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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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The average person would normally take one of two paths, go flying, or get stunned. Drag however, took the blast with all of it's force, not exactly prepared for it's incredible power, and started spinning in air. In an effort to not lose his only real chances of winning, Drag gripped onto his hilt with both hands, only causing him to spin faster and faster, creating a cartoon-ish like "tornado" in air, the plasma-sword doing just the same along with him, creating circles of red-hot energy in the air. Though, he can't really control himself, spiraling around in the air uncontrollably. Anyone in this situation would be spiraling about, going all around in the air, his wings trying to flap just to keep up.

He attempts to aim himself for Fury to attack once more, but can't even manage it, flying through the air in all directions, up, down, left, right, etc. Drag had never been in such a dizzy roller coaster of his own momentum, and he couldn't handle it. So, he threw up.

Mounds of molten lava fell from his mouth, and began to spin along with him, spinning faster and faster until it made a jiggling, slushy ring of super heated rock around him, making him quite the spectacle from anyone above the air. Though, he was already pretty enough to be one regardless. The lava flew from his mouth so fast that it basically formed a ring around his body for a second, and it then flew off in every direction horizontally. Like a sprinkler of lava at 100 mph.T he sheer speed of the lava would spread it out so wide that Sukoh below would be left unharmed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dropping down from his toss he saw Drag and Fury on a direct collision course, unsure about the outcome of this battle he stood there and thought long and hard with his bear brain. In his mind he saw poor mathematics and somewhat cartoonish depictions of the situation. Fury is this strong, he thought, breaking metal and rock super easily. Drag is also strong, but not as strong. The weapon thing that burns his nose is strong too, and Drag can use that to make himself stronger. The bear looked down at the rubble and broken cars on the ground around him, the fight between Fury and Freedom had left behind a good bit of destruction.

Then for a moment he thought about how he had thrown Drag, that gave him a bit of a speed boost. Sukoh could throw things up in the air! Then looking upwards he saw the blast strike his friend's hand, his grip persisted however and he started in a mad spiral in the air. Drag was going to be super dizzy by the end of this. But his friend was in trouble, Sukoh saw Fury flying towards him after the blast, and there wasn't much that he could do to prevent that. His friend would be alone in this venture for a little bit, but simple as it was Sukoh had a plan.

The great bear meandered over to the wall of a building, placing his paw through the shattered window and swiping from side to side. Collapsing the walls of the structure and sending chunks of concrete and rebar falling down to the ground. This would be sufficient stuff to throw, it would at least provide distraction. With his enormous mouth he started to scoop up the foul tasting material and stuffing it into his cheeks with his tongue. It poked at his tongue and the roof of his mouth right painfully but it was nowhere near the pain that Drag would experience without help.

Sukoh prepped himself, positioning his body in such a way to be exactly what Drag described him as. A Bear-a-pult. With one last look upwards he tucked his chin into his chest and crouched down low to the ground. Lowering himself would allow for more of a buildup of speed as he rose. He kept his mouth closed but loose and his back arched upwards, this was just about the optimal positioning for catapulting a few hundred pound of debris into the air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

This fool really is pathetic, Fury shrugged as his blast apparently caused the dragon-hybrid to spin around in the air ridiculously. He had no patience for fighting such a fool, and obviously he had no intention of trying to make a grab for him when his attack had obviously been so successful. Fury was so irritated with the weakness of his opposition he couldn’t even justify sticking around just to kill them and drain their energy, and so, considering he had absolutely no motive for continuing the fight… he didn’t.

The Fireen jetted off, backwards and far away from the fire-spewing monstrosity below, far out of range of any debris that could have been thrown at a later date. His energy propelled flight took him high into the sky at a cool 200mph, so he quickly lost sight of everyone below him as he entered the lower atmosphere of the planet.

With a glowing aura surrounding him, he closed his eyes and prepared for transportation. The Angar-Rylla only had limited recourses for it, but for such a formidable weapon he had no doubts as soon as he broke out of the planet’s atmosphere they would detect him and bring him aboard their orbiting cruiser, where the General himself was held. There he could get far away from this place and closer to his ultimate goal, which was all that really mattered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

High above on the edge of low orbit a massive ship sailed through the gravity well of mother earth. A sleek Angar-Rylla capital ship with several smaller escort class ships anchored itself in orbit. Deep within the command bridge several holographic view screens observed the events on the planet surface bellow. Primarily centered on the strange conflict that had taken place between Fury and yet unidentified extra dimensional aliens.

