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Frederick was in shock, although he could potentially return home he would have to fight a wave. He had heard of many stories throughout his studies where people were summoned to a different world to save them from all sorts of catastrophes. But why me? I'm nothing special, sure I know how to use a bow but that's it. Hell I've never even been in a serious fight. What am I supposed to do. How am I suppose to survive? Thoughts began to race Frederick's mind and they were getting worst by the second. He was then suddenly clasped on the shoulder

“Well, she seems fun, eh? But anyway, the other two are right in that I think we need to go and see this king. We won’t learn anything else if we stay down here, after all.”

This got Frederick back into the mindset he needed to be in to deal with this situation. So Frederick chuckled "She seems like if she is a whole load of fun. I'm just wondering what a microvirgin is?" As the man was walking toward the others "My name is Frederick by the way." As I began a quickened pace to catch up to the others.
@Beta Is there a traditional way of getting married in the Blessed Isles?
@Beta How much would you say a seasoned blacksmith would make in a day, week, or year if you take out the expenses of living, material, and other expenses?
“Fu-” as Frederick slams his tailbone against the hard floors. Before Freferick begins to stand he quickly looks for his chair to see if the reason he fell was the fault of him leaning too far back. But as he looks around not only his chair is gone, his desk, lamp, and in fact his entire room is gone. As he is trying to adjust to his new surroundings he notices the bow in his possession I haven’t held a bow in almost 6 years The idea of holding what use to be a cherished hobby in his had warmed his heart a little as he remembered his father taking him hunting as a child. But enough of this why do I have a bow and why am I in … He begins to look around and stand up as he notices some people decorated in some sort of religious garbs and others in knight armour and the 3 next to him who are also holding weapons. It is then at this point he notices the one in the brown robe greeting them

Frederick turns to face the brown robed man directly Frederick followed the old homage if you don’t know where you are to just make yourself look tall and big. The one with blonde hair and a sword seems to be asking some questions then he just says he’ll help. No information there to gain. The one with with the soul patch and the buckler seems to me in the same headspace as me and be wondering what in hell could a bunch of strangers do to help your world when I’m not at the very least am just a teacher who hunted for fun as a kid.

It was at this time the words of the soul patched man hit Frederick, he had come to realize that they were summoned and what that meant. He was no longer in his world, his family and friends he knew were no longer part of his reality. He no longer was a teacher who graded papers and collected antiques on the side. No he was supposed to be a hero now to save their world. As these feelings of dread started to take over Frederick’s mind he let out one last shout to save him from wallowing. “Is there a way to our world?”
I'll be posting in a bit

Dante & Crackers

Having now seen Adrian take a seat next to Haruhana and her Scyhther, Dante feels a little bit more comfortable with joining. As he is about to start walking over he sees Adrian call over to someone called Carrie. Dante decides it would be best to wait to see who Carrie was. As Carrie appeared to be a Haunter, Dante let his guard down again and walked began to walk over. The Scyther looked pissed as hell so I need to make sure I don’t aggravate it. I would like my to remain the way it is by morning so I honestly shouldn’t piss off anyone here. Crackers is walking behind me in a waddle. I end up taking a seat and making sure Crackers is further away from scyther then I am.

“My name is Dante and this is my friend Crackers. We were leaving one of the towns nearby and it was getting late when Crackers saw your fire. So we thought we would head over and hope that we would have somewhere warm to sleep.” Crackers intense gaze upon the meat slowly falters into sleepy eyes as the warmth of the fire puts him to sleep. Dante pets Crackers for a bit until he knows he is fully asleep.“ Crackers had always been an energetic guy ever since he came out of his egg so nice everyonce awhile to seem just sleep. So as thanks for lending me your fire, I have some food left from that town”, Dante pulls out some bread, crackers, and a little bit of mustard, “Take some if you like”
@vancexentan Mind if I post mine in Characters

Dante & Crackers

“Its freaking cold outside” Dante exclaims as he rubbed his hands together. “I can’t believe We let someone steal our blanket” as he looks at Crackers to his left. Crackers looks a little disappointed in himself as he was on watch as Dante was getting some food in the market. “Nothing we can now though right? Might as well eat and keep walking, we’ll find someplace warm.” Dante grabs himself some jerky and crackers and shares them with Crackers.

The sun has fully set, Dante and Crackers are now basically walking in the dark with only the moonlight to guide them. “Well I don’t know if we are going to find some warmth tonig-” at that moment Crackers starts heading into the woods after seeing the fire. “Well nevermind, good job Crackers.” Dante pulls ahead and tells Crackers to hold up for a minute as he takes a look ahead. He sees a Scyther and a girl sitting by the fire and a man at the treeline. Dante thinks Well they seem like they both seem like they can kick my butt if they tried. With that Dante steps out of the treeline and somewhat loudly asks to make sure they can both hear him clearly ”Excuse me, but do you have room at that fire for two more?” At that time Shelgon has also broken the treeline and has wobbled up to Dante staring intensely at that meat.
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