Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A Typical Day in the Life of a Hero.

Majestically the blue and white clad hero watched the events unfold. His frame, corded and thick with muscles, the faint blue glow illuminating his body, General Freedom appeared every part of a super hero. Both arms extended, the energized fists curled, the slight arch in the back, the left leg bent at the knee, the right leg extended towards the ground, the toes pointed.

The scene seemed surreal, the ghastly frog being hopped away from the blast, but it was the sudden explosive emergence of prisms that caused the costumed avenger to narrow his eyes. The smirk on his lips slowly faded away as he watched the first prism intercept the ZPE blast and refracted the energy burst towards a second, then a third. The energy seemed to accelerate with each transfer, until it vanished into a hole beneath the toad.

“What in the blue hell is he doing?” Whispered the hero as he rotated his body slightly, gaining a better vantage point, hoping to figure out the plan of the being below him. After a moment a loud eruption of water soaked land beneath General Freedom gave answer to the question. The ZPE refracted in an amplifying relay underground, until it was focused towards the blue and white clad man. With startling ease, the energies rocketed skyward as the plume of water and debris streamed hundreds of feet, trailing behind the ZPE, casting a tremendous shower that covered an area of nearly three-hundred feet.

Instinctively General Freedom turned his body to lessen the actual area the energy would strike. And strike it did, the beam of scintillating energy slammed into the hero where it had originated from. Bending his legs upwards, twisting to offer the beam of energy a small a surface to impact upon as possible, the hero held his breath and wait for the inevitable collision of immovable object and irresistible force. Kinetic force slammed into the blue and white clad man, launching him skyward at an incredible rate. The air expelled from his lungs in a loud “Wooph” as General Freedom rolled with the hammering blow.

It was a good plan, and it had done what the samurai-frog had wanted, he redirected the beam back at General Freedom. However even as the beam struck the hero and forced him upward, it had not quite the effect hoped for. Even as the energy was refracted from prism to prism, there was a slight change to the frequency of the wave pattern. The triangular watery objects started a process in which ZPE was scattered by a volume of variant refractive index, such as a density fluctuation caused by the various sized prisms the frog-being had created for his plan. The initial ones were smaller transferring the energies to the larger until it emerged and struck the hero.

The mistake the being had made when constructing prisms to reflect the energy back was to use triangular prisms. Triangular prisms are used to disperse light, which is to break light up into its spectral components. This dispersion occurs because the angle of refraction is dependent on the refractive index, which in turn is dependent on the wavelength of the energy. Although the refractive index is dependent on the wavelength in every material, some materials have much more powerful wavelength dependence (are much more dispersive) than others, water being a greater dispersive medium. Since all matter has a wave-like nature, the wavelength of the ZPE was inversely proportional to the momentum of the initial energy burst, and thus directly proportional to the kinetic energy.

This series of continual dispersion resulted in a weaker kinetic impact than had been expected. What had ultimately occurred was a Doppler shift. The blue energy slowed down exponentially with each transfer to another prism, so that the final burst that struck General Freedom was enough to cause him pain as the kinetic detonation slammed into his body, but not enough to kill him, but it lifted him high into the air, and caused the hero to black out for a few seconds.

Waking as the rushing air flowed past his masked face; General Freedom shook his head and cleared it. Realizing he was falling at terminal velocity, the hero ignited his ZPE and rocketed downward. The multiple sonic booms echoed behind the racing hero as he accelerated, until he reached his maximum speed. The blue and white streak adjusted his flight as he neared the earth and aimed straight for the frog-being. Even as he approached the hydro-mancer, he knew the speed was incredible, that the collision would be intense as he cocked back his right fist, crackling with ZPE.

Racing in at roughly six-feet or so off the ground the hero slammed into the ghastly toad, as he did so the fist raced forward, backed by the momentum of the flight straight for the chin. At this speed, the super-human strength of General Freedom would be overwhelming. The power of the punch, coupled with the massive toque created by the Mach speed would create a devastating impact that would be difficult to withstand, even for a demon-frog. Even if the fist missed, the hero and the frog would collide, their bodies smashing together. The weight and muscle of the hero, propelled at these speeds would surely cause the toad like creature some measure of damage, if not kill him outright, he would at the very least be knocked out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The city seemed to hold its breath, though far away a fight raged between two of its powerful inhabitants, it seemed to know something was coming. It started out as a bright blue spark on the horizon, an unnerving and whistling sound somewhat like the V-1 rockets of WW2, falling upon London. This missile however was capable of far… far worse.

