Melon, I think it's pretty clear you don't want me around so I can breath air upon your gorgeous character. So frankly, I'll go ahead and fuck off.
But before I go ahead and do that, I'd like to point out a couple of things.
Before I went ahead and "conveniently intruded", I was lurking through this thread, and read everything. I generally kept quiet, as I figured, and now know that you were the type to lash out at anything that goes against your "plot". And all through out reading all of this stuff, I can confirm something with 100% certainty.
Despite you being a "veteran", I have to say, man. You make TERRIBLE plays in roleplays.
Your character is pretty goddamn OP, what with the whole immediately killing anything he touches, "amplifying his force", and having unlimited energy. (He totally does, don't even try and deny it at this point.) He's got the ability to shoot lasers, accompanied with a list 2 miles long. And to top it off, ridiculous strength whenever he touches a character. (Which with super speed and ridiculous speed, he always does. Surprise.)
And finally, you cannot deal with adversity, or things changing at all. You started up a bitchfit when I was more or less doing what you were doing to a lesser extent. I've been roleplaying for a helluva lot shorter time then you, and I can fully admit to not being very good. But jesus, man, you're a terrible roleplayer.
Dragqueen OUT.

(P.S. Sending Fury and Khazna after that yellow junk so they could get a power boost? Aren't they already OP enough?)