Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha laugh hysterically as she cut down her fellow Bimeoz. “Please show mercy.” said Bimeoz. “Why should I?” said Ditha as she powered her yellow lantern ring. “No Man Escapes the Manhunters.” said a Manhunter who came to the defence of the Bimeoz. “Then share his fate.” said Ditha as she then cut then both down.

“NO” yelled Ditha as she woke up. She breathe out in a sign of relief, it was all just a nightmare, a nightmare that she had no control over herself. Ditha got out of her bed and began to wash her face. Then suddenly she began to hear the voice of the Starsapphire in her head. Ditha slap her face hard to make sure she wasn't still asleep. “I hear you, do you hear me?” said Ditha with a confuse look at her face as she look around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy stopped in mid flight for a moment surprised this actually worked "wow...thank the goddess it worked..." she smiled and started to fly again "I am heading back to the planet where the manhunters rose back up, when will you do arriving?" speaking to Ditha like this was slightly painful but at the same time made her feel happy, "I could not risk going to Oa myself to see you, for what ive been told there is alot of distrust for the other corps...within all of the corps..." she let out a sigh, as she continued to fly though space concentrating on speaking with Ditha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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"The Guardians have told me they will take care of it. Thus I will not be returning to the planet unless someone requires my aid. Do you require my aid?" said Ditha hinting that she followed the rules but knew how to bend them. "I guess I didn't leave a good impression on you on our first encounter." said Ditha in a laughing matter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shrapnel looked, glad to see that the cavalry had arrived. Skorn took one, Miles took three others, leaving him alone with eight of them, who didn't hesitate to open fire. Luckily, Shrapnel's shield absorbed most of the blasts. As the smoke faded away, they were met by Shrapnel, hovering atop a motorcycle, constructed of yellow light. He revved the engine, before leaping off, and forcing it to plow forward. It hit a Manhunter in it's chest, sending it, and the construct floating out to space, but not for long.
Still having seven androids to deal with, Shrapnel took a breath, concentrating for a moment, before he made his move. As the Manhunters moved to attack, they were met by a massive yellow asteroid. They turned to try to maneuver away, and were met by another. "YOU SHALL FEEL THE TRUE POWER OF FEAR!" Shrapnel shouted as he slammed the two stones together. One Manhunter crumpled like a tin can under the attack, however the others were not affected nearly as much, suffering a mere dent.
Shrapnel's onslaught was not yet finished, however. A quick gesture, and a massive chain appeared from his ring, wrapping around one of the Manhunters. Another flick of the wrist, and the Manhunter flew into Shrapnel's grasp, two spike-like tentacles that reached out, one piercing it's upper torso, the other wrapping around its legs. Shrapnel then pulled with all of his might, until finally the metal gave way, the legs of the Manhunter crumpling, exposing wires.
It didn't take long for the others to fire upon Shrapnel, and the one who had been drug away by the motorcycle had returned. As Shrapnel summoned a wolf-like construct, to rip apart the wiring of his Manhunter, he was effectively gunned down by the firing squad of Manhunters. It was all Shrapnel could do to not have his shards be blown away. As more and more blasts came, Shrapnel kept making shields of light that broke almost instantly. The Six- no, seven,(the legless one was still alive) Manhunters broke out of their line, beginning to circle around Shrapnel, without breaking their almost constant stream of fire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

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Joshua floated in the middle of dark space. The ring had notified him of all the damage "ring, locate Cassidy". He said as he created a small ball which he bounced off a nearby asteroid Contacting Sapphire Cassidy. The ring chimed as he waited for an answer from his fellow sapphire. Something in the distance caught his eye, a green light "cancel that last order,ring" Josh flew off towards. It caught his attention because it was strange to see anything save for some asteroids and a few smashed ships. "Hello green lantern!" I called at the green light. The green light didn't move, I flew closer Maybe the lantern is injured he thought as The male sapphire approached the green light. He was right, a green lantern injured floating in space, he was bleeding from his chest and arms, burns and holes covered his uniform to show a lacking in power to his ring "are you okay green lan-" the lantern mumbled something, his scaly green skin shiny with blood and some other fluid He didn't recognize. In one fluid motion the injured lantern grabbed Joshua's hand and pulled him close "No man escapes the man hunters". He stopped breathing and his ring flew off to find a new person worthy of the green light,"Ring contact Cassidy". Joshua then flew off to Cassidy's last known location.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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Speeding back towards the two other Manhunters, Miles constructed a rope around one Manhunter while smashing through the other, pulling the first one into the gaping hole in its chest, fusing them. The grinding metal was deafening even among the sound of Manhunter fire and their occasional catchphrase.

