Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Demon Shinobi said
Wolf look at Moira and blinked a little confused. He thought since it was obvious there was a telepathic connection. He didn't move even as she charged.Keeping his calm posture and demeanor he simply lifted his large paw and attempted to swat her away. Wolf didn't seem to really care much about the situation at all. He didn't see her as a threat. or rather he didn't care if she was. He had better things to do. Like sleep.

Moira was knocked back, she quickly got up from the attack as if she was uninjured. The lupa huffed in disapproval, she had wanted to test Wolf's mettle, it was rare that she encountered any like him. That's a shame, then I will do whatever please to with your territory.. She thought at him, an aura of energy seemed to spread across the ground they stood upon, seconds later plant life began to grow at a rapid pace. She lied down on the soft grass and looked toward Wolf. How did this happen to you? She thought toward him, speaking of his unnatural size and stature.
Demon Shinobi said
Red X sighed pushing his would be partner off. "Go. We're done." He said having already stolen the gun and the money from him. He couldn't leave the guy with the weapon and he'd moved everything from the hide out already. He couldn't control the wild card. And even if he could it was too much work. Plus if Alexandre tried something he could stop him right now. He'd rigged the alley with a few traps. He went out of his stealth mode and looked around. "Alright. Gotta get ready for the xinothium heist." he said to himself calmly thinking he was alone.

Arachnid stood on the side of the wall, looking down at Red X, he wasn't sure who he was but he didn't look friendly under any circumstances. Aiming a single hand forward his web gauntlet fired with one motion, the ball of webbing was going straight toward Red X's back in hopes that it'd pin him to the ground.

Mason blinked in surprise when he found himself in the kitchen, he wasn't sure what to make of it but it seemed that the rest of the group were getting ready to make food. He realized that he had still been holding onto the cyromancer female, he made no gestures and left the kitchen, finding a couch to place the female on before returning to the place. In all honesty, the boy felt he wasn't in the right place, he was feeling regretful of this but he mustered up courage and pulled his mask back, a scar went down the corner of his right eye and stopped at his cheek. He managed a small smile and wondered how he could make himself useful in the matter at hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saarebas said
It took Geb a few moments to get his arm back to normal size, even longer to get rid of his third hand. Though Geb was more than happy to see everyone getting along, despite noticing the knives up Rachel's sleeve and the rifle being placed on the table by the other girl, he decided to slip away from the group for awhile. This may seem odd for Geb's upbeat personality but he didn't feel like eating knowing that he couldn't taste anything, a trait he tends to keep to himself. He also couldn't stop thinking about the jungle just outside, he had get out there. He inched his way from the group, holding back a laugh when Superboy fell, and quickly made his way out the building. He nearly melted, literally, when he got another look of the jungle in front of him, he practically jumped into the bushes as he headed in. He walked as slowly as he could, taking in every sound and sight he could. He didn't notice his form was slowly melting away so that his true self was shown, a brown grey mound that just barely resembled the silhouette person. He was so distracted by everything he didn't even see the green girl standing in front of him, causing him to bump into her sending both to the ground.

Druid was just minding her own business in the jungle when suddenly a mass hit her staright in the front and brought her down to the ground and the only sound she could make at that time was just a small "meep"
SHe hit the ground hard too, hitting an exposed tree root that gave her a good thump to her head. She groaned in pain and for a moment she had no idea what was going on."What the-" She started, rubbing the back of her head and there was drop of blood.The root had been a bit jagged there and broke the skin a bit but she was in no danger. The next thing she noticed was the...thing that had attacked her and she immediately panicked as she went on the offensive.Vines, Roots, Branches and even a bit of tall grass answered her call for help and descended upon the attacker, immediately entangling themselves around him with the intent to restrain him. "Who are you? What are you doing here? This island is supposed to be safe. No invaders. Who are you?" Elin blasted at her attacker but looked as if she'd sooner run than do something violent.

Mindjack felt the two personalities nearby and when he looked over he saw them both. They were both wearing a full body suit with the colorscheme being mostly being white and/or black with some red. THe guy in white looked like some sort of bug type hero too, walking on the walls and everything. He wasn't quite sure what to make of this so he decided to wait and watch as thing would unfold.

