It was her reflection in the mirror which caught her eye when she passed one of the last rooms on the first floor. She simply couldn't resist the idea of a room with a full body mirror. I'm betting even the closet is bigger than the room I had back home. Amani walked back and forth a few times to make sure the room was empty, which looked quite stupid. But it would be really embarrassing to enter someone else's room thinking you had it in the bag. Lucky for her the coast was clear so she entered. The door closed on its own, probably controlled by some sort of supercomputer. When she got a good look at her room she squealed, jumping up and down like a crazy person. It was huge just HUGE! There was so much room for.......well she didn't even know for what. She loved to hoard all kinds of things but she never had any room to keep all of it. No problems here though. She danced through the room giggling, already fantasizing about the way she was going to decorate her place.
A computer simulated holograph of a phone appeared on her desk. "Number 089-4568774 is attempting to reach you, location the United Arab Emirates" Amani's eyes widened and she panicked slightly for two main reasons. She had no clue how this holograph thingy worked and she recognized the number. It was her dad....... Great. She groaned, letting herself fall face down on the bed. But the phone kept repeating the annoying message and she knew her dad hated waiting. "Computer put through" She held in her breath.
"Amani, Aina hal anta?"(Amani, where are you?) It worked, her dad's deep voice sounded through the room in her native tongue. As much as he annoyed her she still liked the way he watched out for her. It was a very familial feeling even though it was getting increasingly more annoying as she grew older. Sometimes he still treated her like a little girl. She was sixteen but she was sure her dad still saw her in pigtails.
"I'm in my room on Mount Justice, and yes we have separate rooms. I have no roommate and the boys are down in the other hallway."
"Hasan (Good), and be on your best behavior"
"Yes dad" She sighed.
"Uhibuk Amani" (I love you Amani)
"Bye dad" The holograph disappeared after the call ended. The phone call was just his way to make sure she was okey, he wasn't really checking in on her. After all these years she had build up at least some credit, they trusted each other.
Amani cupped her chin in her hands laying on the bed with her feet propped up in the air. She was facing the walk in closet doors. It was the only area of which the doors were closed. It was pretty odd. Then she heard a loud thump inside the closet. She let out a quiet squeal and jumped off the bed looking around for something to defend herself with. She facepalmed herself. Epic fail, she knew some kickass self defense moves. Careful not to make any sound she sneaked her way to the closet. 1....2.......3! She kicked the doors open, almost falling into.........her luggage! The unmistakable flower patterned set of suitcases were neatly placed on the floor of the closet.
"Wow....." Was all she could say.They must have teleported her things here once they knew which room she picked. Once she had unpacked everything the room would feel more like home, though twice the size. She moved one of the suitcases out of the way and the handle bumped into one of the closet doors. Any normal door would stay closed, only nearly everything in the HQ was controlled by a super computer. The door opened up to reveal a glass case with a mannequin wearing........her costume?