Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thank you. I look forward to playing with this character.

I have found that the walking dead didn't focus as much on the zombies, though that was always a danger. It mostly focused on the characters trying to keep their sanity in the now insane world. Some people look to a leader to guide them but when the leader doesn't do what they want they turn on him very quickly. Any people who wander into a group are either killed immediately or watched closely. No one trusts anyone in general. People who used to be civilized turn feral and become raiders and rapists in small groups of people who think the same. Some people turn to cannibalism, eating meat that they think hasn't yet been tainted by the sickness. People in the same group begin to fight and people who were friends yesterday are suddenly enemies.

I don't know if that answered anything and I don't know if that's how this roleplay is going to be, but that is what I have noticed from The Walking Dead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

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DR_TRAPEZOID said Alright, I can get behind that. I would post a CS soon, but unfortunately, it wouldn't work out to well, as I am on mobile currently, and sleep deprivation has not been helping my writing skills. Expect something tomorrow.

Very well, I'll be expecting then. Get some sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vgirl said Thank you. I look forward to playing with this character.I have found that the walking dead didn't focus as much on the zombies, though that was always a danger. It mostly focused on the characters trying to keep their sanity in the now insane world. Some people look to a leader to guide them but when the leader doesn't do what they want they turn on him very quickly. Any people who wander into a group are either killed immediately or watched closely. No one trusts anyone in general. People who used to be civilized turn feral and become raiders and rapists in small groups of people who think the same. Some people turn to cannibalism, eating meat that they think hasn't yet been tainted by the sickness. People in the same group begin to fight and people who were friends yesterday are suddenly enemies.I don't know if that answered anything and I don't know if that's how this roleplay is going to be, but that is what I have noticed from The Walking Dead.

I have some horrific and unique ideas for this role-play and yes, I intend for this role-play to contain a lot of what you mentioned. I'm open for all sorts of ideas as well that you may have and we can make it happen within the Rp as long as it's not too farfetched.
I'm a pretty flexible Gm as long as everyone is respectful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bumps. Everyone still in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm still in. You have my character sheet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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ribcageroses Operator for the boogie man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Peyton Rivers
Age: 20
Personality: Peyton holds a tough air for herself. She's not easy to penetrate, and she never cries. Any emotions she ever shows is greatly exaggerated just so she doesn't seem emotionless, or maybe so her real emotions wont show through. She can be highly sarcastic ad very blunt with people. Idiocy is not something she can have patience with, especially when under great stress, like this whole situation has done. She isn't easily forgiving, and she has a strong drive. Almost too observational for her own good, she is someone who people feel like they can turn to when they need it, and she does. As much as she is tough, she has her soft spots. Animals are one of those weaknesses, being a vegetarian before the walking dead began arising. She is a protector and she is loyal, she will stand by who she trusts one hundred percent.

From a family of five siblings and only a father, she knew a suburb outside of the city as her home. She only had one other sibling who was a girl, the youngest, leaving the rest of the house filled with boys, which had a big impact on Peyton as she grew up. She was never afraid to get down and dirty, she learned to defend herself and fight back. The basic sexist lessons parents usually taught their daughters never applied to her, and she grew to be someone who wasn't afraid to speak up and be who she was. Throughout school, friends were sometimes a problem, since their weren't many who could handle her forward way with words. In high school she met a few people who were similar to her and stuck around with them. Honesty became her number one rule to getting along with her.
After she graduated with a decent enough grade, she moved on to college with an interest in literature and creative writing. It was during her second spring semester that the zombies started to surface.
Her two older brothers who were members of the military were never heard of after the main government officials ditched the country. Her father claimed it was something to keep them safe from people going after them for information on their whereabouts.
It didn't take long for the rest of their family to get split up. With her father's bad leg, he was turned quite quickly in quick escapes. The rest of her brother skipped out, her sister too. That leaves Peyton all on her own.
Weapon of choice:
Hunting Knives
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seems like fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I suppose I'll just leave this CS here.

Jed Jefferson Jr.


He's not exactly a people-person, but he's much less of a walker-person. He wasn't burdened with an overabundance of education, but he has been taught all of the skills Ma and Pa believed he needed to know. He's been hunting game ever since he could hold a rifle, and enjoys the constant open-season that this apocalypse has provided. He has a sick sense of humor when it comes to the walkers, who he has dubbed 'Biters'. He is a bit childish, and doesn't quite seem to understand the gravity of what is happening.


