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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mindjack watched the combat and then watched as the guy with the X on his face propelled himself up to the roof. Batman-wannabe but not on the right side it seemed. "Oh, Hi" He said in an overly cheerful tone and then threw a punch...over 6 feet away. However, instead of actually making a physical connection with his face and X's face, a force the size of an oil drum going about the same speed as his fist slammed right into the X ninja. "Please, come again. And remember to keep all luggage " He added in his overly cheerful voice. The force was a right hook, designed to throw him right back where he came from.


Elin saw when Geb changed his skin color which sort of made her blush once more but also furrow her eyebrows. "I don't like being mocked" She said with such confidence that it surprised her and she picked up the pace towards the base. When she got in she headed straight for the kitchen due to the fact she was actually starving by the sound of her stomach and the smell of the pancakes that came from the kitchen. She then saw all the other people. "Oh...hey" She said, giving them all a meager wave while she went to snatch herself a pancake. Though she never really liked amercian pancakes compared to what she usually had. Too thick for her taste at points.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arachnid narrowed his eyes as the red and black clad villain stopped his webbing almost as if it were nothing. He widened his eyes as he viewed the detonator, as the detonator was pushed his sixth sense alerted him. He jumped skyward quickly, his horizontal leap staggeringly high. He was suspended over two stories, looking down toward the new arrival and the black and red clad villain. Aiming his arm forward a stream of webbing fired down toward them, landing between the two, the webbing allowed him to slingshot forward. Once he got to a close enough range his left fist was cocked back, ready to spring forward and drive his fist into the villain's face while he was distracted.
Moira growled slightly when Wolf chuckled, she was somewhat bothered that she wasn't seen as intimidating , his explanation made sense of it though. Obviously I am not an enemy... She thought at him, her tone sounding sweeter and less hostile, flattered in a way. I agree Wolf, nothing can ever be easy.. She thought, her tone much more calm, her tails graced the soft, seemingly overgrown foliage, the life seeming to sap out of them and become discolored, become a tan color. Hmm... She wondered what Mason was up to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Mockery? Haven't you heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And Masquerade is nothing if not the master of flattery." Geb called after the girl with a large grin on his face as followed after her back to the base. He was still getting used to being part of a team but he was already in love with the idea. As he and Elin reached the base Geb broke away from his newly made friend, something he already considered all of his team, and headed over to the table. He smiled as he sat in the chair next to Super boy. He eyed the stack of pancakes in front of him for a moment before moving his gaze over to Amani. "Thanks for making us this spread, I'm sure it tastes great." He said with a half hearted smile, if someone would of been listening carefully they would noticed the slight strain Geb put on the word taste. He picked at a pancake on his plate, taking a bite only to have a unsatisfied expression on his face, before super boy broke the table right next to him. "Wow what a way to break in the new house!" He chuckled some before patting Super boy's shoulder. "Yeah I know. It should be some where down below like in the old hall." He laughed again "I don't know why I should know though I can't even drive!" He stood up from his seat, leaving his not even half eaten pancake there. "Come on Super bro I bet Batman left us some nice toys down there." He headed towards one one of the hallways stopping to wait for Super boy. Though he flashed a quick smile at Elin, his skin shifting to match her's again but only briefly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka unlocked her room door and left out her room, she guessed that she needed to learn about the base she was staying at and everything around her, besides her own room, she started to wonder around the place, she walked by the living room but stopped and went back to it, she saw the guy that was there earlier, he was now claiming the living room as his own, she saw the gems, rubies, and other types of riches that he was pouring on the floor. He then switched over to making symbols on the walls, Sayaka just shrugged at the sight then started to walk away knowing that he was gonna cause problems for everyone else around him, Sayaka started to think that she was just thrown into a group of rowdy teens that probably won't get much done, she knew that most of them were competent and deft but some seemed daft, Sayaka ended up stopping outside, she started to look up to the sky for a brief moment before heading back inside,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Superboy. Dude... It's cool. Just a table man. Besides by the looks of it the full team won't be eating together much anyway. Not now anyway." Nathaniel said first with a slightly nervous laugh followed by a sigh with a hint of disappointment. Pretty soon everyone who was going to eat had eaten and anyone who hadn't or opted out was gone. Alright let's leave these." He began first piling the left overs which had not yet been touched onto a single plate. "If anyone wanted have." He took the finished plates and any other dirty dish, cup or utensil and ran to the kitchen all within the time span of 10 seconds. It was nothing to him. Seriously. He did it at home when his dad skipped out on the chore. He quickly began to wash any and all dirty dishes before stopping and running back to Jae's side. "Oh and I think you can trust this guy." He pointed to Geb. "And he's probably right. Hell maybe Sphere will even be down there." He added before rushing back to the sink and completing the dishes.

