Viktor stood straight, commanding the attention of his two personal 'ogre' guards. He turned to them, ordering them to leave their post, and instead patrol the halls. He turned to one of the wooden walls, rather shoddily made, in all aspects. After momentarily inspecting the wall, Viktor reached out to the wall, and took a solid hold of one of the looser boards. Taking a moment to brace himself, Viktor began to pull on the board, his rusted body creaking under the pressure. It wasn't long before the wood gave way, splintering at the nails. Viktor looked down at the wooden board, contemplating for a moment.
Turning, he went back to his desk, leaving the bare patch of stone wall. He laid down the board, taking a knife, one the Mayor had kept for emergencies. The small knife was weak, not worthy of being called a weapon. Viktor carefully carved away the wood, creating a few vaguely circular shapes, five to be precise. As he continued to carve, the circles became more solid shapes, symmetrical. As the shapes became crisper, he began to carve two slits in the wood, angled downwards, just wide enough to support vision.
After seemingly hours of work, Viktor raised five masks, carved from smooth wood. He stared at them, satisfied. He then closed the bright orange lights that served as his eyes, concentrating. The sky outside darkened, and thunder rumbled, cracking across the sky. A bright flash of electricity split across the sky as Viktor worked his magic. Surely enough, smoke began to curl up, seeming to fill the solid form of five small humanoid creatures. As skin formed, the imps began to look around, confused as to why they were suspended in the air. As the creatures were completed, they thudded to the floor, in no way prepared for their sudden descent.
The imps made a slight chattering. They stood shorter than most imps, which was not helped by their slouching. They had rough skin, a mellow gray tone, as opposed to the bright red skin of normal imps. Their limbs were short and stocky, sporting large claws and feet, suited for construction and digging, not combat. Their incessant chatter was a strange garble, mixing multiple languages, and talking far too fast to be understood. Their eyes were hidden behind the wooden masks, giving them an unsettling stare.
Viktor stamped his foot to the floor, shaking the imps.
"Listen now my children. We have much work ahead of us, so listen well, and waste no time." Said Viktor, an intense, yet still friendly tone, in his voice.
"You three" He said, pointing to the three imps farthest right.
"I require a quarry. Dig deep and dig well, for I shall require large amounts of stone and steel. I wish to see no sign of you until my halls are overflowing with what I need. Now, you two. Go now, and be fleet. Scout around, find something- anything worthy of populating our army." Viktor said, before turning away from the small creatures. They stood dazed for a moment, until Viktor began to turn his head. Before it turned all the way, they had scuttled away, fear propelling them.
Viktor strolled out into the halls, surveying the area, when something caught his eye. In the hall stood a decorative set of plate armor.
"Perfect." He said, taking a hold of the armor, and carting it down to his dungeons heart.
"No matter how large it is, an army is useless without a general, and I cannot be bothered with such trifles when I must expand my forces at the same time..." Viktor explained to his ogre guards, who simply grunted back at him, not understanding. Viktor turned away from them, allowing magic to pulsate through his hands, transferring life to the armor.
1st Construct: 0/3
Dungeon: Small stone castle, northwest of Altearx
Forces: 5 Imps, 9 humans, and 16 ogres