It was a quiet day in downtown, though the sun was out and a number of people had elected to leave work early and have a pleasant picnic in the local park. The birds were singing, and the people were whimsical, forgetting the troubles of every-day life on a planet very much like Earth.

Then, Fury hit the ground.

The park erupted, as the ground itself split under his bulk and the force of energy unleashed as he ensured his survival, after dropping from space. He left a crater twenty foot wide and ten foot deep, and the people’s alarmed curiosity (for a world with superheroes were more accustomed to such events.) suddenly turned to alarm, as the Fireen floated serenely from the crater and hovered above them. His intent was still unclear, though it was hard to imagine the harshly faced, bulky Fireen, was anything but a villain, even though he looked remarkably similar to them. His face glowed blue with veins of energy, like scars, and his hands bunched into fists. He looked equipped for war, in armour that looked like nothing the people had seen. They backed away from him, turning the children from the park, then their alarm grew as two figures appeared at his side, though grounded, each to one edge of the crater. They were blue skinned humanoid males, with spears that seemed to glow at the blade.

“Stop this dramatic ballshit. We’re here for the General, calm yourself down Fireen.”

Fury stared at his reprimander, the armed Nas’Gaduran to his right. After a long, dangerously quiet moment, he looked back at the crowd.

“These people are weak, it is pitiful the Angar-Ryllan want one of their number removed as a threat.”

“You know nothing, and remember we’re supposed to be recruiting him, you make it sound like we’re here to kill him.”

The Fireen continued to stare at the crowd as the solder continued to speak.

“We know he’s in the city, any idea how we’re supposed to find him?”

“Yes.” Fury replied, his voice cold. He spread his hands wide, and they grew bright, energy discs forming beneath each palm. The crowd backed away further. His grin was feral as he launched them, like blades, they cut through the innocent people in the park as if they were nothing but paper. Blood splashed the grass, and the screaming began.

“You fool.” The stony guard shouted. His fellow simply shrugged. “It will draw him out, I suppose, doubt he’ll be all too happy about it though.” The Fireen remained silent as he continued his grisly work, until every human around him was dead or dying.

“Come to me, little hero!” He roared out his challenge, his face etched with madness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

General Freedom managed to stand on wobbly knees as he glanced about the destruction wrought by the fight that took place. The emergency personnel working to save those they could, the horror at the dismembered and dissected police officer by that freaky frog. With a snarl, General Freedom stood straight and pushed away from the crumpled from of the Horn Toad, several EMT’s rushed to him. "I'm fine, thanks. Let's make sure that everyone else is safe shall we?"

Taking a step towards the carnage of their fight, General Freedom was bathed in a blue glow that illuminated the area around him brightly. As the hero took his second step he felt, as did everyone in the park, a sudden jolt, then a rolling wave motion that lasted for a few seconds.

"Earthquake!" General Freedom shouted as he increased his energy levels to help those here if a chasm should open. However, it wasn't the earthquake that grabbed the attention of those bewildered by the sudden event. It was the eruption from the ground around an explosive spray of dirt, followed by a glowing ball of light. Within the light was a man…a blue glowing man.

It was a shock to say the least; especially since two other figures rose from the crater besides the floating man. Several of the police officers started running towards the mound, weapons draw, the commander shouting ‘Freeze! Whoever you are stop right there, don’t move! DON”T MOVE!”

General Freedom rose in the air, his eyes focused on the creatures, more importantly he focused on the hovering individual. And with horror watched as innocent civilians seemingly were cut in two by shimmering discs. Police officers fired their weapons to no effect, some tried to shield the civilians however it was in vain. One officer scooping up two children, running as fast as his legs could carry him towards a police vehicle, however he wasn’t fast enough.

Clenching his teeth General Freedom felt the ZPE wash over him in a tremendous wave as his sinews flexed, his hands balled into mallets. Then he heard it.

“Come to me, little hero!”