Hooray for stock photos.

Born into a family of questionable ancestry, 'Triple J' had been raised upon the morals that his family held high. These morals did not include education, or anything so silly and worthless. No, he was taught to hunt, fish, drive trucks, and drink beer. Kansas city was a nice place, his folks had an old country house, where he has lived... until the accident happened. But that all happened later in life. As Jed grew up, he had few friends, as there were few people to befriend. His best friend was his brother, Jimmy Jefferson. No one was a better friend than Jimmy.
Then, one day, it happened. It had been a few weeks since the radio had blared out that warning, something about some sort of sickness hitting a lot of cities, then the radio stations went out, all static. It was a little curious, but they mostly ignored it. On that fateful day, a man, all alone, stumbled around, before passing out on the dirt. Jed and Jimmy went to help him, and brought him back home. Paw tried to patch him up, said something about a bite- must've been some mad dog or something.
When the man woke up, Jed, Paw and Jimmy were there. But when he woke up, he wasn't quite right. He tried biting Jimmy, but we managed to keep him off, for a minute. The man managed to pin down Jimmy, and ripped right through him, stuffing as much as he could in his mouth. At that point, Paw grabbed his trusty 12 gauge, and blew the mans head right off. There was nothing they could do for Jimmy but bury him.
They had believed that to be the last of it. But one day, more of them came. Jed and Paw were much more careful, and by virtue of shotguns, overcame the horde. The next day, they had visitors. Living ones. Suited up in camo, toting automatic weaponry. By some miracle, Jed was able to survive, hiding away in the barn, but the same could not be said for Maw and Paw. When the military left, Maw and Paw were corpses, riddled with bullets. Jed learned the hard way about how his so called 'Biters' are made, and how only headshots kill. Jed had to put the final bullet in his Paw.
Jed left then, a truck full of food, a belly full of beer, and a shotgun full of revenge. He sought out for his Aunt and Uncle, who had left life in the country, to move to the city of Denver. On his trip, Jed met up with a group of survivors, who filled him in on what was going on. He stayed with them for awhile, until one went AWOL, and the whole group broke apart. He moved on, having not found his Uncle. He had one last hope, his cousins cabin, out in the mountains of Colorado.

Weapon of Choice:
He has three. A simple hunting knife, gifted to him by his father at a young age. His trusty axe, which he uses to chop down anything from doors to Biters. Second, his Remington M870, which he tends to use sparingly, as ammo isn't exactly plentiful.

Kansas City, Missouri
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

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ribcage & Trapezoid, both accepted.

Blackwolf said Seems like fun.

Feel free to submit a character sheet here whenever you are ready. I really only want one more character joining, so it's between you and Espatier. I haven't heard from Espatier, so there might still be a spot available for you. Whoever takes too long to get in their character sheet will be put on a waiting list.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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The anticipation is killing me DX
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Just waiting on one more person to join and I'll start working on getting everything together, so we can start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: David Johnson
Age: 48
Personality: Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, in which he strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people.


Background: Funny how life treats you when your finishing up on retiring. David had it all planned before the world threw him a curveball. David had spent the past 12 years in the military reserves while working as a N.P./P.A. in his civilian job. He enjoyed the travel and the places that he would train in every few years. But after an additional 8 years on active duty convinced him that it was time to let others do the same job.

The last 2 years David has volunteered as steam engine operator for the railroad museum to help past the time as he cut his hours back working in the E.R. But when everything changed in his life, he found that once again he had a purpose and that purpose was to help rebuild things back to normal. But what was normal now?. David started with a larger group of other survivors that banded together. David thought that he would make a difference but all that he sees is death now. He whats so bad to see a ray of hope before he stops living.

David now travel by rail from town to town and stops usually in the morning before traveling during the day at a slow rate of speed to avoid the following dead.

Weapon of Choice: ES44AC EVO train
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Accepted, Interesting choice of character. I'll prepare the OOC. Should be up by tonight, if not tomorrow sometime.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Been busy with things. I may need to postpone the OOC and Ic for a bit later. Had a long day, so I'm off to sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I can't wait for this to start. Chloe is waiting to be unleashed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I still intend to post the Ic up. Just not sure when yet. I have to go to work, and I don't know if I'll have time when I get back home tonight. We'll see, I'll keep everyone updated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*crosses fingers

Sounds great
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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ribcageroses Operator for the boogie man

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alrighty !
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll have the Ic posted by the end of the night.
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