Khazna sat slumped in his command chair, looking slightly bored, even though the ongoing conflict had been somewhat entertaining. Though not nearly as much as the previous battle beforehand. It had only been several minutes since entering the planets low orbit from the home universe of the Angar-Rylla home system.

"Seems Fury has finally grown bored, Lord Cardinal." Baltu noted as the Fireen began to break away from the large bear and strange winged creature.

Khazan sighed. "About time, I was starting to think he'd rampage forever. Not that it would normally matters. It would have helped pass the time as the engines cool down before the next jump."

Baltu just shrugged as he went over a screen of ever changing data on his data console. "Will you be hailing him? We may need his...expertise in the Daemon web pits."

Khazna waved his hand dismissively. "I doubt it, would seem incredibly excessive for such a simple mission. Still the nexus gateway only leads to the webs from here. We can always offer a ride, what else do I have to do but ferry fireens across the multiverse!" He stared back at a monitor that currently showed the planet in all its blue glory. "I suspect however...we will be returning sooner than later. Such a rich world would benefit Angar-Rylla greatly."

With that Baltu sent a simple message to Fury detailing a rendezvous point until the smell escort was ready to exit into the nexus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fury just left. As he was turning his head upwards to throw the concrete he saw the only thing in the sky was Drag. The only sign of Fury that was left was a hole left behind in the clouds that simply closed up as the wind blew. In his anger Sukoh crushed the concrete in his mouth into a fine grey powder, bending the metal bars into pretzels around his teeth. The evil one who took too many lives for no reason simply took off and left? The bear spat the debris from his mouth and tried to lick away what remained, he was unable to roar out his frustrations at such a disgraceful action. Relaxing himself before he started doing something stupid, Sukoh knew his limits, sitting down on the ground he looked up at the sky. Unable to see the ship through the atmosphere during the daytime and the thickness of the cloud cover.

The bear grumbled as he set his sights on Drag, who was falling from the sky. Sukoh rolled his body backwards, doing a full somersault and laying himself on his back to keep Drag from hitting his head. The least he could do was catch Drag, prevent him from actually getting hurt from that blow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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Drag finally stopped spinning, his lava trailing off as he got less dizzy, and his wings didn't seem to want to function much any more. He flew back into the air, giving him a good view on the fleeing Fury. Drag honestly didn't know much about Fury, or what he was on about, but to leave a fight? That was enough for him to yell, as he fall back into the ground "PUUUSSSSSS-" only to be muffled by Sukoh's fur. He wasn't really furious with the guy, Drag was just a firm believer in ending a fight that was started. He stood up quickly, gave Sukoh a sad pat, attempting to say "Sorry" in his language, but instead mumbled something about crustaceans.

He hopped away, dove into the police car to retrieve the rest of his things, and then fled the scene.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The arrival of a tremendous ship orbiting the planet sounded literal and figurative warning bells in the cockpit of the starfighter. The General was awed by it. It was tremendous, as large as the USS Alaska if not larger! However having no such emotions, AFAI was first in vocalizing his assessment.

“General, I have no information about this ship, however I can infer from its tremendous size and the capabilities our own ships of such size, it is a formidable opponent. I recommend no hostile action, sir.” The General rapidly regained his composure; paralyzing emotions did not befit a profession such as his, and he was ashamed to have even lost these milliseconds.
“Noted, computer. The ship seems to have not noticed us.” He chuckled, “You know, computers keep advancing and advancing, but they’ll never be good at poker. Open communication on all channels, I have a message for these aliens. While I talk, salt the AMRAAM-43 with some tantalum, rubidium, titanium, lawrencium, any trace elements we happen to have picked up whizzing through space we’ve no use for. Only a few milligrams though, I want this next bit to be a mystery.”

He put on his officer’s cap and a game face, then faced the camera in the cockpit. “Begin transmission. This is Brigadier General Garrett Johnson, United States Air Force. You are in violation of American orbital space, and are harboring a fugitive from justice. You will depart at this instant, or face the consequences. If you cannot understand me, I will send a warning shot to convey my intentions.”
He nosed up at mach 10 and launched the salted AMRAAM vertically, not quite towards but very close to the flagship, around a few miles.

