for any form of land. He know understood what the Soldier and Demoman experienced daily, fear quickly giving way to exhilaration. As they ascended, he caught a glimpse of what he had assumed this entire time to be a sun. It was not at all a sun, nor could even be confused for one. Illuminating the desert sky was a massive ball of white light, encased and surrounded by iridescent wings, each glowing with all the colors of the rainbow. He was tempted to ask what it was, but decided against distracting the person carrying him using a single, disembodied hand.

The Medic breathed a sigh of relief when his feet finally touched ground again, though the ground beneath him was anything but solid. After taking a moment to compose himself, the Medic thanked Sectonia for her assistance. He turned to thank Poppi as well, but she had already taken to the sky after depositing the Heavy. Fox used a shockingly small radio to communicate with Necronomicon, who had apparently scouted ahead of them. The team was to rendezvous at a sphinx. After finding and healing Midna, the Medic proceeded across the sands, chaining himself to Fox for a burst of speed. After only a few moments, however, it became clear that wasn't going to be a viable strategy, as the path ahead was too treacherous to travers in this manner. Beyond the ruined city was a crumbling path of rubble floating over a massive, sandy whirlpool. The Medic waited for a few of his compatriots to cross before braving the obstacle course himself. He was no Scout, but if the slow Heavy could clear the platforms, the Medic could as well. At first it seemed the Medic would be alright so long as he kept moving, but as he progressed, he was proven wrong. Walls animated, spinning blades floated stationary in between platforms, and strange skull things slammed down, attempting to flatten Yellow Team. The Medic fired his syringe gun at the undead things while waiting for the living walls to allow him openings to jump across. Eventually, he made it to the other side, sandy and sweaty, but otherwise no worse for wear.

Upon entering the temple, they were immediately met with signs of a battle. While the rest of the team hurried down the now obvious hidden staircase, the Medic couldn't help but stop and take a look at the scene of the fight. There was a large pile of glass by another shelf, along with an acrid smelling stain on the floor where something vaguely humanoid had burned to death. The Medic examined the spot briefly, but finding nothing of use, decided to join his teammates. By the time he arrived down stairs, everyone seemed to be bathing in a pool of clear, clean water, some more clothed than others. The Medic took a few moments to heal everyone's wounds, but rather than join them, the medic wandered over to a table where several teenagers were hanging out. It took him a moment to recognize them as the super hero team from Vah Naboris. "So, zese are your secret identities, ya? I hope you von't have to keel me for seeing zem." He chuckled as he removed the uber-pack from his back and gently set it down, out of the sun and splash range. He proceeded to remove his gloves and coat, as well as loosen his tie, when the strange meat caught his eye. "Zis meat ist very frwesh indeed. Vhat deed you keel to acquire it?"

As everyone relaxed, Queen Sectonia explained more about this world and how it operated, assisted by Primrose. The Medic, fascinated by all this, reached into the make shift bag and pulled out the Spirit of one of the dragons Heavy and Midna had slain. The Medic glanced around briefly to be sure everyone was more focused on themselves then him before pushing up his glasses and taking a closer look at the glowing orb. It was not the first soul he had acquired, but it was the first inhuman soul he had had a chance to study. He slipped it into his pants pocket. After a quick meal of hippo meat and cool, rehydrating water, the Medic set to work crafting small metal devices for each of his teammates, save Sectonia and Midna. This required him racing up and down the stairs to acquire materials from the wrecked room, but with Tora's help, every human, cat, nippon, and robot had their own little box that could be attached to any belt or pack they had. "Ahem! Excuse me your highnesses?" The Medic began, looking down at the bathing royalty. "But if you could just confirm ze nature und arrangement of your internal organs for me, I can equip you viz a Reanimator to literally pull you back togezer should ze vurst occur und I am unable to prevent your deaths." He'd prefer to simply open them up and make his own observations, but they had made it clear that they weren't comfortable with that, and after their little hunt, the Medic had too much respect for Midna to do so without her permission. Also, he couldn't be sure normal anesthetic would work on Sectonia. If they complied, he'd make some reanimators for them as well.

With the most important thing, in Medic's mind, taken care of, he turned away from the group and finally retrieved the flygon's spirit from his pocket. "Enthülle mir deine Geheimnisse, mein kleiner Freund." He whispered to it, bringing it close enough that he could see the dragon's image within. As he studied it, his insatiable curiosity seemed to react with it. The glowing orb slowly faded, and he began to undergo a change, the results of which he had no way of predicting.
Duel Wielding Katanas
the Rising Sun
One of Eight
Taking form in the glimmer
Of this tainted moonlight
Death approaches on this night

For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight
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