“Alright bunky, you want me, you got me.” The hero murmured as he launched himself skyward in tremendous streak of blue and white.Rocketing high the blue clad hero peered down at the carnage below him; whoever they were, they certainly had no qualms about murder. Tapping his microphone, he waved off the news and police helicopters.

The way the man in the bubble killed told General Freedom that this was someone who viewed all life as nothing more than an annoyance. Something to be used and disposed of, the worst kind of villain.

Dropping down he slowed until he hovered a few scant feet above the ruptured earth, his eyes focused squarely on the man who had killed, the other two, odd blue-skinned beings with weapons that reminded him of something a medieval knight would use. Something told him that they were not from Earth, not by a long shot. Sheathed in the blue of the ZPE, his fists clenched, General Freedom spoke in a low tone.

“You have one minute bub, then it’s gonna get ugly.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

He sensed his presence before he could see him. The Fireen awaited the arrival of the ‘superhero’ with a certain dangerous excitement, tired of killing every human around him; a real fight was all he wanted. The Hero flew close, so close that Fury almost leapt straight at the man he regarded as a weak intrusion on his true goal.

“One minute, huh?” Fury bristled, energy gathering in his hands.

The more reserved Nas’Gaduran on his left, and arguably the smartest member of the group, rose his hand palm forward in a peaceful gesture to the General.

“Stop Fireen, blow this and you’ll have the Angar-Rylla to deal with, you’re not that tough.” He said, calming Fury enough that he allowed the energy he had gathered to dissipate. The Fireen distracted himself with a casual observation of the ruined park around him, trees uprooted and cut down by energy discs, people’s dismembered and bloody corpses everywhere the eye could see. It wasn’t enough.

“Now, General Freedom, I’m sure you’re wondering why we’re here killing all these people. That wasn’t our initial intention, but we have this… angry individual here, who has a lot of problems. Regardless, it got our point across plenty well; we are members of the Angar-Rylla, a powerful space faring nation which has already conquered countless solar systems and planets just like this one. We have come to offer you a kind invitation to join our prestigious empire.”

“Of course, you refuse! I hear you shout, looking at the destruction all around you. Well, this destruction is but a taste of that which will be wrought should you choose to oppose us. Therefore, I’ll put this in simple terms. Join us, or the planet burns.” The Nas’Gaduran looked slightly amused, and settled into his earlier stance. “I’ll give you the rest of your minute to consider your answer.”

Fury just looked as angry as ever, irritated that he had been sent to detain such a weak-willed being rather than being at the forefront in the war to attain their ultimate goal. Of course, their goals were not quite the same; Fury just wanted someone’s head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Appalled. General Freedom stared a moment, his voice measured, his emotions dampened to a grave frost, “You killed…murdered these people and then ask that this planet submit to your empire? Only the people of this world can answer that question, but I know one thing if you attack this world, you will have a fight on your hands.”

The shimmering blue ZPE energies that coated the muscled frame brightened, racing along the thick sinews of arms and legs, across the broad chest then focusing around massive fists. A simple display of light, for what he had in mind he didn't need the power of the ZPE.

“Alright bunky, you had your piece and my answer…” With that, one of the mightiest heroes of alternate earth brought his hands together in a tremendous clap, causing a concussive wave of energy to expand out and away from him.

Unsure of the exact nature of the aliens, General Freedom needed to buy time; hopefully the concussive force from his clap would stagger or even knock them down. After his explosive clap the blue and white clad hero, began pumping the ZPE that coursed through his body, he felt would need that power, and probably soon.

He had to get them away from the city, a fight between he and the invaders would cause a great deal of destruction, and they already have shown that human life means little to them. No this fight had to happen where the impact of their power would have little effect on people.

Launching himself backward General Freedom knew that the bubbled Fireen, that is what the blue guy had called him, a Fireen, most likely would be able to follow him with ease. That was fine; he was the jabroni that he wanted to get his hands on the most.

“Come on, you want some of America’s favorite son? Come get it.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“No, no, no we want you, not the planet” the Nas’Gaduran guard was cut off as a wave of concussive force threw him and his fellow backwards and left them crumpled on the ground some distance off behind Fury. He was buffeted by the attack, but far from injured as his shield withstood the force of the General’s clapping hands. He landed behind his crater on the ground, right foot setting into the grass and dirt to bring him to a quick halt.