“The missile headed in your direction Is not locked on to you, but it is carrying the means of your destruction. I do not know how advanced your civilization is, so I will explain the contents. Aboard this missile, the weakest I have, is 10 grams of antimatter. Aboard my others, I have up to a metric ton, all under high pressure. You can see the missiles" This was not an an empty bluff; the missiles had more than enough volume to contain more antimatter, however, 430 kilotons worth was deemed sufficient. "And in my ship, another 20 metric tons, a few hundred gigatons all told, and I have lasers capable of focusing an antimatter annihilation on any of your weakspots as well. And you may get me, and you may get some of my missiles, but one will get through.

He remotely detonated the missile some 1000 km from the surface of the earth.

“Don’t bother calculating it, that was 430 kilotons exactly. Now, I have been authorized to use all weapons, and unless you leave these people be, so help me God all 20 metric tons are going to detonate in your hull.”
He altered trajectory towards the moon and engaged cloaking, which optically and to sensors not specifically watching for very faint 1550 nm transmissions, would look like he teleported, possibly behind the moon to launch missiles from safety. The enemy would not get a sneak attack on him. He disabled the common radio frequencies from metamaterial bending for now, so he could hear if they made their response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury closed his eyes as the teleportation wave overtook him, and suddenly he was aboard the ship.
But not the ship he expected.

Apparently, the Capitol had arrived some time during his mission, Freedom had likely been transported to its more secure holds, and the corvette had taken its leave. The Fireen found himself in a narrow room which decontaminated and released him after only a moment, allowing him to walk into a visiting hall where some of the Angar-Rylla was awaiting him. No doubt he made quite a sight in his scorched and broken armour, which he relinquished with some help. By this point, his right arm was completely red with blood, so first-aid officials applied a kind of sealant paste, aiding his recovery, and cleaned up his wounds. He remained completely silent throughout, concentrating on not draining the life energy of everyone around him; he was unpleasant enough as it was.

Donning some course cloth clothes and heavy boots to traverse the ship, the Fireen once known as Manadar decided it was only right to answer the summons of the commander who had teleported him. He had met with Khazna briefly before, though he couldn’t claim to be very familiar with him, frankly however he didn’t really care about any of them regardless, so long as they brought him closer to his goal.

The skeletal face surrounded by fire, a reoccurring vision.

Predictably, when Fury reached Khazna in the command room he was as blunt as ever.

“Khazna, what do you want?” He asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fleeing the scene so quickly while bidding a hasty and totally incorrect apology, that was definitely Drag. The lumbering giant did not move, nor did he bother checking the wounds from today. Not enough motivation to worry himself with wounds that would just heal up eventually. Today had been an odd day, two wizards fought and Sukoh assumes that one of them is dead. Then his closest friend appears out of nowhere and then totally vanishes into thin air, though that's not out of character for him, Sukoh didn't see that as odd. It was the showing up part that was odd. What's next? Some kind of space ship just crashing on him?

Yeah, that'd be about his luck. Within recent history he has actually died, so severe internal hemorrhaging from a large object landing on him doesn't seem too far out of realistic outlook on the near future. Ah well, Sukoh's tired, the bear's had a pretty long day overall. With a few struggled groans he flipped himself over onto his stomach and laid his head down on the concrete road. Like before, the great bear decided that rest was his best choice right now. May as well get some rest before the next unreasonably angry person appears.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The command room busied themselves with various task needed to launch into the nexus once more. Khazna flexed, yawned, and generally waited in object boredom. By the the gates of oblivion! He had almost forgotten how time consuming it was to move from one nexus gateway to another, just to get to where you wanted to go. Then there was the possibility you might not even get there if a Nexus storm swallowed the ship and dumped it randomly elsewhere in the multiverse. That had only ever happened Khazna and his entire fleet had ended up in a world of unicorns, sparkling pones, dancing flowers and rainbow! Khazna had since vowed to murder every and anything unicorn or pony he ever met again.

Such inconveniences were exactly why Angar-Rylla needed control of the nexus, specifically to avoid rainbows and pones. Though there was also the shear strategical value, but he secretly believed it was mostly the latter reason. The sound of the command rooms door's opening clued Khazna to the arrival of Fury.