"Attack them, Victor Cravos. Attack them now" The spirit inside of Minjack called out, wanting some blood to be spilled
"Not yet. I wanna see how things go before I make my move. Hell, this might get a bit of fun too"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb's mind was a million miles away when he tripped, something that happened a lot to the boy. He was in a daze as he shambled to his feet, plucking out a stick that lodged it's self in his forehead. His thoughts didn't return to him until the jungle seemingly sprang to life and attacked him. He struggle franticly, some of him managing to slip out of the vines, before he saw her. He was rendered speechless, he didn't expect to run into anybody this far out let alone another teenager. He stalled for a moment to look the girl over again, something he normally never did, before trying to speak. The sound that escaped Geb's mouth could be compared to the sound of wet clay being squashed in a echoey cave. After his failure to speak Geb looked down to finally relies his disguise had melted away. He let out another sickening squashing sound, his version of a meep, before his body reshaped back into his normal disguise, a pale brown haired teenager in a brown button up shirt and black jeans. He coughed a few times, even spiting out a glob of grey clay, before trying to talk again. "Testing one two... Great I can talk!" He grinned for a moment before looking back at the girl. "Oh sorry I lost track of what I was doing. I do that a lot, I remember one time when I was chasing after a guy who stole some diamonds... Sorry I did it again." He smirked some before looking down at his restraints. "I'm going to guess that you did this. That's pretty... Awesome!" He said as he looked over the plants that were still tied around him. "This reminds me of Poison Ivy back in Gotham. Don't get me wrong she is a crazy person but her powers are so cool. Say... are you related to her or something?" He asked looking back at the girl in front of him. "Oh sorry about bumping into by the way, I tend to get distracted by this kind of stuff." He looked around him as a gesture to the jungle around them. "I didn't hurt you did I? Oh yeah I'm Geb." He said in a soft voice and a warm smile on his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nathaniel was more calm. He was mostly just looking around enjoying how everything seemed to be coming together with those who remained in the kitchen. He didn't say much about those who weren't. Everyone liked to do their own thing after all right. He didn't even laugh when Superboy fell. He was about to but he stopped himself. Then after Amani checked if he was okay he laughed a bit. Her reaction to their teammates fall was kind of funny considering he could probably take punches from heavy hitters like Blockbuster or Bane and be okay. Not unharmed, but okay. He patted off a little dust from the floor that was on Jae's head. "Dude it's been a while since we worked together." He smirked. He liked working with Superboy. He worked as a strength factor that Nathaniel when they were "on the job".

