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    1. DragQueen 11 yrs ago


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Drag was no human, if that wasn't apparent by his radical antlers, so he simply put his toe claws to use, digging them deep into the webbed ground firmly to keep him placed there. Though, Fury was a bit more powerful then before, his continued spewing of lava wouldn't be enough to keep him at bay at this point. Drag cut it off as soon as Fury had raised his hand, Drag wasn't exactly slow himself, he'd been trained in quite a few things himself. Drag's face grew scraggly, then covered in hair almost immediately, his entire body noticeably strengthening in demeanor and looking less "stringbean"-ish, but mostly looking fabulous due to the puffy beard.

Drag took the blast with all of it's force, even sliding back a couple feet from it, but his durability now dwarfed his unbearded self. Drag got into position, and stamped onto the ground before him, now marching towards Fury, hilt at his side, flicked on, and giving him quite a rude look. He was not a happy camper.
Drag's eyebrows would touch the sky if they were to raise any higher at the pretentious man in front of him. "Excuse me? You were the one wh-" He hesitated a bit, and turned his head away to cough up a couple rocks/bits of lava onto the ground. "Sorry, alien wines are really good. Avoid that shit." He begin to rub his head as he tried to recall where he was. "Oh, yeah! You were the one who ran away like a little bitch, last time." Drag wasn't much of a fan of people who ran from battle. He was a man of finishing what he started, so he had made the decision to not let Fury run away this time. The terribly attractive dragon-hybrid abomination's stomach made a loud churning noise, and in seconds his cheeks filled with molten rock. It didn't take too much to lean forward, and projectile vomited a gout of lava onto the lying Fury. Once the rock hits his flesh, it's bound to burn, a lot, most likely searing it despite it's toughness. It would coat him entirely, only taking a few moments to coat him in delicious gooey hotness.
Drag had walked through a portal, and expected his foot to touch a nice, solid ground on the other side. Instead, it was air, and he was about 50 feet up, screaming loudly (though he wasn't falling very fast, it was a lighter gravity) as he plummeted down towards what he got a nice view of as he fell. It was kind of a weird, spider web covered place that had pillars everywhere. This didn't really register with him, as he was still screaming, having completely forgotten about his wings, hitting the ground with a surprisingly much more softer sounding thunk. What he had landed on was much harder then he expected, petrified web hurts. Though he landed by an old pal!

His bag slunk onto his lap as he sat there, rubbing at the side of his face in a whiny murmuring sound. It took him a while before he even realized who he landed by, and even stood up to brush himself off before he looked over about twelve feet, gasping audibly. "Oh my goodness, it's that one dude! Uh, smelly guy." It was all he really knew Fury by, Sukoh said it, not him. "Man, you got all fucked up, what happened? Picking fights with more bears?"
Drag had spent, like, a couple hours on this planet! He'd retrieved his bag, his hilt was firmly buried into the front end of his pants, and his hair was magnificent from the foreign soaps that he had stolen bought. After all of this time, Drag had realized, he'd spent thousands of seconds on this planet, far too many. He'd grown bored of the planet, especially with a lack of any people wildly slapping their fists into each other, and hopped around until he happened to stumbled upon a nexus portal, and with how these things work, it wound up spitting him out on a spider web planet. He didn't really expect that, but Drag didn't mind, as long as it didn't kill him, or horribly maim him. Generally, any place that didn't have the word "Demon" would be fairly friendly.

Good thing it was Daemon Web, instead of Demon. That would be horrible.
Drag finally stopped spinning, his lava trailing off as he got less dizzy, and his wings didn't seem to want to function much any more. He flew back into the air, giving him a good view on the fleeing Fury. Drag honestly didn't know much about Fury, or what he was on about, but to leave a fight? That was enough for him to yell, as he fall back into the ground "PUUUSSSSSS-" only to be muffled by Sukoh's fur. He wasn't really furious with the guy, Drag was just a firm believer in ending a fight that was started. He stood up quickly, gave Sukoh a sad pat, attempting to say "Sorry" in his language, but instead mumbled something about crustaceans.

He hopped away, dove into the police car to retrieve the rest of his things, and then fled the scene.
I vote no on the strength decision.
The average person would normally take one of two paths, go flying, or get stunned. Drag however, took the blast with all of it's force, not exactly prepared for it's incredible power, and started spinning in air. In an effort to not lose his only real chances of winning, Drag gripped onto his hilt with both hands, only causing him to spin faster and faster, creating a cartoon-ish like "tornado" in air, the plasma-sword doing just the same along with him, creating circles of red-hot energy in the air. Though, he can't really control himself, spiraling around in the air uncontrollably. Anyone in this situation would be spiraling about, going all around in the air, his wings trying to flap just to keep up.