"Now!" Nathaniel announced with a big smile. "Before something goes down I'm going to go check out my room and get settled in. See you guys later for dinner." He said before dashing out of the room and up. He passed the sort of living room/lounge and went straight to his room before freezing. "Wait..." He ran back to the living room and peeked in. "Um... Dude?" He said a bit slowly at first. "What are ya doing??"
Red X grit his teeth as he felt the impact of what seemed like a oil drum, but only slight as he rolled around it. That was the good thing about bigger opponents or attacks. It was sometimes easier to transition yourself into taking the minimum damage. Not to mention that instead of being sent barreling back down into the alley he simply ended spinning mid air. "Damn." He commented upon seeing the web line and nearly took a heavy fist to the face. But just like that he was gone. Out of sight. "Geez... Two on one? Hardly seems fair." He said as he reappeared behind them. He hate to use the teleport feature. it burned up the Xinothium which wasn't easy to come by. Still in his previous situation it was inevitable. "So seriously. Who are you guys? Or should I just leave?" He asked hitting a button on his belt.
Wolf stared at Moira for a bit as she thought before finally exhaling mentally. Alright I'll bite. What's on your mind? He asked calmly through their seeming telepathic link.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the Cloaked teenager finally decided to get up and decorate his new room he noticed a the girl who had the blades and nicely greeted him. 'She's only pretending to be nice. Something's not good about her. Though... She does seem nice at least... but can I trust her? ' thought the Teenager as he watched her walk inside her own.

He then started to place large markings along the room creating large rune-like markings the same way he made them on the door. Soon he saw another girl come out of her room and stared at him as though he was a freak or a criminal and with a shrug she began to walk away. He after just looking at her for only a second he already could tell by her facial expressions and body movements that she despised him for some reason. Even so he just shrugged it off and continued to "decorate" his room the the mystical writings on the walls as he then walked towards one of his books and opened it up in search for magic runes that he could write and after finding some good ones he walked back to the wall again and begun to write on the walls just like before, this time however, slowly and carefully not to mess it up.

As he was about to finish with the first rune, which was right at the back of the door he noticed the kid in the yellow tights flashed by as he was almost finished with the single simple magic rune on the back of the door. " Ummm... Dude?... What are you doing??" asked the kid in the yellow tights as the masked teenager finished the rune as it glowed blue and red for only a second before appearing as though it was was just cut and burned. The ward was placed there to keep people from getting in without invitation though since the teen in the yellow tights was already inside the magic masked teenager could assume that it does not work on people who are already inside... a stupid ward if he said so himself.

Turning around once he finished the protective ward for his room he looked at the kid in the yellow tights, slightly confused on the question. " What do you mean?" asked the cloaked teenager. The question was odd for the cloaked individual as he looked directly at the teen's eyes slightly confused if there was some sort of issue... [i]'Maybe humans don't like gold in their homes? but we're to live here so that must mean we all share.... I should be able to have my things in my living space.'[i] thought the teenager as he looked at his hoard for only a second to make sure it's not too messy before looking back at the kid infront of him. In the back of his mind though he wasn't comfortable with this kid in yellow tights being here at all. He already had two fights with him thus far and while he was anxious for another chance show him a thing or two, he also didn't want to mess up his newfound room. Looking down for a second after giving him a sigh the teenager in the black cloak shook his head and then looked back at the speedster. " Apologies for rudeness though I'd prefer it if you leave my living room until I've finished fixing it up." Said the Teenager as he tried to sound friendly as he spoke while he faced the door and opened his palm to respectfully show his first unexpected guest the door before looking back at him and continuing. " Please. His mask began to throw a wave of red light across his mask's glowing runes before both of the glowing colors dimmed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the Spider boy got on the roof, Mindjack pushed himself a few feet away with his tk abilities. He smiled under his helmet and looked that the guy with the X on his face. "It looks more like a free-for-all to me" He said with a shrug. "And come on, things are just getting started" he added and then he hovered above the ground for a moment before he unleashed a wave of telekinetic force like a quickly expanding dome that would go past the other two and with such power that it was like an oncoming train.


Elin's face got a bit greener at what Geb did so she looked away, eating the pancake plain. No one had really waved back to her or said hi in return. They seemed to be too preoccupied with their own conversation or going away to do something else.She wasn't sure if she should say hello again but that might make her come off as weird. She took her pancake out of the kitchen and into the common room where she sat down and finished her pancakes while thinking why in the hell she was here. She didn't feel like she quite...fit in. Sure, she had invaluable abilities with plants, animals and an extraordinary healing ability. She sighed and looked at her hand, making thin grass and branches grow on it for a moment before she decided to turn on the TV and the global news.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 33 min ago