The two Manhunters were still 'active' even with one impaled through the other, Miles bisected them both destroying one and separating the lower half of the other, it was still coming. "N-NO MAN ESCAPES THE MA-MA-MANHUNT-" Miles interrupted its annoying mantra by stomping on its head, silencing it forever. Miles finished with the three Manhunters and moved on to help Shrapnel. "God, does he need it.." he thought as he headed towards him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy focused and started flying faster as she was in a hurry to the planet she was about to be a bit upset when ditha said that the guardians were going to take care of it until she heard what she was really saying between the lines "I do need help, help that only you could....help" a smile crossed her face "maybe a second impression will be better, hopefully I don't want to punch you again" her tone with teasing but the kid of teasing someone would give there friend, sister or lover "I am closing on the planet now, I hope to see you soon but speaking like this is a bit painful" that was when she realized her ring was flashing with a message.

She took a deep breath and raised her ring hand up "cassidy here..." She replied into the ring
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha was starting to like this starsapphire, she was smart and knew how to joke. Ditha then activated her ring and left her room and soon began to rush towards the planet. She was unsure what the Guardians would do about it but her help had been asked and thus she would arrive to assist the Starsapphire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There were still seven... and a half Manhunters, each holding a constant fire upon Shrapnel. However, Shrapnel was filled with a sick glee as he saw Miles appear, approaching. The Manhunters turned, distracted, hesitating in their barrage upon Shrapnel, to analyze this new foe, and divide their resources accordingly However, some still were trained on Shrapnel, including the crippled one.
Knowing he only had one chance at this, Shrapnel made sure to make it count. He curled up, giving in the fetal position, biding energy, before he released a massive burst of energy, eminating from his chest. The Manhunters were all found outwards, before being snagge back in by tentacles of yellow light.
The tentacles all collided in the space above Shrapnel, dragging with them a Manhunter. As the Manhunters clumped together, Shrapnel constructed a large bundle of dynamite, and a massive sniper rifle.
In one swift motion, he did a backflip, launching the dynamite at the cluster, then aiming down his scope.
"Bye bye."
He said maliciously, firing a round into the dynamite, igniting it. A ball of fire enveloped the robots, the force of the blast blowing them all back. Shrapnel knew the attack would do very little to the reinforced robots, he merely did it to stun them, giving Miles and Skorn an attempt to finish them off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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The explosion gave Krios the perfect opening to launch a full assault on the rest of the now stunned Manhunters. A serpentine creature of red energy slithered out from his red power ring, growing to a large size as it rapidly began to circle around a cluster of about four Manhunters. It was nice having this ability, one that was taken from Rankorr upon sampling his blood. Krios pulled the construct in his direction, but kept the struggling androids at a safe distance from himself as he began to beat his wings. They released waves of intense rage energy, each one bathing the Manhunters Krios had in his serpentine grasp in intolerable, destructive power. They were beginning to malfunction, one even beginning to come apart and melt because of this.


Krios opened his mouth to release a stream of energized napalm blood towards the androids. Being a Draconilion, Krios was able to continue the stream as if he were breathing his natural flames.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the attack was underway a pink freight train contruct bulldozed into a pair of the robots cassidy smiled as she floated down to help "don't need no credit card to ride this train" she joked to herself as she caught up with the others "so we meet again", she fired some blasts at some of the others manhunters. "do we have a game plan? We have a green on route as well so let's all play nice okay" she smiled at them waiting to see if someone had a plan,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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The pink dot he saw earlier as he left for Odym was on the planet attacking the remaining Manhunters with a large, pink freight train which was rather impressive to him given the fact the only constructs he could make were simple at best.

The explosion created by Shrapnel was so sudden, Miles didn't even have a chance to make a shield to block it, he didn't need to...it just simply faded as it got near him, he remembered this was something to do with the fact Blue power rings naturally dissipate Yellow rings. The explosion gave Krios a chance to attack, he melted four of them with his napalm breath leaving a few more not counting the half one bisected by Shrapnel. "Everyone's a showoff..." Miles thought as he went after the last few, his ring at the ready.

