Name: Mirion
Gender: Male
Age: 356
Race: Elf of the forest
Appearance: Mirion stands as a tall, strikingly handsome, 'young' elf. His features resemble the handsome sternness carried by his father, yet with a twinge of softness from his mother. His grey eyes standing out against his pale face. Even more so when his long auburn hair comes into the picture, running over halfway down his back, though normally worn with a braid. His strong jawline ran to a somewhat pointy chin. Ears at an obvious point, though the point more vertical than most other elves. His appearance would seem that of a man in their twenties. His clothes are a cloak held around his with his family crest, a dark silk shirt and pair of pants spun from the finest elven hands, and on his feet leather boots.
History: Though being a few hundred years old, Mirion is still a relatively young elf. Despite this, his battle prowess had granted him a spot in the higher ranks of his houses army. Within time he lead the venturing parties to rid of foul creatures within the forest that threatened them. Until this point, he had never exactly left the familiar trees behind him. Soon enough he began to encounter strange humanoid beings. Upon reporting this he found out they were called orcs and learned they've been an annoyance to these land for a long time.
Word had then been sent out of a type of party being gathered to take up arms against the orcs and push them back into the dark lands for good. Mirion originally had no intention of involving himself for this, but upon hearing elves of other Houses were going, he couldn't sit by and let them bring honor. He went to the head of House and volunteered himself for this gathering. From there, he ventured to the city, landing himself at an inn, in the company of many sorts of folk.
Personality: Mirion is courageous, level headed, and doesn't mind working with others. He's strong willed, and very tactile. Though, his temper can prove to be a problem in times of great frustration and has shown to let things override common sense. He isn't a very trusting person, his eyes ever watching to make sure things within his comfort zone don't go awry. Though in all, he's loyal. Which has shown misfortune in the past, due to being
blindly loyal.
Skills: Mirion is one of the few elves in his house that isn't proficient with a bow. He instead is a master and dual wielding daggers. He has a habit of becoming stealthy at nightfall, proclaiming himself a master scout. This, being strange upon the other elves due to his lack of bow. But, due to his eyes and hearing, he can see his 'target' and hear when they'll be splitting up from their company. Generally boasting himself as an assassin. He also makes up for his lack of a bow with using smaller daggers as throwing knives. He was taught at a young age to craft, and skin animals.
Possessions: Two long daggers of elven crafting, several smaller daggers in a pouch on his left side. A satchel containing food, water, a map, gold, and extra throwing daggers.
Miscellaneous: Nothing.