“Khazna, what do you want?” He asked.

Khazna sat up and beamed. "Ah, Sunshine! There you are, was beginning to wonder if you got lost on the way looking for the loo!" He then clapped his hands together. "Right then, it seems you have good timing however, it seems his highness Gladius Dei Senechal has intrusted with the ever important takes of anomaly hunting! Not the most exciting of jobs perhaps, but it beats hazard pay out in the asteroid fields."

He tapped his chin, and then started again as if he just remembered something. "In any case HQ believes there might be something to this most recent wormhole, I don't profess to understand the since behind it all, but apparently this anomaly originated from the nexus itself. Which could very well mean a Dreamer himself has appeared, if such is the case you presence would be most appreciated."

An alarm suddenly sounded and Baltu interrupted. "Cardinal! We are picking up an approaching vessel on our sensors."

Khazna looked back to Fury. "Oh, made some friends did we? Hmm, perhaps their here to make their surrender official."

"Sir, it seems their hailing us..."

“This is Brigadier General Garrett Johnson, United States Air Force. You are in violation of American orbital space, and are harboring a fugitive from justice. You will depart at this instant, or face the consequences. If you cannot understand me, I will send a warning shot to convey my intentions.”

"Is he telling me what to do?" Khazna asked. "I hate when people do that!"

"They're accelerating, sir!" Warned one of the deck officers. Sure enough the small ship had entered hyper speed and fired off a missile. Alarms sounded as the capital ship entered battle ready conditions. Weapons were powered and trained on the ship's position, meanwhile the escort ships began pulling away into a defensive pattern.

Once the missile was lunched point defense weapons zeroed in on it, and in a blink of an eye it was snuffed out of existence with pin-point laser fire.

"Hmm...so not surrendering then?" Khazna pointedly mentioned. "Bah, I don't have time for this, is the nexus gate located yet?"

"Yes sir, we need only activate it." Baltu announced.

"Prefect, open up a gate then, meanwhile prep the missile in tube 77."

"Missile prepped, but those are just EMP-"

"Oh, I know! But he won’t! When you’re done with that establish communication, then boot up a gate, I'm already annoyed with this place. No one has a sense of humor."

After a moment Baltu announced that communications were established. Khazna smiled under his mask then began. "This is ground control to major Tom, it seems you head is too far up your ass, in loo of this you may kindly shove off." With a crack of his knuckles he then added. "Oh, cut comm's and fire those missiles if you please."

"Missiles away."

At that moment a fast free falling device shot down from the underside of the capital ship. It soared down to earth then immediately split into a dozen small missile shaped projectiles once it broke the atmosphere. Moments later a rip in space time appeared just a few miles before the Angar-Rylla fleet, which quickly begin filing into the void.

"You make the most interesting friends Sunshine." Khazna mentioned to Fury.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With a start, Sukoh awoke and looked all around, turning his head upwards just as the lights began to twinkle above the atmosphere."Pretty lights, like day stars they are. Reminds Sukoh of home. . .Home has such pretty stars." The bear looked down at his paws and then back up to the sky, "Sukoh will go home, this place does not like me." With a shove he pushed himself up off the ground, looking around at the destruction left behind by the previous battle. And then looking for any sign of the portals that he uses to travel from world to world. The familiar scent of cherry blossoms and peaches wafted through a nearby hole, Sukoh wagged his little puffball tail. "Home~"

With a rather speedy trot he ran towards the smell, for quite some time he ran before seeing the tell tale ripple in the wall. With his head first he nudged his way into the portal and back home, away from the Nexus of Worlds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragQueen


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Drag had spent, like, a couple hours on this planet! He'd retrieved his bag, his hilt was firmly buried into the front end of his pants, and his hair was magnificent from the foreign soaps that he had stolen bought. After all of this time, Drag had realized, he'd spent thousands of seconds on this planet, far too many. He'd grown bored of the planet, especially with a lack of any people wildly slapping their fists into each other, and hopped around until he happened to stumbled upon a nexus portal, and with how these things work, it wound up spitting him out on a spider web planet. He didn't really expect that, but Drag didn't mind, as long as it didn't kill him, or horribly maim him. Generally, any place that didn't have the word "Demon" would be fairly friendly.

Good thing it was Daemon Web, instead of Demon. That would be horrible.
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