Still he wasn't getting the usual vibe he got from his heroic colleague. "Dude you alright. I mean I know some people might be a little uneasy, but you're Superboy. This is what we do. I thought you'd be the last person unhappy to be on a team with other's like you. Or at least on a team with me. We work good together." Nathaniel said giving Superboy a light slug on the arm. Plus the girls man. They're awesome." He added with a small smirk as a sort of joke. Even though that wasn't really on his mind. Believe it or not he wasn't always like that. Girl crazy that is. He could be more serious and it didn't take a lot. Still he had an image to uphold. Not the best image, but an image all the same.
Wolf let out a low sort of grunt and laid down. When you've been with these people... These heroes as long as I have you begin to realize your territory is fairly pointless. He spoke think of not only Mount Justice, but another home he'd been in for a time before coming to the island. Of course I'll protect my home when needed, but I feel you aren't truly a threat. I felt little to know real killing intent. He continued before she asked about how he got this way. He didn't really know himself. He was injected with something, but he didn't remember the name or why. That's precisely what he said as well. I didn't realize what was going on until it was too late. A brain in a sort of container and a gorilla. They took me and my old pack. Injected us with something. And through a long line of events I ended up where I am. That was all the information he gave on the matter. Nothing more and nothing less. How did you come to be?
Despite having his back turned Red X's guard was far from being down. He was quick to turn and move to the side. It seemed like only one fluid motion as he continued to quickly draw and throw three of his X-Shuriken. They headed straight for what seemed to be a bug themed super powered being. "Let me guess. The amazing bugman." He taunted. "No no no. The spectacular tick!" He chuckled a bit. "No? Okay. I got it. The creepy crawler!" He continued to make fun of the other masked man as he took a few steps to the side not bothering to check whether or not his X-shuriken hit. Whether they did or didn't they would be stuck in something. Either the guy or the wall. "Honestly I don't care who you are. If you're hero to partner up. We can start never. If you're planning to play hero and try to take me down then I welcome you to try. Either whether you might end up in a little more pain than you were when you woke up this morning." He said calmly. He'd just dropped one partner so he wasn't looking for another and of course he would never go down without a fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moira wised up and understood what Wolf had been saying, she had somewhat of a glare though when he had told her his intent to kill was not credible. Despite the truth to his words she couldn't let him know that. Not a threat? Am I not threatening to you? All wolves cowered at the mere sight of me but, you aren't like all wolves obviously... She thought toward him, baring her teeth, other than that display she remained completely docile. She listened on when he spoke, tilting her head to the side in slight confusion, she had not heard of a gorilla with such intellect or a brain in a case just being its accomplice for that matter. She had a look of disbelief, she did her best to hide it from him but she couldn't even begin to imagine it. But it seemed he was telling the truth, how else could this have happened to him. Me? I was born this way, gifted with the knowledge and power of my predecessors, chosen to watch over the forests of the world. Through that I met a child, I took him in and raised him as my own, I brought him here so that he may help people. She explained.
Arachnid was less than fazed by the masked man, eyeing the odd X shaped weapons, he evaded the attack with relative ease, he dropped down to level ground with his new opponent. He had his hands aimed forward, letting loose a volley of impact webbing, a technique he used with his webbing that cause it to go from a tight ball to an explosion of webbing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Elin glared at the boy that had seemingly attacked her as he formed from a sort of mud creature to a regular person. Her cheeks went a darker shade of green when he complimented her powers. She placed her hand to the back of her head again and sucked air through her teeth as the wound stung her. “Well, I’m Elin” She said as a last minute courtesy. “What are you doing here? Are you one of those chosen for the hero team?” She asked of him, nature slowly letting go of Geb but she was still a bit cautious.


Mindjack sat down on the ledge of the building, looking down at the two costumed guys. They were obviously skilled with their chosen weaponry and agile as hell. The bug guy had some sort of web devices on his wrists which Mindjack figured were for entangling his enemies and this black X guy might be going for a more utility ninja by the looks of him.

Get in there. Battle these freaks and show them what true power is all about The spirit said within Mindjack. The telekinetic could feel the eagerness that the spirit held at the prospect of battling these guys and probably meant for Mindjack to allow him to take over instead of showing them his own power.
No, I won’t. Not now. Not yet. They may tire each other out, burn each other’s ammo. I’ll wait a little longer before I make my own move. Until then, be silent, spirit Mindjack said within the privacy of his own mind. As a way to make use of his inactivity, four different pebbles rose from the roof behind him and began to orbit the red clad vigilante, a practice of focusing on multiple objects.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb smiled a bit more as his restraints loosened around him. "Actually yes I am. The mysteries Masquerade at your service." He tried to do a bow but was stopped by the vines. "So does that mean you are too? Because I'd love to have someone like you around." He asked before he noticed her blushing. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you? Because you're changing colors. I do that too some times, but it normally happens when I don't take my medication." He said with a raised brow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ember jumped a good foot when Superboy went crashing to the floor. He even checked to make sure there wasn't a dent on the floor. And, thankfully, there wasn't. Well, Ember wasn't that surprised. He wouldn't put it passed Batman to think they needed super strong floors. The whole building was probably designed so young, inexperienced teenagers wouldn't do something stupid like, say, destroy it. "Relax, Superboy." Ember joked, smiling slightly. "I don't think the floor appreciated that."

He let out a small laugh as Nathaniel tried to explain how he was shocked that Superboy wasn't excited. "Hey, it's okay. No one's that crazy about working with him." He joked because, honestly, Kid Flash set himself up for that one. "He hasn't even offered us waffles or anything." Not like Amani who, since the waffle iron wasn't Superboy-friendly, was now going to make them pancake. Ember couldn't even remember the last time he had something homework. His mother was busy with her job, his brother was going through law school, and Ember had to focus on his school plays. They were the sort of family that'd kill for each other, but it was also a good day when all three of them were in the same spot for a minute. Pancakes wasn't really something they had time for. Ember was typically a poptart or nothing kinda guy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Amani saw Nate snicker next to Superboy and as much as she wanted to throw the dishcloth at him his laugh was annoyingly infectious. It resulted in a half hearted throw which Nate could easily dodge, especially with his speed. "That's not funny you now, he could really be hurt for all I knew" She said laughingly which made it so much less convincing. She wasn't really angry or upset. It took a lot to make her mad and she didn't believe Nate had it in him to do that to her. So........what next? She thought, looking at the stack of pancakes which was growing smaller steadily. Thank God they liked them, it would be really awkward if both plates were left over.

