The rest of the evening and well into the night hadn't gone very well for Belle. She felt sick and achey and scratchy all over. No matter what she did she couldn't settle down. She considered going out to the common room, maybe to find someone to talk to. But decided against this. Her pride felt dented by her earlier outburst.Even after changing into pajamas and tucking herself into bed she still felt wound up. Belle knew she was tired, but yet couldn't find rest. She could still feel her animalistic side gnawing at her thoughts.
Belle squeezed her eyes shut. She knew this was all a side effect of her powers, and eventually she would fall asleep. And she did.
The sound of the morning alarm going off felt like hammers on her ears. Belle growled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Today was going to be a long day. She was informed about training by a passing member of the outsiders. Belle was surprised to hear she was invited along. She changed into clothing that she found suitable, minus footwear, for training and shuffled her way to the training room.
The interior of the training room was so carefully crafted. Belle felt another pang of guilt. Fenrir must have worked really hard on this room. He must be working really hard to take care of this team, and Belle had already messed so much up. She stood silently in the room, a clear difference from her normally bubbly attitude.