Shrapnel looked, glad to see that the cavalry had arrived. Skorn took one, Miles took three others, leaving him alone with eight of them, who didn't hesitate to open fire. Luckily, Shrapnel's shield absorbed most of the blasts. As the smoke faded away, they were met by Shrapnel, hovering atop a motorcycle, constructed of yellow light. He revved the engine, before leaping off, and forcing it to plow forward. It hit a Manhunter in it's chest, sending it, and the construct floating out to space, but not for long.
Still having seven androids to deal with, Shrapnel took a breath, concentrating for a moment, before he made his move. As the Manhunters moved to attack, they were met by a massive yellow asteroid. They turned to try to maneuver away, and were met by another. "YOU SHALL FEEL THE TRUE POWER OF FEAR!" Shrapnel shouted as he slammed the two stones together. One Manhunter crumpled like a tin can under the attack, however the others were not affected nearly as much, suffering a mere dent.
Shrapnel's onslaught was not yet finished, however. A quick gesture, and a massive chain appeared from his ring, wrapping around one of the Manhunters. Another flick of the wrist, and the Manhunter flew into Shrapnel's grasp, two spike-like tentacles that reached out, one piercing it's upper torso, the other wrapping around its legs. Shrapnel then pulled with all of his might, until finally the metal gave way, the legs of the Manhunter crumpling, exposing wires.
It didn't take long for the others to fire upon Shrapnel, and the one who had been drug away by the motorcycle had returned. As Shrapnel summoned a wolf-like construct, to rip apart the wiring of his Manhunter, he was effectively gunned down by the firing squad of Manhunters. It was all Shrapnel could do to not have his shards be blown away. As more and more blasts came, Shrapnel kept making shields of light that broke almost instantly. The Six- no, seven,(the legless one was still alive) Manhunters broke out of their line, beginning to circle around Shrapnel, without breaking their almost constant stream of fire.