Amani smiled listening to Nate who was talking to Superboy about being a team. They were a team and she was really happy about that. A team looked out for each other, had fun together and shared good times as well as the bad. Almost like a family did and as much as she wanted to get a life of her own away from her family, she was still going to miss them. Maybe not right away but eventually she would get homesick. It happened every time she went somewhere by herself for a time, which wasn´t all that often. Being part of a team would definitely help to make her less homesick.

" Plus the girls man. They're awesome." Well Nate was right about that, female superheroes were awesome and unfortunately not equal in numbers to the guys. It was just like the Justice League, too many guys. Though she was pretty sure Nate meant a different sort of awesome. Two could play at that game. Besides a whole team of cute guys was definitely fun to be around. "You are spot on" Amani said with a giggle flipping her hair over shoulder and batting her lashes dramatically. "Where would the team be without some girl power" "Besides, the guys are pretty cute too" She winked at Ember, of course it was all for a good laugh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Void Wolf looked at everyone, he was very much unaccustomed to things like this, it made him feel strange. He began to ponder what it was he was doing here in the first place, in an area he felt like he didn't belong in. He put a hand on his temple as his mother's dormant memories rose to the surface, the night she was dragged away to the forest. He grit his teeth in what seemed like agony, his long, sharp upper and lower canine teeth would have been showing if it hadn't been for his mask. A low hushed growl emitted from him, the memory was too much for his mind to bear, he couldn't help but be angry. Why couldn't I have saved you mother? Why was I so young and foolish to realize what was happening to you? The thoughts went on and on, eventually the nightmarish moment had ceased. He quickly left to find the training area, maybe training could take his mind off of things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Elin's vines and branches then began to let go of Geb. "Yes, i am. And i am fine" she said to him, willing her blush away and in turn changed her skin back to it's natural color. "Speaking of which, i should head back. We won't know when we might get deployed to our first mission and i would like to get ready. I was just familiarizing myself with the island" she said to Geb before heading back to base. The other teammembers would be there and it would be best to get to know them. Maybe they would all be in the common room or kitchen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb's smile grew as his restraints completely released him. "Yeah I can see your point." He said as Elin explained they should return to the others. He stalled for a moment as the girl left towards the base. "Hmmm.." He thought to himself before he raised his hand up in front of his face and examined it for a moment. It may have seemed odd to any one who may of seen, but after a few seconds his hand changed to a green hue matching that of Elin's skin. After another few moments the coloring spread from his hand up his arm until his whole body was the same shade of green. He looked over himself with a slight smirk before chuckling and shaking his head. "Na, not my color." His skin quickly returned to it's normal pale white coloring and he headed after Elin back towards his new home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What, you don't think I could catch him with a knife?" Rachel asked innocently with a grin before taking out a coin and tossing it in the air, before letting her knife fly. There was dull thud and the coin was pinned to the wall beside Kid Flash, missing him by inches. "I could do it with a ping pong paddle if anyone wants to volunteer to hold the targets." She suggested with a wink. "I pretty good with a gun too." She batted her eyes at Kid Flash and smiled again, though this time showing off her dangerous side just a little bit.