Miles constructed a whip and grabbed one, spinning it at such speeds it started to fall apart from the G-Force.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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As Ditha made her way to the planet she detected several different types of Lanterns. Her ring also began to start charging up going over 100%. She then arrived at the planet and saw several lanterns fighting manhunters. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Heavy Artillery has arrived.” said Ditha as she then created several constructs of swords that circled the remaining manhunters before slicing and dicing them up. “Now then what our next course of action?” ask Ditha as she look around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy smiled as she seen Ditha arrive and with the blue lantern present over charge and wreak house "wooo! you sure know how to make a entrance green bean" Cassidy punted one of the man hunter heads that rolled to her feet "heartless machines....why did you attack this planet?" she asked herself as she watched the head roll after landing from her kick. cassidy looked back to Ditha and made her way over to her now right in front of her "thanks for coming" she reached over and gave Ditha a hug then broke it before speaking again "the boys handled things pretty good, but i doubt this was even a full squad" Cassidy looked over to shrapnel "hey mellow yellow....any idea who could have woken these thing up? I mean one time they came back was under the sinestro banner after all, but i don't think that cyborg superman is around anymore" it seemed that Carol Feris did not keep much from her corp members in ways of information.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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“I think you just answered your own question there Cassidy. They are heartless machines. They are not alive but instead are a weapon. You don't blame the gun but the guys who wields it.” said Ditha in response to Cassidy question. Ditha was then hug by Cassidy was caused her face to go a bit red. “How could I say no when you ask so nicely.” responded Ditha to Cassidy thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

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The other dot he saw earlier, this time the Green one arrived. As she came closer to Miles her green aura thickened and grew brighter, she mentioned something about heavy artillery which was mostly drowned by the Manhunters, realising her increased power she constructed multiple swords and finished the remaining Manhunters. As the pieces fell into four normal piles and one little pile, she asked what to do next.

Before Miles could reply, the pink one, who the Green Lantern called Cassidy thanked her and turning to Shrapnel asked where the Manhunters came from, GL interrupted the clearly annoyed Shrapnel and started chatting away and hugging each other. "HOW CAN YOU TWO ACT LIKE CHILDREN WHEN THE PEOPLE I SWORE TO PROTECT ARE NOTHING BUT CORPSES SCATTERED AROUND THE PLANET!" shouted Miles, he wasn't usually angry given the fact he was a Blue Lantern, but the blatant disrespect those two showed enraged him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Dare you accuse my Corps. of wreaking this needless havoc? Listen to me, weakling, and listen well." Shrapnel said, drifting closer to the Star Sapphire. "It is a strain on it's own to be forced to work with a pathetic Sapphire, like yourself, but I shall not stand for you to throw around your ignorant accusations."
He said, malice dripping from his voice. He turned away from the woman, cringing as he moved too close to the blue lantern.

"As for the Blue one has pointed out, this is no time for joking. Perhaps if you could focus for longer than a goldfish, you would understand the seriousness of this situation. But no, I suppose you barley have the mental capacity to match such a creature."

Shrapnel raised his ring, playing out a holographic video. Death. Destruction. Carnage. The video showed the Manhunters verily tearing apart the planet.

"Perhaps that puts it in better perspective for you?"

Shrapnel said, allowing the lights to flicker out.

[i]"You are correct, in that that was barley a full squad. Needless to say, at least one of them most likely alerted their comrades of us. It would not be wise to stay here. Perhaps someone has a plan?" He asked, allowing his form to degrade back into twisted metal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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Ditha look at the others. "The reason we can act like this, is no matter how dark it gets we don't give up Hope. We don't allow ourselves to be corrupted by war. I've been in war and I've seen it change people for the worse. Enjoy the little things, it actually get you through a war in one piece, I know from experience. But if you want to keep yelling at us I can just leave." said Ditha in a serious tone. "Now as much as I dislike the yellow lantern he does have a point. We need a plan. Could we perhaps find out who is controling the Manhunters by capturing one or going through the scarps of a destoried one?" ask Ditha as she floated in the air and place her hand on her chin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cassidy hung her head as she was chewed out by two of the others, she looked back up as ditha spoke "I ment no disrespect, to you or those who lived here" she crossed her arms not wanting to dig herself deeper, she kept quite thinking of a possible plan before she spoke again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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"Your precious hope does nothing but provide meaningless comfort to those too weak to stand up to the reality of things," Krios spat as he crossed his arms. Red light flickered across his body in sparks and flashes as he spoke.

"What really gets you through anything are the primitive yet powerful emotions of rage and... fear, like this yellow lantern knows so well about. Rage empowers you, as does Fear. Rage especially propels you to move forward and destroy the very things that are causing suffering, and wipes out all pain to be felt. Now.... we do need a place to begin investigating. I would say the planet Biote, where the Manhunters first reemerged from years ago before this."
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