“It would seem like I get to kill you after all.” Fury called, with obvious delight. “When you’re dead this world will burn, the Angar-Rylla think nothing of glassing a planet as a message.” The Hero backed off, though Fury wasn’t mad enough to think he was scared, the Fireen hadn’t even begun quite yet.

“Right then, let’s get started.” Fury bounced off the ground and propelled himself forward with energy, his body at a twenty five degree angle from the ground, sensing his opponent manifesting some sort of energy attack the Fireen had never seen before, he launched two energy discs from each hand as he barrelled towards his foe. They curved through the air and crossed paths, each darting towards the hero in mid-air from either side to give him something to think about. Meanwhile, Fury powered forward, and if his opponent remained floating, he would fly underneath his legs and grab hold of his feet with both hands, throwing him towards the ground with all his energy enhanced strength.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just as he suspected, the Fireen was less affected by the thunderclap than the other two. In fact, the alien was bouncing into action, and based on is previous actions towards civilians, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill General Freedom.

However while the blue and white clad hero ramped up his ZPE, he also pondered what the alien had said, “…we want you, not the planet” Why did they want him? That would be a question he would have to ask the aliens once he an opportunity to do so.

Right now the erstwhile hero had other things to worry about, two shimmering energy disks erupted towards him, similar to the ones that cut down the citizens of the city who had spent the day in the park.

They hurled at him with amazing speed, a snarl escaped his lips as the General narrowed his eyes, twisting to avoid one of the disk he felt the impact of the second along his flank, knocking him up and back. As he shook his head, the second disk slammed into him with enough force to cause him to grunt as a sharp pain raced along his ribs.

Dropping to the ground, General Freedom slammed a fist deep and pulled up a chunk of the parkland, hurling it at the Fireen. The ZPE swirled around General Freedom, appearing as a series of rapid streaks of light racing across his body, setting off a soft glow.

Whoever this Fireen was, he wasn’t anyone to take lightly. If the disks were a simple and hurried attack, they had incredible power, and the even though they bruised him, they didn’t do anything serious, at least not this time.

“Glass the planet? What a waste. Probably what happened to your planet huh ugly? You got uppity to your purple friends and they slapped you down like the rabid animal you are.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Fireen slowed his charge, changing his tactics when his foe dropped to the ground, relatively unscathed by his attacks but certainly distracted. He hovered about ten feet from the surface and thirty meters from his foe, and clearly saw General Freedom’s fist slam into the parkland itself with impressive strength, pulling out and launching the debris directly at the Fireen.

Fury grunted with exertion as he raised his right hand to catch the debris in mid-air with energy, surrounding the projectile with a blue glow. It left him vulnerable, as it took a few moments to slow down, but it was not quite obvious what he was doing and the General decided to use his time to attempt to taunt the Fireen.

Fury’s eyes narrowed in anger, as the General guessed the fate of his planet by chance, but not the true cause.

“My people went quick.” Fury shouted at the top of his lungs, floating backwards slowly and pulling the debris with him, when it was almost at his right hand he took stock of the General’s position, wherever it may be. “Yours will burn!” Fury yelled, and simultaneously launched his projectile at the hero, with a massive wave of kinetic force propelling it with deadly intention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“My people went quick.” Fury shouted at the top of his lungs, floating backwards slowly and pulling the debris with him, when it was almost at his right hand he took stock of the General’s position, wherever it may be. “Yours will burn!” Fury yelled, and simultaneously launched his projectile at the hero, with a massive wave of kinetic force propelling it with deadly intention.


General Freedom rose slowly, his eyes narrowed as he watched the Fireen capture the debris with an energy field, a trick that many energy manipulators can do. Charging his own energy, feeling the ZPE race through his system, feeling it surge as he prepared to unleash a burst of energy, when suddenly his eye caught movement.

By then it was too late as a tremendous plasma burst, followed by another and another slammed into his body. The shimmering blue ZPE field surrounding him rippled as water when a rock is tossed into it. The first burst surprised him, the second, third and fourth made him angry.

Rising into the air he had taken his eyes off the Fireen, and he paid for it as the debris that was caught and sent back, crashed into him at a tremendous rate. The force that hit him was equal to a freight train moving at 180 miles per hour, more than enough to cause the General to grunt as he found himself flying backward, head over heels. A few hundred meters later, one of Alternate Earth’s mightiest heroes crashed into a retaining wall for the elevated gardens.