Superboy exhaled heavily as Erin put his hand on his shoulder. "Alright, let's see what they left us to work with." he said, finishing his pancakes quickly before getting up, he followed Elin to the door, then looked back as Kid Flash talked to him. "I know, it's just... You know how I get. Anger issues are a bitch." Kid then mentioned a Sphere. "Sphere? What Sphere? A ball? If I find one, maybe we can have a game of football later." he said. "Wanna come with?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 8 days ago

After a few rounds of pancakes and some friendly conversation which included Superboy wrecking one of the tables and Rachel throwing her knives at KF off aim the team started to disperse. Everyone went their own way and when new teammates entered the group was already split up, so they were largely overlooked. It was fun to meet everyone, a bit overwhelming maybe. She was used to being around a lot of people, her family after all was huge. Though she was not used to being around people this close to her own age, especially the boys. Amani didn't consider herself shy in any way, shape or form and she had no problem talking to guys. Although the guys she did talk to were usually also family members. It was different now, they were not family and they did not tell her what to do. So she had no reason to wrap them around her finger like she did with her dad and brothers. I really need some me time now and dad's probably going to check in any minute. She thought, standing at the counter which KF had neatly cleaned up in less time than it took for her to cook a single pancake. It would be really embarrassing to have the team, or what was left of the team seeing her argue on the phone. That was an embarrassment she wanted to save herself from.

Ember was the only one left of the familiar faces. KF had run off to his room she guessed, Superboy and Geb were going to the garage, probably to check out the cars and what not. She was free to go up to her room, the kitchen was clean and she didn't really feel like sticking around with most of the team gone anyway. Amani turned to Ember to let him know she was leaving too. "I'll be going up to my room, see you later?" She asked, brows slightly raised in question. She figured they would meet up for dinner at the latest so she skipped towards the hallway cheerfully. "Bye guys!" She called before entering the stairway.

While she was walking up the first set of stairs it dawned on her that she actually had no idea where her room was. After the distress call Batman kind of forgot to tell them the important stuff. "Well........." She said to herself reaching the first floor. "First floor, let's see if there a room I like" It wasn't like this place wasn't big enough for them. She could probably take any room she wanted.There were a lot more rooms than she'd initially thought. Alright so are guys and girls separate? Was the thing that popped into her mind, seeing several empty rooms that looked near identical.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Geb let out a chuckle when Super Boy mistaken what Sphere was. "Na, not a ball Super bro. Sphere is that thing the first team found if I'm right." He said as he turned back to the hall and started walking towards where he thought the stairs were. Half way down the hall he turned around, well only from the waist up, to check back on SB. "So what is your real name, or should I keep calling you Super bro?" Geb asked as he continued to walk, his lower body still facing forward. "Sorry if you said it before and I forgot. I kind of have mud for brains." He smirked as he knocked on his own head. "Speaking of mud." Geb stopped, his legs still facing the wrong way, and looked over SB's shoulder back into the kitchen. He then moved his hand down to his stomach and pushed slightly, his hand entering his stomach. After a moment of rustling around Geb pulled out a small glob of grey sludge that had pieces of chewed pancakes in it and tossed it into a near by garbage can. "Sorry about that, I just can't have food sitting in me too long." He smiled as if all this was normal then turned his upper body back towards the stairs. "Oh and about a football. If you can't find one I'll happy to provide one of my own." He held up his hand as he walked and a grey glob formed in it. After a few moments it started to reshape and recolor to match a brown football, with the word 'Geb' on the side. He casually tossed it over his shoulder to SB as he reached the stairs. "Though I'll need it back." He laughed as he walked down the stairs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moira looked toward Wolf, she was reluctant to talk about her worries in truth. Let alone talking about the with a wolf she barely knew, she didn't think it was the time to say anything on her mind. The child I have been watching over, his mind is full of doubt, I am worried about him… She thought toward the large wolf, she sighed audibly. Perhaps I made the mistake of bringing him here, perhaps we should not be here. She huffed and chuckled to herself, realizing she had begun to doubt herself as well. My apologies… Moira sighed, getting up and stretching out, her tails releasing energy as if it were air.
As he was pushed away by the telekinetic attack Arachnid shook his head to re-focus on everything around him, he aimed his hand forward. A line of webbing shot out from the devices on his wrist, speeding toward the one who initiated the attack that landed him in the predicament in the first place. The second shot of webbing was going toward the one with the X. He’d use the webbing to pull them both down from the building and into the alley by force when/if it made contact.
Mason sighed and did his last pull-up, he had been on his 500th repetition, he removed his shirt and mask due to the sweat. He was curious to know what else was happening around the house, he made his way back up the stairs, his clothing in hand. He wasn't sure what he was doing here at all, he didn't feel like he belonged. This place seemed to be full of happiness, someone full of these emotions did not belong in such a place. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a fresh, green, crisp apple. He plunged his long, sharp, pearl white canine teeth into the apple. He was grinning happily as he left the kitchen and sat on the couch, enjoying his apple.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ember watched as everyone finished their pancakes and went on their own way. Just as he was about to wash his plate and probably the rest, Nathaniel was already doing the task. There wasn't even a way for Ember to step in and help since Nathaniel was running around like a cheetah on crack. He resigned himself to feeling guilty. Amani went through so much trouble to make the pancakes and Ember hadn't been very helpful. He just stood there, searching for something to clean... The table! Ember could totally help by cleaning the table off. He searched through the cabinets until he found the sanitizer spray. Ember grabbed some paper towels and quickly, definitely not as fast as Nathaniel, started to clean off the table.

