A deep light twinkled behind the nonexistent eyes of Viktors helmet, as he stepped out of his Dungeons Heart, side by side with another soldier for his army. Standing outside his door was Vragas, the small imp who had been so loyal to him all this time. A worried glance passed underneath the creatures mask, but it quickly dissolved. This was becoming less and less odd as more creatures had been made.
The beast stood even taller than the preceding ogres, heavily muscled shoulders rising and falling as it let out massive breaths. The beast had deep brown leathery skin, patched together in a misshapen manner. The skin was coated with thick hair of brown, matted and tangled. The now bipedal animal searched around, snorting out a deep huff through his nose. His feet impatiently stamped up and down as he shook his horned head in disgust.
This beast had been blessed with augmented strength, but had been granted even less intelligence than that of the ogres, supposing that is even possible. Still with the primal instincts of its once animal form, it has simply been taught who to not kill. He grunted in a low voice, restraining himself from pounding the imp into a small gray splotch on the floor.
Viktor quickly escorted the blueprint down into the prison where he kept a copy of each new minion he made, as he did not have any more animals to use for replicating the beast. As Viktor left, muttering orders to the Minotaur, Vragas scampered away, to the barracks where the army lived. None of them needed to actually sleep, save the ogres and humans, so he knew that he would find his skeleton friend.
As Vragas scampered into the cold stone room where the skeletons were kept, he became a bit unnerved. The thirty skeletons stood side by side, shivering in their still stances, spears standing straight. Vragas took a moment to find his friend among the near-identical bones. Finding Hydl, Vragas slid over, across the cold stone.
Hydl looked down at the small imp, Confusion running across his face- that is, it would if he had a face. Usually they were not disturbed from their meditation-like trances, unless Stamrad requested their presence for training. A quick chatter was exchanged between the two before the doors were slammed open.
In the glare stood Stamrad, sword unsheathed. As he entered the room, the skeletons all snapped to attention, a loud clattering accompanying the synchronized motion. Stamrad waved at them, allowing them to relax. He looked down at the imp, sheathing his sword. "You. Vragas is it? We need to find more of them beauties that you found earlier. You remember where they were and where they were headed, right, laddie? Let's go hunting!" Stamrad said, light flickering from beneath his helmet.
No new minions in progress.
Location: His castle, North-West of Altearx
Dungeon: A small stone castle, armed with a summoning room, barracks, Heart, and prison.
Minions: 3 Imps, 9 Humanoid husks, 16 Ogres, 30 Skeletons, a single Minotaur, and Stamrad, the armored general.
Resources: Seemingly endless supply of stone, large amounts of steel, and a large vein of coal dust.
Compendium Update: Minotaurs-
Beasts made from the corpse of a musk-ox, these heavily muscled bi-pedals have no intelligence above that primal instinct that drives most animals. Their strength has been heavily augmented, making them a force to be reckoned with. They aren't currently armed with anything more than the sharp ivory horns crowning their skull.