They're not supposed to know your history, stop showing off! She reminded herself, before turning back to the now destroyed waffle maker. "Pancakes sound good! How much maple syrup do we have?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Sayaka kept her stoic look on her face, she got out of her chair and walked over to get the knife from the wall, she took her chair with her to reach it and brought it back to the table, she stabbed it into the table in front of Rachel then put her chair down next to the girl before sitting down, " You did't really impress me with your knife throwing, any person adept at throwing knives, can throw a knife at a coin, and I didn't need you to show me you can by throwing a knife at one of our allies." Sayaka told her before putting her gun back into her backpack," And any person can be good with a gun, but only few can be the best." Sayaka said in a cold tone like she was lecturing her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red X threw a multitude of x-shuriken force the webbing to impact way before it was supposed to. "Please." He said as he used his cape to shield him from any excess webbing which might have gotten to him. As he stood up straight once again and sighed. "Not talkative huh? Well that's just no fun." He said before holding up a detonator. "But anyway. I'm gotta go." He said as he pushed the button. He'd rigged the alley when he first arrived, but didn't actually think he'd use his little trap. Just as part of the wall began to cave it he shot a grapnel hook to the roof. "Have fun surviving." He said assuming this guy could do just that somehow. He laugh as he was propelled up and even shot up passed the roof and more importantly Mindjack. "Oh great." He said. "Another one." He really didn't like having more trouble than necessary.
Wolf seemed to chuckle a bit to himself at as he words and the baring of her fangs didn't match her posture or behavior. I never said you wouldn't be a threat if you were an enemy. But you obviously aren't right now. He answered her before listening carefully to her story. Well. I suppose the circumstances of ones such as ourselves can never be simple.
"I think you dropped this." Nathaniel said quickly as he grabbed appeared beside Rachel stabbing the knife into the table. "Thanks for the little demonstration of skill with blades." He added flashing a smile before going to get some pancakes. With everything that happened and seeing how the team was exchanging banter and having a bit of a good time so far he was glad. Easier than I expected. Just glad this feels like it's gonna work out right now. He couldn't help but take a stack of pancakes much bigger than anybody else had taken so far. And just as fast as it had been taken it was gone. "Woooh! That was delicious!" He said happily as he patted his stomach which didn't seem to grow an inch despite the massive intake of food. He could literally eat just about anything and it wouldn't effect much physically. In fact it would probably just be converted to energy. He smiled looking around at everyone. He was truly happy. He loved the idea of working with others like him. The solo game could be fun. But not as fun as having friends with you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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"Well, duh." Ember joked back at Amani. He mimicked flipping his hair over his shoulder. "I'm absolutely beautiful." And Ember was hot or on fire or any other cheesy phrase. Except he wasn't necessarily so in the attractive way. He was a fifteen year old boy; it was a good day to be called cute. Eventually though, maybe he'd grow up to be a handsome stud. Then he could make all the 'on-fire' puns he wanted.

He jumped back as Rachael chucked the knife at Nathaniel. His arms quickly to cover his face. As a few seconds passed and there was no bloodcurdling screams, Ember removed his arms from his face. "Okay. I think I just had a mini heart attack." He exaggerated, putting his hand over his chest. He could easily tell that Rachael hadn't meant to hit Nathaniel, but... that also meant her aim was wonderful. "So, like... Cool." Because there was really nothing else to say.

As someone asked about maple syrup, Ember began to search through the fridge of cabinets until he found it. He set it down on the table. "There."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Looking at the group the teenager in the black robes watched the the group closely for a second as he leaned on the wall before he became bored by their actions. Though as soon as he walked away he noticed a girl come in by the name of Rachel. As the yellow suited kid introduced everyone he pointed the cloaked individual out and soon after said that they had to eat fast and be ready for their mission, in his eyes the kid was both cockey and trying to force himself in a leadership role. ' He needs to learn his place if he thinks he can just order me around and pretend he's leader like that.' was his only thought on the issue.

As the masked teenager looked at the group, he also thought on how they were interacting with one another. It was weird to say the very least for him though without any surprise one of them fell and landed on something made of metal that was meant to cook these "pancakes", something he has never heard of before. With another glance around the room he noticed that this girl named Rachel was showing off her weapons, specifically knife skills. Now the teenager felt rather uncomfortable and so he clutched his two bags in his hands, one of which made the sound of coins shaking in it, and walked out of the kitchen room.

To his surprise, as soon as soon as he was out of the room he could hear the sound of metal cutting into the wall behind him. As soon as he looked back he could see the knife in the wall though his eyes looked directly at her, unmoved by her actions or even her showing off. By just looking at her he could tell she was awkward in interacting with people in general. She seemed careless and she seemed as though she was trying so hard to impress the group, even if it meant harming other members of the group. She probably is nervous though to him there was something more about her... Something that he couldn't place his finger on... maybe it was the fact that her body smelt strange to him... Even so he stared at her for only that moment, showing his thoughts about her with a stare that could be only compared with him staring through her very soul. Even then he walked completely and around the building in search on a first floor room.

