Floure was having trouble keeping her eyes open, her head was throbbing and she cringed every time she moved. Breathing wasn't much better either. As far as she could tell nothing was broken, but everything was bruised. She let out an exhausted sigh. All the villagers had left after the chaos had erupted. The scent of honey cakes still lingered, the tarps blowing in the wind and all that remained were the bright wagons of the caravan. In a way it reminded her of their little private show. She recalled the first time wistfully. After her first show had ended she just assumed that was it, but she was so glad to be proven wrong. She smiled fondly at the memories.
There was something moving in the distance and it was coming towards her. At first she couldn't make out who or what it was but as it came closer she recognized his auburn fur. Jasper! A relieved smile spread across her face as the dog rushed towards her crossing the circus grounds in a matter of seconds. She pushed herself of the stairway with a grunt. Jasper was as much her family as his master and everyone else. The pack had grown on her the past year and she had come to love these dogs greatly. Even though she had been hesitant at first, they were the kindest and most loyal dogs she had ever met. Edimer had shared with her his belief that dogs were meant to be companions of man. They were fiercely loyal and for that deserved as much respect as people. Floure kneeled down and giggled when Jasper started to sniff her hair and skirts. "I'm fine, don't worry" She attempted an awkward pat but with her grazed palms she couldn't really pat him like she used to. Instead she snuggled up to the large dog. She breathed in his scent, the familiar smell that always seemed to be around Eri too. "If he sent you that means they're all okey right?" The young fortune teller asked with great pale eyes.
Jasper just looked back at her with his dark eyes, but there was something about that look. It was hard to put into words but it sucked away all of the relief she'd felt only moments before. She turned back to look at the gathered wagons, debating what to do. Staying by herself had proved to be dangerous and she more than anything wanted to be at her family's side. If not to just make sure they were alright, they would keep each other safe. Floure honestly had lost all heart in helping this village. "Please Jasper take me to them" She gathered herself from the ground and they started down the roads. Floure kept a watchful eye on her surroundings though she doubted she could do much more than run, if she needed to she would. The great red hound tugged at her skirts as she walked trying to help her along, but also to make haste. All it did was make her worry even more. She kept whispering prayers of protection, hoping the Gods and their ancestors were looking out for her family. She could not stop walking until she saw each and every one of them alive and well.