She didn't like the stillness of the roads, it was like everything around her was holding its breath. Preparing for something great. All the while she had been walking she had tried to ignore the pit forming in her stomach. It warned her something bad was going to happen, just like she knew the spirits had taken Tasarla's horse. But she hadn't wanted to be right about that. Ignoring it had never done her any good. She started to run and despite her battered shape she kept running until she reached the entrance of Croftshire. Only when she stopped running she heard her own heart beating furiously inside her chest. She still had not seen Chavi, Edimer, V, Abe or anyone else since they left the circus grounds. Abe and her had stayed behind but he had left and ordered her to stay behind. After the attack no one had returned. She was scared........really scared. It made her knees weak and she bit her lip to stop from quivering. The possibility they could be hurt or worse, scared her to death. She would go through anything, face any danger as long as she knew they were waiting for her. Safe and sound, sitting by the fire surrounded by their homes and spinning one tall tale after the other.
When Floure entered the town, she felt an intense feeling of dread brought on by the misery spirits. It made the air heavy and she realized with a sickening clarity she had felt this before. Only then she hadn't realized it was caused by the spirits. It was a revelation she didn't even have time to register as her eyes grew wide at the scene in front of her.
There were gallows set up in the town square and the procession had already started. When she recognized Drust and Maggie, her lips parted to let out a scream but just like the roads she had walked before, there was no sound. Her hands had instinctively shot up to muffle her non existing scream and the pain from her scraped palms forced her to focus.
Floure gritted her teeth she let out a shuddering breath. No no no, this could not be happening.
She could feel the panic starting to paralyzed her, forcing her to be nothing more than a spectator to this tragedy. But she wouldn't let it. With fierce determination made her way to the front where the townspeople had gathered. She tried to hide her face behind her veil best she could. Though the shimmering fabric did just the opposite, it covered her raven hair like a curtain of stars. Floure couldn't believe what she was seeing. She needed to find the others, they could come up with a way to save them, they just had to. She didn't know what she would do if............. But where in this forsaken town were they? Then she spotted the unmistakeable tall form of Eri. Despite her feelings of trepidation a small but happy smile found its way to her face. She quietly weaved between the possessed townspeople to reach him, relief washing over her like pleasant summer breeze. The young fortune teller did not look at animal master directly not wanting to draw attention to the fact they were conversing. "What is going on?" She whispered worriedly.