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Alex listened carefully to what Norvel said about his other wizarding friends back home. Alex didn't have much experience with the whole blood system thing, it was all rather strange to her. Her parents were rather detached from the politics of the wizarding world, she could however remember a time when her grandmother freaked out on her mother for marrying a half blood. Something about their pure heritage being ruined. "Are there really kids out there that think muggle borns and pure bloods are all that different?" Alex paused a moment, spearing what was left of her steak. "Weird." Alex let out another loud laugh when Norvel asked her if she had ever flown a broom. "Yeah! I've been flying for as long as I can remember! My parents tell me I flew a broomstick before I took my first steps!" Well obviously that was a figure of speech, but it got her point across. As for his comment about having no siblings Alex smiled. She gave him an overly enthusiastic slap on the back. "Well look at us! Team Only Child!"
^^^this is a good idea
Maybe interact
Alex laughed aloud when Norvel introduced himself. Alex was one of those people who tipped their heads back and squeezed their eyes shut when they laughed. She held her gut, laughing as if Norvel had just told a hilarious joke. Once she was finally able to breathe again she spoke. "Oh man Norvel, that is one goofy name you got there!" And while these words might be interpreted as rude, her tone of voice and smile assured that she meant this in the nicest way possible. "You must come from a fancy family of wizards to be named that!" She continued into her meal, tearing a large chunk of meat out of her roast and stuffing it in her mouth. She listened to Norvels next question, swallowing before answering him. "I would hope none of my friends are here cause they are all non-wizards!" She gave Norvel a toothy grin. "Other then my parents and some of their friends I was the only wizard I knew before getting on that train!" Alex didn't hear him mutter anything about house fires, as she was too busy getting her turn to ask a question. "Okay so what are you most excited for? For me it might be flying lessons." She leaned closer to Norvel to whisper. "But between you and me I am an awesome flyer! I plan on giving the teacher a big scare!" Alex didn't give Norvel much time before continuing to talk. "But I'm also pretty excited to have a dorm room! I don't have any siblings so I've never had to share a room!" Alex looked over at Norvel, as if remembering she had asked him a question first.
Alex stopped mid bite when she heard a voice directed towards her. The girl looked up from her plate to see a boy, around her age talking to her. She had to hold back a laugh, he almost looked uncomfortable. Maybe it was his first time away from home? Alex put down her fork with an almost loud clank and then turned to the boy who had taken a seat next to her. "Yessire!" Alex responded, with a chipper voice. "Alex Beta!" The girl stuck out her hand in greeting. "First year student, glad to make your acquaintance!"
Alex had truthfully been surprised by where she was sorted. Her father had never attended school, being a bit too free spirited to learn in a traditional environment. However, on the other end of the spectrum her mother had been a Slytherin, a trait common to pure bloods back in her day. Alex had heard whispers among the students, saying the hat didn't discriminate based on what your parents were or were not. Regardless Alex walked over to the Hufflepuff table, full of pride. Before she even sat down the older students began cheering and clapping for her, glad to have new students in their house. One of the students even moved over on the bench, giving Alex a space to sit down. Alex, friendly as ever, took her seat with a wide grin. The excited girl listened to Professor McGonagall as she began the opening ceremonies. She spoke of the War, something that Alex was well informed on. Her mother had to leave their home next year to meet up with other Witches of her caliber. And her father was always grumbling and ranting to Alex about how unfortunate and pointless the whole battle was. Alex's attention returned as Professor McGonagall began to reiterate the rules. The no spell casting in the halls rule, she didn't see herself following too well. As well as the Forbidden Forest rule. Calling the forest forbidden just made Alex want to explore it even more. What Alex hadn't expected was the sudden uproar of chants at the ban of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop items. Students all around Alex began to stand up on their seats, clearly unset at this. Alex remained quiet, maybe unaware of the weight this decision carried in the students, and was relieved at how Professor McGonagall handled the situation. The air in the room seemed rather tense, that was until the food arrived. Alex happily began to feast, laughing and talking along with the other Hufflepuffs around her. It was amazing how suddenly the young girl was able to make friends and joke with them as if they had known each other for years.
everyone right now:
Name: Alex Beta Date of Birth: March, 23, 1988 Appearance: Blood Status: Half-Blood (However I could have sworn there was a term for someone with a pure parents and a half-blood parent) Personality: Alex is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she hasn't met to be a friend. Her charisma and confidence has not been limited at all by the tough times she has lived through. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature makes her pleasant to be around. Alex has a very youthful personality and an optimistic outlook to life and adventure. To go with that, adventure and discovery are what she dearly craves. She has the constant urge to "discover what's out there". Wand: Pear Wood, Unicorn Horn core. House: Hufflebuff Best Classes: Flying, Herbology, Potions, Astronomy Worst Classes: DADA, History of Magic, Transfiguration. History: Alex was born to two magical parents in a house full of magic. She lived up in a quiet, rural town, away from any prying eyes other then some tired old farmers. Her mother was famous among the world of wizards as a talented botanist, growing all sorts of magical plants. Witches and wizards would travel from all over to buy her ingredients for potions. She was soft spoken and quiet, as well as a pure blood, teaching Alex everything she knew about brewing magical potions. Her father, on the other hand, is not soft spoken or quiet. He was an ambitious and charismatic broom flying champion. He is young and fearless, working as a traveling performer before he met Alex's mother. Somehow, even as a half-blood, he won Alex's mother's heart. He took it upon himself to teach Alex to work for what she wants as well as never taking no for an answer. He also taught Alex to fly a broom, and after several failed attempts, Alex was almost flying as recklessly as her father. Magic came naturally and freely to a young Alex, since her parents had rather lack rules within the house. And with no fear of getting caught Alex practiced and practiced. The day her acceptance letter arrived was one of the greatest days of her life, and she was enthusiastic to get going.
What do you mean by the sexual objectification argument? There's not much to argue there, sexual objectification is very real and consistently happens in media everyday.
Amen friend
Trust me when ever an argument about sexism comes up on the internet it almost always gets heated
Lol welcome to the internet pal. Here even the slightest of disagreements can threaten to turn into a full on flame war. Be it sexism, religion, Marvel vs DC, favorite gaming console or preferred font type.
Comic Sans!
-horrified gasp from the studio audience-
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