The force of the impact, coupled with the mass of the hero brought nearly 20 tons of material down on top of the man known as General Freedom. As the dust settled, nothing moved. Yet under the tons of rubble and dirt, a blue glow slowly intensified.

The Nas’Gaduran knights moved forward, one jumping into the air where his thrusters elevated him and rushed him forward a short distance. The other scampered by the floating Fireen, the energy surging along the length of his weapon, the crackling of the plasma as it hovered in a containment field on the tip, ready to be unleashed glowed angrily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Hero flew, and Fury snarled.

This isn’t over yet.

He would have warned the Nas’Gaduran knights, or thanked them, or told them to stay out of it. He did none of those things, because even in his grief and rage filled mind he had become aware of what he was fighting. He had to deal with the Hero, or he would never be able to kill Skallagrim. Never be able to take his revenge.

The knights approached the rubble in the distance, with their weapons primed, one significantly further away than the other. Fury floated down to the ground and watched them from afar. The only noticeable sign of fatigue was a slight tightness in his face, but as he walked slowly across the park towards the fallen hero the grass withered and died at his feet. Covering half the distance, he clasped his right hand on one of the few trees still intact, and it too began to decay, energy leaking from its fairly sizable structure and into the leach-like Fireen at its base. His face glowed with more intensity, as the energy restored him, while his left hand channelled his sizable stores into a spear-like structure, when the Hero came, he would be ready.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Nas’Gaduran came close, their fast and highly musical native tongue piercing the air as they spoke to one another. Their weapons at the ready, the man they had come to collect was much stronger, much more powerful than they expected.

Lord Deacon Amaash’dal gripped his poleaxe tightly, his eyes staring at the rubble pile before him. With a quick snap of a wrist, he lowered the heavy visor and began conducting a series of energy and aural checks to see if the man known as General Freedom still lived.

He didn’t have to wait long as the tons of dirt and rock shifted slightly, then with a tremendous burst of blue energy a form rocketed skyward in a show of debris that rose several hundred feet before cascading down upon the aliens below.

Both knights instinctively ducked as the rain of earth fell around them, the one hovering dropped to the ground and erected an energy shield over his head to protect him. The other used his boosters to jump high, only to be hit by a ton of concrete retaining wall and knocked back to the earth.

Wrapped in the shimmering blue of the ZPE, General Freedom raced up to 30,000 feet in the space of a breath or two. A grimace on his face, he had underestimated the aliens and nearly paid for it. He certainly could not let a battle occur between them in the city, millions of people could be in danger if he could not lure them away.

Spreading his arms out he dropped in an Immelmann, his hands slowly coming before him, so that his massive fist, awash in ZPE pointed at the aliens below, as he closed to 15,000 feet he unleashed two bursts of energy. One directed towards the knights and the other towards the glowing Fireen.

The first burst impacted the ground between the two knights with the equivalent force of 50 tons of tnt, knock both up and back out of a crater nearly 100 feet around and 20 feet deep.

The second burst of energy raced towards the Fireen, but General freedom didn't’ wait to see the results he banked into a turn a thousand feet off the ground, with such force the air rend behind him as a sonic boom erupted in his wake. As he streaked over the ground, General Freedom raced over the freeway, and with timing and luck grabbed a heavy I-beam off a truck hauling them to a construction site.

The heavy steel beam weighing in a neat 2.5 tons would make a nice little kinetic impactor. Pulling up and around again, General Freedom sought his targets, the I-beam gripped in his right hand mid-way along its 20-foot length.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury stared at the erupting ground for a brief moment, watching Freedom blast upwards. The Nas’Gaduran were both incapacitated in very different ways by the rubble, but Fury himself was far from the epic-centre of the heroes explosive escape from the debris. He tracked his energy, as it rocketed high into the air above and caught the downward motion long before he could see it, with its accompanying ZPE blasts.

The Nas’Gaduran’s were fully out of action when the blast hit, obliterating the earth with an explosive eruption of unbridled force. Their singed bodies were thrown far from the park, and if they survived was uncertain, all Fury knew was that their energy levels were shot.