(I'm making a lot of assumptions here.)
As he looked for the rooms he noticed a set of stairs and thought that the rooms might be on the upper floors. Looking around to make sure nobody else was following the teenager to make sure that nobody would see what would happen next, the cloaked teen soon had two large wings grew out of his back with hardly any issue as he started to fly up the stairs so that he wouldn't have to worry about them. once he was on the next floor he walked around again, and then the next floor after that and such until he finally found a hallway with all the rooms on it. Not to his surprise the humans that built this building placed their rooms on the higher floors instead of the lower ones, which was understandable since it technically was safer. Though as he walked to the room at the end of the hall something he didn't expect to see what he was about to see... The room was very large with no bed and instead a couch with a long glass table right in front of it and a television on the wall beside the door. There was another table on the far left of the room with two chairs beside it. In the back there was a very large window that shown the nothing but the forests, cliffs and the mountains of the island's nature life, along with a part of the ocean itself. Strangely the roof was raised by quite a bit though overall, other than the very large window the walls were plain grey in color. The room also had six walls instead of four, like the other rooms. This gave it the illusion that there was a box shaped hallway that lead to what the cloaked individual assumed was to be a small storage space for clothing on the other end of it. On the back wall, beside the "hallway" was three large metal cubes, the first was fully metal and plastic, the second had a metal frame and one glass window that shown colorful bags with strange images on them, and the final one was similar but it had several windows, each with a strange color of ice that was being stirred by a metal blade. Beside these cubes was yet another table of glass with a strange glass and plastic contraption that had an iron bottom that he could tell was overly hot as the liquid in this glass container was black and steaming. Beside that contraption was a plastic shelf with bags of paper and four plastic canisters that had images of a white cream being poured into a light brown liquid in a cup. These things seemed strange to the teenager and thus it was probably safer to not touch them until he found out more about them.

Though it did seem weird since there was no bed or anything like the other rooms... in fact if this was a room than that would mean that there was at least six other rooms that were empty. Still, this was also the only room without a steel door, so the cloaked kid decided to make himself at home in the strange room as he began to unpack.The first thing he unpacked was a strange looking game board that was secured in the velvet blanket. Looking around for a place to set the board he noticed a glass table in the far left side of the room. The table was round and already had two chairs beside it. Slowly but surely the kid placed the blanket onto the table to act like a tablecloth as he placed the board onto it. Right after he ran to his bags and picked up six large books with strange writings on them and after a quick glance around he decided that the best place for them was the large glass table in front of the strangely long chair that was facing a strange square figure on the wall. Finally was the second bag, in which the teen-aged kid walked to the far Upper right and turned into the box like hallway as he then emptied his bag completely onto the floor. He watched as the gold, silver, platinum and gems gleamed in the light as they loudly fell onto the floor, creating a large pile, or hoard of treasure that perfectly sat onto the floor as though it was seemingly nothing. Under the mask a smile crept across his face as the teenager walked to the open door and with a smile caught his hand on fire as his draconic claws began to show in replacement of his hands. Soon he clawed the door as he burned it enough to permanently mark the door's outside with four strange mystical symbols and a practically "hand-painted" picture of a dragon onto it before closing the door and laying down onto the hoard of gold with a major sigh of relief. 'I got the first room fairly... I can be myself for once without having to fear judgement and to top it all off nobody suspects a single thing... This might not be how I'd love to live my life, though I can at least manage a decent living without much to worry about.' Was the last thought that went through the teenager's mind as he continued to relax in his new found room in at least a small bit of joy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rachel shrugged as Sayaka started preaching about not endangering allies. "We will be going up against guys who won't hesitate to kill us. Should you get taken hostage or fail to notice someone sneaking up on you, pray I am around and prepared to use my knives without hesitation." Rachel replied calmly and flatly, not wanting to start an argument but not backing down either. This was the one thing she hated a out the superhero types - they were all so caught up in their morality and ideals. Rachel grew up on the battlefield. She grew up with the knowledge that you did what you needed to do to get your men back home. She had to be good at what she did and she had come to a point where she would never hit anything she didn't intend to.