He attempts to aim himself for Fury to attack once more, but can't even manage it, flying through the air in all directions, up, down, left, right, etc. Drag had never been in such a dizzy roller coaster of his own momentum, and he couldn't handle it. So, he threw up.

Mounds of molten lava fell from his mouth, and began to spin along with him, spinning faster and faster until it made a jiggling, slushy ring of super heated rock around him, making him quite the spectacle from anyone above the air. Though, he was already pretty enough to be one regardless. The lava flew from his mouth so fast that it basically formed a ring around his body for a second, and it then flew off in every direction horizontally. Like a sprinkler of lava at 100 mph.T he sheer speed of the lava would spread it out so wide that Sukoh below would be left unharmed.
That was literally the coolest thing to ever happen to him. The fact that his close friend was a massive, bear-eating bear was already an astounding feat on it's own, but the fact that he doubled apparently as a "bear-o-pult" made him positively exuberant. He was sort of hovering into the air, appreciating the whole situation before he realized he couldn't exactly fly in his current state. So as hurriedly as he could, he gripping onto the bottom of his hoodie, to rip off his hoodie. Grossly enough, he revealed that he was in fact ONLY wearing a hoodie, and no shirt, his wings popping out and flapping as quickly as they can so he can remain in air.

His antlers sway in the wind, one noticeably chipping out just a bit. He really didn't take good care of that junk, or his body in general, which now kinda was a little bit chubby, and a generally unattractive sight. He did however keep it healthy enough in case anyone was going to say, attempt to murder him with a telephone pole, as he worked his way up towards Fury, his weapon flickering on and off as he was more trying to focus on flying. He hadn't really done that in a while.

In a panic he pushed the button on his plasma hilt and shapeshifted the blade into the shape of a sword, stabbing out in rapid succession. Like some kind of crazed flying fencer, the blade jabbed out and upwards. Quickly closing the distance between himself and the flying man with terrible BO.
Almost a bit offended by his friend leaping over his shoulders, he can only exclaim "HEY!" loudly as he hops over his shoulders, stumbling back a bit from the force of a rather heavy animal using him as a trampoline. He is almost completely knocked over, but he manages to stay standing, directing his attention back to the scene at hand. Almost immediately as he looks back, he sees his friend with a lamppost aimed directly for what appears to be his jaw. Well shit. His grip on his hilt gets more firm as he finally gets a good idea of what's going on, running forward stupidly, and presumably without a plan. He seriously wasn't a very bright man.

His mind racing, he thinks deeply as to where he'll actually end up running, with a massive bear, and a horrible smelly evil thing in front of him. His arms swing a little bit as he unfortunately has to use his friend as a distraction, diving past him, and to the left of Fury (whether or not this was because of his injury is a mystery) letting out a completely necessary battle cry. This was a prime opportunity to land an attack on the monster, as he holds up his hilt, the axe flickering back once more and glowing a dangerous looking radiating aura that was probably giving Drag three separate types of cancer.

Launching himself into the heat of the battle, and swinging as gracefully as a woodsman who was cutting the finest of mahogany, he realizes how out of shape he is, as waving your arms around this much would tire out just about anyone that hasn't had a good fight in a year or so. He decides swinging wouldn't be very effective anyway, and adjusts his grip onto the axe, instead swinging the entire force of the axe forward against Fury's back, almost being launched back simply by he is deep fear for this smelly man. He was afraid of anyone that smelled that badly, no matter who they were!
Having a general fondness of bears, specifically Sukoh, he didn't have much of a choice but to fight said "evil one". Also because he had a massive hard-on for being the hero-archetype, but he wouldn't admit that. He gave his massive fluffy friend a nod, and tried another attempt at speaking his bear language. It didn't go well. In preparation for the fight, (and as if to say that shit was about to go down) he rolled up his sleeves, and drew out his incredibly shiny plasma hilt out of the pocket of his hoodie.

Realizing his terribly overpowered backpack isn't anywhere within his view, he realizes he has to just depend on his own strength, and cunning. He had strength, at least. The street light exploded is what set him off, as he yelled out in a panic, his hilt flickering into an axe as he swings around wildly. It takes him a second, but he directs his attention to what he presumes to be the "Evil One" his friend had told him about. Well aware his bear friend was strong, he was injured, so he stepped in front of Sukoh, his axe held out in front of the two of them.

"Uuhh..I'm not even sure if you speak English, in that case, I'm kinda just yelling at nobody! Uhm..Step back, I guess! And apologize to my bear friend!" He was at this point, spitting out the last couple of lines, the whole slowly walking thing intimidated the fuck out of him. Although this person in front of him was clearly evil, and most likely going to maim his body in several ways, he did not make the first leap, and just kind of waved his weapon up and down.
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