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Amani saw Nate snicker next to Superboy and as much as she wanted to throw the dishcloth at him his laugh was annoyingly infectious. It resulted in a half hearted throw which Nate could easily dodge, especially with his speed. "That's not funny you now, he could really be hurt for all I knew" She said laughingly which made it so much less convincing. She wasn't really angry or upset. It took a lot to make her mad and she didn't believe Nate had it in him to do that to her. So........what next? She thought, looking at the stack of pancakes which was growing smaller steadily. Thank God they liked them, it would be really awkward if both plates were left over.

Amani smiled listening to Nate who was talking to Superboy about being a team. They were a team and she was really happy about that. A team looked out for each other, had fun together and shared good times as well as the bad. Almost like a family did and as much as she wanted to get a life of her own away from her family, she was still going to miss them. Maybe not right away but eventually she would get homesick. It happened every time she went somewhere by herself for a time, which wasn´t all that often. Being part of a team would definitely help to make her less homesick.

" Plus the girls man. They're awesome." Well Nate was right about that, female superheroes were awesome and unfortunately not equal in numbers to the guys. It was just like the Justice League, too many guys. Though she was pretty sure Nate meant a different sort of awesome. Two could play at that game. Besides a whole team of cute guys was definitely fun to be around. "You are spot on" Amani said with a giggle flipping her hair over shoulder and batting her lashes dramatically. "Where would the team be without some girl power" "Besides, the guys are pretty cute too" She winked at Ember, of course it was all for a good laugh.
Oh my Gosh this is terrible, I posted this morning but it was right in the middle of the update and now it's gone :(
I'll be posting soon though ^.^
Not feeling the new avatars, how about you guys? I like your signature Demon, one of my favorite episodes!
Their gathering was something right out of legend. Elves, dwarves and humans joining together to fight some unknown evil. The people who enjoyed these kind of stories were often no adventures or heroes. Foolish young girls dreaming of knights in shining armor, sons of farmers aspiring to be knights. Celine knew reality was all but a different matter. Those stories made the world seem like it was all black and white, the reality was gray.

The young man sitting at the table with Thaddeus, he could be a farmers son. Hopefully he hadn't been raised with these heroic tales. The real word was cruel and she hoped for his sake that he had learned that already. She was still young herself but she knew that life wasn't a fairytale, not anymore.

With a last sip apple cider she washed away the strange taste of her spiced soup. She remained seated for a little while longer studying each of their faces. Even when one of them seemed to stare back at her, Celine was not deterred and kept looking. She recognized the delicate but sharp features of elves, the stature of dwarves and the fact that their presence seemed to overwhelm the young man next to Thaddeus.

When the hooded figure she had been watching put a dagger to a man's throat, Celine didn't even raise a brow, nor did her heart started to beat faster. She was very aware of the possibility that she was going to travel with this party but couldn't bring herself to care about the possible threat the hooded figure would pose. At the sound of her hissed warning, she found it was a woman. Well isn't she just scary? Celine thought mockingly.

After things quieted down at the table she saw it as an opportunity to join without too much commotion. She undid her cloak and hung it on the back of the chair seated next to the Watchful Man. The peasant dress she wore was old, the colors faded. The white having faded to ivory and a tan leather bodice meant to preserve some resemblance of an hourglass shape.

She seated herself, speaking in a calm even voice. "Quite the mix up we have here"
"I am Celine, the Godswife of the villages to the West"
This much she allowed them to know. She was actually quite curious to see what her title would stir up.
Oh amazing set up we've got going ^.^ I can't wait to get Floure involved. I'll be posting first thing tomorrow morning!
I'll post tomorrow morning :)
I'm still here too, sorry I haven't been as active in the OOC. :) Well maybe we could put some fire into this and start up a mission soon?
Posted too. I think I could have done better, but my inspiration flowls slowly. I'll get used to the character eventually and my portrayel will be more as I like to see it.
Celine entered the town on a black steed, one deemed too wild and uncontrollable for a woman, yet it trotting through the gates with an almost eerie obedience. The sky was crying and she wore a hood to shield herself from its tears. The town of Merryspring was not much different than any of the other farming communities, there was nothing there that would hold the interest of a traveler. Except maybe their inn, the Galvanizing Spirit. There was much trade to be found in an inn such as that. Often unsavory deals were being made, and shady characters sold their whispered secrets. She was no stranger to this way of business. In times of peace, the wounded and sick were few and far between. As contradicting as it might appear, she made a living of off them.

After leaving her horse at the stables she made her way to the inn. They had agreed to meet here, The Watchful Man along with the others. She pushed one of the doors open and went inside. It was warm and dry and it smelled of drink. The young woman lowered her hood and let her gaze wander around the inn, before deciding to sit at the bar. She had already recognized Thaddeus and he was speaking to a young man to whom she didn't pay much attention. She was in no rush to speak to him. Instead she turned to the man behind the bar offering him her most pleasant smile. When she actually bothered to wipe the jaded look from her face, a charming smile had quite the effect. Well on most men it did.

"I'd like a small meal for one and a glass of pure apple cider" She had never taken a liking to drink and had no desire to start now. After a couple of minutes her meal was handed to her. It was a spiced soup though lacked any hints of true spices. Enjoying, or well enjoying might not be the right word a few spoonfuls of her soup her pale eyes found a hooded figure. From the stature she guessed it was a woman but it could easily be a teen boy. She must have entered at roughly the same time though Celine hadn't noticed her standing there until just now. She would keep an eye on her. Many shady people came to her croft and she could pick them out of a crowd like a piece of gold among silver.
You guys are crazy I meant that in a good way ^.^
Ellri said
you'll probably have to dig it out of her, though. She's not going to say out loud that she's been raped countless times.

No I don't think that's a neat topic of conversation. Anyways it's nice to see there are a couple of strong female characters too. I'm really excited for this ^.^
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