"Well, I can see we're off to a great start. I'm not really in the mood for pancakes any more; I'll be in my room." Rachel placed her hands on her seat and flipped herself up into a handstand, her top sliding down her toned abs and revealing them to the boys, before she flipped herself back onto her feet on the floor. She walked out and without turning issued her warning to the gang. "Oh, and I might possibly be more jumpy than Batman so please knock first if you don't want to end up in the hospital or morgue."

She turned around and flashed a sweet smile before taking that final step backwards out of the kitchen. "Never try to enter when I'm not in there either. Unless you want test your luck with my booby traps."

Rachel returned to her room, skipping. She passed by some guy in the room and greeted him cheerfully before returning to the room she had picked and fishing out her tools from her duffel bag. She had not been kidding when she said she was setting up traps. The electronic lock was now wired into the door so that the pass code would disable the live current running through the metal door. It also meant any attempt to place charges on her door would only set off the explosives instantly.

A small, discreet camera was set up in the corner with facial recognition software - the door would automatically open for Rachel and anyone else she gave free access to, and if a member of the team did try their luck, it would lower the voltage on the door to be less lethal.

She set up a tripwire attached to a stun grenade. Normally she would make the trap a lot more deadly, but didn't want to damage anything in the room. She would have to get to work on the automated turret soon as well. The ceiling vent outside her door was lined with knockout gas and poison darts, which would activate as well if alarms went off in the base. Just to make sure nobody could remove that trap, she wrapped barbed wire around the inside of the vent cover and ran it to a power source as well.

It took the better part of an hour and by the time she was Rachel was almost wishing one of them would try to enter her room. She was certain she was on the team's shit list now, so instead of going back to the kitchen for food, Rachel opted for instant noodles, using the hot water in the bathroom to cook it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka didn't care about what Rachel said to her, she looked at her stack of pancakes that she was given, she lifted the top one and made a disgusted face looking at them," Ugh." she grabbed the plate stacked with pancakes and handed it to Kid flash," You'd like to have this more then me, I don't like pancakes, they don't taste right and are too fluffy for me to eat." she told him with a slightly cold tone, it was as if she said go kill the pancakes for me out back. She got up from the chair and grabbed her backpack from off the back of the chair she was sitting at before leaving the kitchen.

Sayaka was going to her room as well, she walked by the guy in the living room who was dumping something onto the floor and making marks all over the place, Sayaka didn't bother with what nonsense he was doing and just kept walking to her room, she thought that some of the people here were honestly odd and acted it, one of the only real normal she met was Kid flash, most of the rest were odd balls.

Sakaya went to her room and just locked herself inside the room, she didn't bother putting any traps or setting the door up with some kind of failsafe device, she believed that none of her team members would try to attack her or kill her, and if someone would be coming to start trouble she would handle it to the best of her abilities, Sayaka's room had a wall of computers and severs, on the other side there was an entire wall with various weapons, and in the corners of the room there were military foot lockers filled with unknown items. Sayaka didn't really have much of a bed, she had more of a recharging station for when she would get tired.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Annoyed at Kid grabbing most of his pancakes, as Sakaya handed them to him, a swift hand slipped in and hoisted them into the air "Yoink." he said, as he sat down with them in the same swift movement, he then pulled the knife that Kid had stabbed into the table and looked it over, before pushing it against his head and crushing it like an empty can of cola. "I don't like knives." he said, gently throwing it to her feet with a clatter. "Too many things that go wrong when throwing one of those." he said, then watched as she walked away. He then stared at the knife and took a deep breath, he had once used his Heat Vision when in the heat of battle, and had been trying to replicate it ever since. He was getting slightly better... The squashed metal would feel slightly warm, but that was the most he could manage, he finally exhaled. Before grabbing his fork and trying to cut a piece off of the pancake shaped like his palm, unfortunately, this whole knife business had gotten him a little angry and he wasn't watching his strength, the plate split as he pushed the fork through it. "Oh dammit..." he said, hitting his fist on the table, his fist going straight through. "OH DAMMIT!!!"

"Calm your mind..." the box on his belt said. "Take a deep breath." He did so. "Now count to 20 in your mind and exhale slowly." it said to him. He followed the orders. Then looked around.

"I'm sorry, i'll fix that..." he said calmly "Did Batman tell anyone here where the garage is?"
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