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Well pancakes it is then ^.^ I liked your post Matt it was fun ;)
Sighs blisfully. I love how were all getting back into this ^.^ Floure is going to stay put since her meeting the group halfway doesn't make much sense, seeing as she's a bit beat up. I'm sorry to hear that heroes, hopefully things will turn around for you. I'm in a weird inbetween place myself, not really knowing what to do school wise. It's kind of scary but lets try and look for the silver linings shall we? :)
Sorry guys but a post is up none the less ^.^
Phewww I'm glad we ended up in the right kitchen. Amani thought, letting out a relieved sigh. Sometimes her wishes weren't all that accurate. Luckily Kid Flash was smart enough to add specifics and avoided possible disaster. Now that they were all in one place she suddenly realized the team was pretty big. There were lots of people she hadn't notice when they were on the beach. Granted she hadn't been paying attention to much. During Batman's speech she had been killing time thinking of any number of cool costumes she would be wearing. Some of them were in costume, Kid Flash was obvious in his yellow tights and she suspected a few others were wearing a costume too. It would be pretty stupid if she thought someone was wearing a costume when they were in civies. Her emerald eyes wandered around the room going over every team member. There was a new girl who had entered the HQ with Artemis a former member of the first Young Justice team. Rachel was her name and she didn't seem very interested in socializing. Amani didn't know half of their names, but that would soon change once they had time to hang out with each other. Now was the perfect time actually, with no members of the Justice league keeping an eye on them.

The kitchen was just as high tech as the rest of their HQ. Three ovens no less, a counter she could sleep on and multiple fridges and cabinets, most likely stacked with a but load of food. So naturally or well natural for her she let out a squeal of delight when she opened them. There were kitchen appliances from every tell shop she'd ever watched and when she tried to find the flower she saw at least three different kinds. "Oh this is so awesome!" She was going to love this. Back home her kitchen was only large enough for two people to stand, you could barely move around. This kitchen had the size of a living room. She put a bag of flour, a carton of eggs, sugar and a jar of milk on the counter.

While she whisked everything together she turned to Ember carrying the bowl with her, splattering some of the batter onto the floor. "Woops, I'll get right on that"
"That's cool. Do you have to grant every wish or just the ones you want?" She finished whisking and put the bowl aside. "No thank God it doesn't work that way, imagine that I'd be like the genie from Aladin" "I decide whether I grant a wish or not, that much I can control"
With that she returned to the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets in search of the waffle iron. A few minutes later she found it though it was well out of her reach, in the top cabinet. What was up with this high ceiling and high everything in this place. Who would put kitchen appliances up there? She tried not to pout. "If you're making Waffles, I'd like some." One of the other guys said. He wore a shirt with superman's emblem on it and he was taller than her, he could fetch the waffle iron for her no problem. "You can have the first one, if you can get me that waffle iron up there" She pointed with a cheeky smile.
Floure ceased her struggling, he was just too strong, keeping her pinned down on the ground. She felt her strength fading and she needed to save what she had left. She bit down on her lips to try and stop whimpering. The only why she was going to get out of this alive was to feign giving in and so she did. The spirit produced a devils smile on the face of the man, filling his head with drunken desires. The look on his face scared her at first but then it also made her incredibly angry. So much even that it gave her the courage to fight back. She had lived through worse than this, walked through fire, hunted by the church and maybe the worst of all having to lie to her family every day for a whole year. She would not be taken down by this misery spirit.

He lowered his face to hers his lips trying to finds hers. Adrenaline rushed through her and when he got close enough she forcefully rammed her forehead against his own. He howled in pain but she wasn't done and impinged her knee into his manhood. Stars were floating before her eyes as she struggled to get up. A violent stinging sensation was quickly spreading on her forehead. With shaking fingers she gently touched the bump forming on her forehead. The adrenaline was starting to leave her system and she knew her throbbing head wasn't the only thing she was going to feel. She didn't see her family anywhere and even though she more than anything wanted to be with them, her battered shape wouldn't let her. It was by the grace of the Gods and the ancestors that she was still standing. The impact with the ground had been much rougher than it seemed at first. There was blood trickling from her nose and her palms were grazed, making it very painful to move her fingers. She heard the man who attacked her groaning on the ground and looked down at him. Seeing someone in pain used to worry her. She would do anything to make the pain go away. Now she didn't feel any of those things, she felt justified. Who else was going to defend her if not herself? It was either her or him. Thanking the ancestors with a softly whispered prayer she dragged herself to the stairway of her wagon and tried to maneuver herself into a position which hurt the less. She breathed in deeply which made her cringe in pain simultaneously.

You see Mami, I'm still here. Maybe my marriage wasn't all bad after all, he at least taught me to stand up for myself. I don't know if I would have been here otherwise. If you could look past her size and pretty facade the young fortune teller was actually quite resilient. Not as tough as the Traveler men, but she was no pushover mind you. Now all she needed was her family, to hold them in a tight embrace so they knew how much she cherished them. She kept her pale eyes on the road ahead, her heart filled with both hope and fear. Hopefully they wouldn't look like her, because she was confident she looked horrible. Even so she would take them battered and beaten any day, instead of...... She wasn't even going to allow the words to enter her thoughts.
I am writing something up now ^.^ Though I'll have Floure stay at the circus grounds since you three are coming back now anyways.
Yes you are exactly right ^.^
I'm just sold on the nostalgia of barbie dolls, I think that's the cause of it. Very cliché I know. Though if I'm going for a particular shade it would have to be baby pink or a dusty rose. Sorry Lillian I'm grossing you out hahaha :) My avatar is a bit too bright and almost fushia but I'll, or rather we'll live ^.^
Sorry double post.
I'll be posting tomorrow ^.^
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