Name: Ama Mountbatten
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110 lbs
Clothing Style:

Ama is never seen without her hat, even when in her Beacon uniform, which she otherwise wears completely as she is told to. Outside classes, she wears a hooded jacket over a pink tank top and old worn-out black trousers. Most of her clothes are fairly battered, but she refuses to buy new ones out of laziness.
Hair Color: Reddish-pink
Eye Color: Brown

Night Light: Ama’s weapon’s ranged form is a dust-based flamethrower, using fire dust to deliver both wide blasts capable of holding off groups and focused beams which can be used to precisely hit solo opponents.
When transformed into a melee weapon, the dust canister flips up and sets alight, giving her a flaming torch which she uses to deliver surprisingly fast, heavy blows to her opponents.
Semblance: Aura Sensitivity: When her Semblance is activated, Ama can sense and see the auras of creatures around her. When she focuses on a specific one, she can see how strong they are from a distance. She can also use this ability in combat by spotting tiny ‘weak points’ in her opponent’s aura, allowing her to wear it down quicker. Her ability does not work against the soulless Grimm, however.
Dust: She uses fire dust with her weapon, Night Light
Background: Ama’s mother was a back-alley doctor in Atlas. She grew up with a constant stream of people coming in and out of the house, often sliced and burned up, that just couldn’t afford to go to anywhere better. She was taught how to help people almost as soon as she could walk by herself, even if it was only fetching bandages. It was at a young age that she became a skilled medic, helping human and faunus alike as much as she possibly could.
The constant stream of injured soon began to wear on her, however. While she was willing to help people after they had been injured, it made more sense to her that she should stop it from happening in the first place. When she brought up the idea of being a huntress to her mother, she was dismissed immediately, and told never to think of it again, which only made her more determined to go, and she began sneaking off in the middle of the night to put together a weapon of her own. Without her mother’s knowledge, once she had completed it she left behind a note and a photograph of her smiling face and left for a junior hunters’ academy, where she trained until she got into Beacon.
Character Theme: Ama is based off of Florence Nightingale, a famous mathematician and medic known as the 'lady of the lamp'. This can be seen through her medical and mathematical skills, both things which Florence was famous for, as well as the caring and strict aspects of her personality. Ama’s weapon, Night Light is also based off of the idea of the ‘Lady with the Lamp’, both because of the name, and the fact that its melee form is based off of a medieval torch, which would be the predecessor of the old-fashioned ‘lamp’ used by Florence Nightingale.
Other: Jaune is the best
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110 lbs
Clothing Style:

Ama is never seen without her hat, even when in her Beacon uniform, which she otherwise wears completely as she is told to. Outside classes, she wears a hooded jacket over a pink tank top and old worn-out black trousers. Most of her clothes are fairly battered, but she refuses to buy new ones out of laziness.
Hair Color: Reddish-pink
Eye Color: Brown

Night Light: Ama’s weapon’s ranged form is a dust-based flamethrower, using fire dust to deliver both wide blasts capable of holding off groups and focused beams which can be used to precisely hit solo opponents.
When transformed into a melee weapon, the dust canister flips up and sets alight, giving her a flaming torch which she uses to deliver surprisingly fast, heavy blows to her opponents.
Semblance: Aura Sensitivity: When her Semblance is activated, Ama can sense and see the auras of creatures around her. When she focuses on a specific one, she can see how strong they are from a distance. She can also use this ability in combat by spotting tiny ‘weak points’ in her opponent’s aura, allowing her to wear it down quicker. Her ability does not work against the soulless Grimm, however.
Dust: She uses fire dust with her weapon, Night Light
- Good at fighting large groups
- Powerful heavy attacks
- Skilled in first-aid
- Caring
- Strict
- Childish
- Stubborn
- Nervous
- Good at baking
- Actually enjoys, and is good at, math
- Knows many home remedies for illnesses
Background: Ama’s mother was a back-alley doctor in Atlas. She grew up with a constant stream of people coming in and out of the house, often sliced and burned up, that just couldn’t afford to go to anywhere better. She was taught how to help people almost as soon as she could walk by herself, even if it was only fetching bandages. It was at a young age that she became a skilled medic, helping human and faunus alike as much as she possibly could.
The constant stream of injured soon began to wear on her, however. While she was willing to help people after they had been injured, it made more sense to her that she should stop it from happening in the first place. When she brought up the idea of being a huntress to her mother, she was dismissed immediately, and told never to think of it again, which only made her more determined to go, and she began sneaking off in the middle of the night to put together a weapon of her own. Without her mother’s knowledge, once she had completed it she left behind a note and a photograph of her smiling face and left for a junior hunters’ academy, where she trained until she got into Beacon.
Character Theme: Ama is based off of Florence Nightingale, a famous mathematician and medic known as the 'lady of the lamp'. This can be seen through her medical and mathematical skills, both things which Florence was famous for, as well as the caring and strict aspects of her personality. Ama’s weapon, Night Light is also based off of the idea of the ‘Lady with the Lamp’, both because of the name, and the fact that its melee form is based off of a medieval torch, which would be the predecessor of the old-fashioned ‘lamp’ used by Florence Nightingale.
Other: Jaune is the best