However, he had foresight to his credit, and all that abundant energy just sitting around in the form of a spear in his left hand, he formed a shield with it and blasted himself backwards towards the outskirts of the park. When the attack came, the earth split and the explosion washed over him, cracking his shield and sending him flying backwards into a police car, which crumpled around him like it was made of cardboard. The Fireen slumped and fell to the ground on one knee, shaking his head to clear it as his eyes burned with energy. He stood, ripping a door from the police-car with his left hand and blasting away the mortals firing pointlessly at him with a negligent wave of energy.

"Bastard." Fury cursed, climbing atop the car with his shield in hand, he sought out his foe with eyes alone. His gaze settled on the Hero some distance away, a metal beam in his hands...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

General Freedom raced forward, pushing his flying to its maximum speed, accelerating to supersonic speeds towards the Fireen standing upon a police car. An expansive vapor cone speed behind the hero as he broke the sound barrier, then a explosive clap as the air rend around him as reached his maximum speed.

Gritting his teeth, the stalwart hero of alternate earth pulled up in a body compressing high-g move, as he did so he released the metal I-beam in a toss-bombing technique. The I-beam now turned into a kinetic energy penetrator racing forward at the man standing on the car.

As General Freedom rocketed skyward, the tremendous explosion as the I-beam slammed into the area where the police car and alien were. Traveling at a little over 1,700 miles per hour the force of the impact was frightening as a white and light gray mushroom cloud erupted, rising nearly a half-mile in the air as the two-ton object crashed into the earth creating a massive 500 foot crater.

Banking slowly and into a lazy descent, General Freedom slowed to barely a crawl. The settling dust cloud from the concussive discharge made it difficult to see anything. Ramping up his ZPE to create a shimmering light to help cut through the dust, the blue clad hero moved slowly into the dust, scanning for any signs of life.

“Ok tough guy, let’s see if you managed to survive that.”General Freedom quipped as he continued to float further through the debris cloud looking for any sign of his opponent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

When your opponent starts speeding up so fast you can hardly see him, you know you’re in trouble. Fury raised his impromptu shield, and it began to glow. The Hero raced forward, they both radiated power in their respective ways, Fury looked on as he realised what was about to happen.

“Shi-“ The metal-beam raced towards him at high speed, and even though he had moved a little out of its way and tilted his shield to bounce the projectile away it collided with the earth and ripped it asunder. Mother Earth was having the crap kicked out of her today. The cacophony of noise and the dust shot skyward by the huge explosive impact of the bar launched at such a high speed rang throughout the city. To the sounds of sirens and alarms and bullets and careering cars it was as if those close to the epic-centre were in the eye of a storm.

To Fury, who had found himself collapsed on one of the huge sloping sides of the crater, completely obscured by dust, there was an eerie silence. His ear-drums had ruptured from the force, despite his shielding, and were only slowly being repaired by his dwindling supply of energy. His Antireen mail was split and cracked in multiple places, a deadly reminder of how much force had penetrated his shielding. Lacerations caused blood to drop through the ruptures in his suit, and at least one of his ribs were broken if the pain was anything to judge by. Still clutched tight in his left hand was a door handle, which he discarded with a flick of his hand realising in his weakened state his outward energy signature was barely anything. He turned off his belly with a grunt, sitting against the side of the crater and looking through the dust towards the bottom of the new Grand Canyon the Hero had made in the city centre. General Freedom must have one hell of a lawyer, the Old Fury thought, before his eyes lit again with the fiery blue of madness.

High above, General Freedom sought his foe in the dust cloud, revealing his position to the energy sensitive Fireen below. Fury expected his advantage to only last a short while, as his body once more infused itself with its blue powerful aura. Judging accurately, he allowed his weight to fall forward and as it seemed like he was about to dive off the crater wall and down into the depths, he pushed off at the last second like a swimmer at the pool’s edge. Flight kicked in soon after, and he reached almost 200mph as he burst from the dust cloud around General Freedom, his right arm forward and his shoulder aimed at the American’s left hip, he hoped to tackle him up and straight into the tall skyscraper behind him, using his weight and the force of his tackle to slam him through the wall, while he stole some much required energy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The hero known as General Freedom stared at the carnage below him, the crater, the debris and the twisted remnants of first responder vehicles lay strew across nearly a mile radius. Staring at the crater that lay before him, the cloud of smoke and dust obscuring his vision of what lay around him.

Drifting lower the hero grimaced as he saw the crumbled remains of a police cruiser, the black and white paint job barely recognizable on the hunk of compressed metal. The cloying dust filled his mouth forcing him to spit to his right, taking his eyes away from the danger that raced up from below.

When the alien stuck him, it was a picture perfect tackle. With a tremendous " OOOF…one of the mightiest heroes on alternate earth felt the air leave his body as his teeth snapped together while his jaws clenched. A huge explosion of air erupted form his body as he expelled the oxygen, his body whipping in half as the shoulder of the Fireen slammed into his oblique muscle on the left side.

They raced up and through a skyscraper, glass and office furnishing crushed and shatter in their flight through the building. Frightened workers ducking and covering as the two men barreled through the once neatly organized and efficient office space. Crashing through the other side by the inertia of their momentum, General Freedom felt the concrete and steel structure of another building against his back before it yield to the force exerted against it.

Shaking the cobwebs free, the blue and white clad man felt strange, odd, something was happening and the cause of it was undoubtedly the man clenching his waist. Inhaling deeply as they tumbled along the floor of the second office building, General Freedom raised and dropped his elbow on the head and neck of the man who tackled him with as much force as he could muster.

All the while, the blazing ZPE that surrounded him flickered and flared as it was being drained from its host.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After Fury made contact with the General he felt the ZPE energy flooding his system, and it was ecstasy to the Fireen warrior. His ears popped painfully as the power healed them, finally allowing him to hear the screams and cracking of masonry and glass as he carried forward with all his power, exiting the first building and slowing on entering the second. He threw his weight forward, attempting to drive the hero into the ground where he could gain an advantage as the powerful human’s energy was drained. Unfortunately, all he received for his trouble was the General’s elbow driving down towards him like a freight train, and even though he pulled away at the last moment he was still forced to let go of his foe as the blow slammed into the top of his skull, which he had directed into the attack to reduce the potential damage. It still hurt, a lot, and he span away from the General and ploughed through four cubicles on the opposite side of the room. When he finally stopped he jumped to his feet with the ease and skill of a warrior, blue energy jumping to his hands like fire.

“You’re causing quite a mess.” He observed coldly, bringing attention to the fact that the Hero was doing a terrible job of protecting people thus-far. It was a cruel remark, considering the lack of option the Fireen had given him, but Fury expected he would still take it to heart. He had personal experience with pain and guilt for events one has no control over. He shook his head to clear the fuzziness and after-effects of his foe’s blow, and stared at him across the office floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A couple hundred yards away from the fight between the two powerful energy warriors a rift poked open in the sky. A rather large one at that, through the sky hole emerged a massive ball of brown fluff. As every single pound came through the portal a rather loud noise rang through the air, and then Sukoh plummeted to the ground with a thump. In protest of this jarring entrance Sukoh let out a whining growl as he searched his surroundings. To his dismay the area was not quite so peaceful as he had hoped. A sizeable amount of destruction to the city and the occasional wounded or even dead individual. Maybe the entire multiverse was at war, this was starting to get suspicious.

With his right leg he pushed down on the ground, straining his muscles to heave himself up to his feet again. The bear looked into some of the holes, having to stand up to see a couple of them. Inside there were two men duking it out, the apparent source of this damage. Though he was frustrated at them for hurting people he had to figure out which one was the bad guy, why? 'Cause Sukoh's gonna beat'm'up. So the bear just sort of rested his head in the entrance, looking at them while they fight. The air smelled awful, whatever they were fighting with made it smell like ionized air and burnt flesh. "Rrruurrpph." The bear here, where nobody spoke animal tongue, attempted to speak to the two men. Letting out a deep and rumbling bark-like growl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The tumble through the building had been painful, normally the hero known as General Freedom would have ignored it, but his shielding had not blunted the force of impact as much as he would have liked.

As the two men parted, the blue clad man scrambled to his feet, winding up in a low crouch, his right hand rubbing his left oblique and rib cage. Whatever else the alien was, he certainly had a punch.

Seeing the energy race through the alien’s hands, General Freedom allowed his own ZPE to flare up, whatever that strange drain was it certainly came from the man before him.

“Alright bunky, you’ve got my attention. Nice trick that energy drain, but if you think that will save you…” Before the hero could finish the most disturbing fart sound ripped through the air. Straightening up, General Freedom was about to say something when out of the corner of his eye a huge brown-black mass fell outside the building.

The blazing ZPE energy raced around the man’s body as he nodded towards the hole where the black mass had been glimpsed, “More of your space buddies? What’s wrong pal? Don’t think you can take America’s favorite son alone?”

As the hero of millions dropped down into a stance, his right fist drew back, his left rising up before his chest and face, while his feet spread out a little so they were a tad further than shoulder width apart. His toes spread out to give him better balance when the massive head of a bear peered through a hole in the wall.

"Rrruurrpph." The bear said.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me…” General Freedom muttered as he launched himself back, unleashing a burst of energy at the alien before him, using the blast to help accelerate him outside where he could put space between he and the alien and the giant bear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury prepared to engage in deadly combat with the Hero of Earth, his hands blazed with fiery energy to the point where he was certain he could grievously wound the General. He almost half raised his hand and his muscles tensed, even as they looked at each other across the room. The Hero discovered he could drain his energy, and Fury was about to reply with a characteristically forceful reply…

Then, the most disturbing and nausea inducing sound permeated the air. Accompanied by a massive thump, the huge bear crashed into the ground outside, and Fury felt the sizable energy signature radiated by such bulk entering his field of battle. Expecting some new, deadly threat, he began to charge power in his hands like he were some huge lightning rod.

He did not grace the General with a reply when he questioned the allegiance of the new intruder, for Fury was just as baffled but he was unwilling to give his foe too much information, better to leave them all on even grounds. Noticing the General was readying himself, Fury pulled his right hand back ready to deliver a bone crunching punch.

Then, the giant bear head poked through the hole in the wall, and unleashed a guttural sound he could not even begin to understand.

“The fuck is that!” He couldn’t help cursing, before turning his head back in time to see the General bursting away with an energy technique like his own. Fury braced himself, letting the blast flow around him through sheer concentration, no easy feat considering the situation. The after-effects of the General’s propulsion method burned through three sets of cubicles to Fury’s left as it bounced off his shield. Despite failing to hurt him however, it served its purpose as the General was already in open-air by the time Fury was ready to pursue him, and he had a massive bear to contend with.

It hadn’t attacked him yet, but its presence was irritating. With a negligent flick, Fury sent an energy disc flying in the Bear’s general direction, finding it near impossible for him to miss such a large target with a fast-flying disc of energy. It was powerful enough to cut through a human body or even the trunk of a tree with little effort, he was interested to see what it could do to a giant Bear’s nose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The first to react was the one who called himself 'America's Favorite Son.' Turning around and spotting Sukoh peeking into the hole in the wall. Exhasperatingly exclaiming that somebody has got to be kidding him. Human expressions are weird to Sukoh. Afterwards he seemed to blast away with that energy that made the air stink, like he was using it to jump.

Yeah, these two were some kinda wizards. But if the one who was jumping away was 'America's Favorite Son' then is the other one a bad wizard? The other was rather quiet, that is, until he spotted Sukoh. Where he shouted "The fuck is that!?" Evidently not happy to see the head of something nearly thirty times his size sticking in through the window. Though his reaction was a bit cruel, throwing a disk of energy at Sukoh from his standing position. It had the same singing smell, and then Sukoh remembered that there were people dead down there.

He was attacking him! "Grrffnarrr!" Sukoh panicked, realizing real quickly that he had put himself in a rather compromising position. Pulling his head out wouldn't get him out of the way, just out of the hole. What to do!? Oh, right. The bear swung his head sideways, shattering the concrete wall by bashing his skull against it. Now, it didn't get him entirely out of the way, but it put the energy blade somewhere it wouldn't cut off his nose. It carved into his cheek, slicing upwards and under the bottom of his ear. Leaving a massive cut across the bear's face.

Now, with this pain suddenly filling his cheek he reeled backwards. Falling onto his bottom and crushing a car beneath his heft. As well as rattling a parking meter so hard it dropped its change. The great bear pouted and rubbed at his wounded cheek, not even bothering to stand back up yet. "Gggrrarr, nnff. Nnnfarr?" Though nobody here speaks animal tongue he just muttered something rudely offensive.
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