Ember looked up from his self-inflicted chore as Amani said she was leaving. "See ya. Thanks for the pancakes." He said with a smile before he returned to cleaning off the table. The table didn't really take that long to clean and Ember was left wondering how to fill his time. His room! He could totally go check out his room. Ember scurried towards the stairs and, after getting lost so many times that'd he be embarrassed to admit it, Ember found his room. Like a dream, the walls of his room were covered in bookcase. "Books, books~ The wonderful words~ The more you read, the smarter you get~" Which was totally a lie. Ember's report was filled with mostly D's besides his one C and that rare A. The C was mostly from English because Ember absolutely loved literature. If his class had been filled with only books, he probably could ace the class. However, there was just something about gerunds he couldn't understand. The A was from his drama class and it made his mom pretty proud. Ember and education just didn't go well together. He definitely wasn't college material.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"No... Um... Dude... Dude... The problem... Ugh... Geez..." Nathaniel said as he rubbed his temples a bit. How could he explain this without giving off the impression of being an asshole. "You can't... Um... This is sort of a living room slash lounge." He said beginning his explanation. He was trying to take this slowly. Something hard for just about any speedster. "Like a room for the entire team to be able to enter and leave freely without problems and just relax. that's why there's no door. And it's just a bit bigger than the bedrooms." He finished the explanation thinking maybe it would make this easy. He's already gotten into about two fights with this guy so he didn't want to cause any unnecessary conflict. Especially since they'd both probably be reprimanded without a chance for either to tell their sides of the story if a fight broke out. "So you can't commandeer it as your room. You need to take your things and move to a different one. Okay?" He said ending with a smile so maybe the cloaked teen would listen to him on this matter.
Wolf looked calmly and stood. I can't tell you what you should or should not have done. He turned to walk back to his cave now that he knew there wasn't much of a reason to be out. However... He paused for a moment and turned his head to look at her. You should have more faith in yourself and your decisions. If there's anything I've learned after my years with these heroes. It's that it's more than just a job. You and the boy are no longer alone. You won't have to face everything yourselves anymore.
Red X hadn't really planned on staying close. But since Arachnid was closer to Mindjack than he was he pushed back first. This gave X an indication to jump back. In doing so he would also avoid Arachnid's next attack. "How about I split and this free for all becomes a one on one?" He said calmly. He wasn't much for unnecessary fights like this. Besides he needed to handle his job tonight. He needed to go get ready. Especially since he was alone now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 8 days ago

It was her reflection in the mirror which caught her eye when she passed one of the last rooms on the first floor. She simply couldn't resist the idea of a room with a full body mirror. I'm betting even the closet is bigger than the room I had back home. Amani walked back and forth a few times to make sure the room was empty, which looked quite stupid. But it would be really embarrassing to enter someone else's room thinking you had it in the bag. Lucky for her the coast was clear so she entered. The door closed on its own, probably controlled by some sort of supercomputer. When she got a good look at her room she squealed, jumping up and down like a crazy person. It was huge just HUGE! There was so much room for.......well she didn't even know for what. She loved to hoard all kinds of things but she never had any room to keep all of it. No problems here though. She danced through the room giggling, already fantasizing about the way she was going to decorate her place.

A computer simulated holograph of a phone appeared on her desk. "Number 089-4568774 is attempting to reach you, location the United Arab Emirates" Amani's eyes widened and she panicked slightly for two main reasons. She had no clue how this holograph thingy worked and she recognized the number. It was her dad....... Great. She groaned, letting herself fall face down on the bed. But the phone kept repeating the annoying message and she knew her dad hated waiting. "Computer put through" She held in her breath.

"Amani, Aina hal anta?"(Amani, where are you?) It worked, her dad's deep voice sounded through the room in her native tongue. As much as he annoyed her she still liked the way he watched out for her. It was a very familial feeling even though it was getting increasingly more annoying as she grew older. Sometimes he still treated her like a little girl. She was sixteen but she was sure her dad still saw her in pigtails.
"I'm in my room on Mount Justice, and yes we have separate rooms. I have no roommate and the boys are down in the other hallway."
"Hasan (Good), and be on your best behavior"
"Yes dad" She sighed.
"Uhibuk Amani" (I love you Amani)
"Bye dad" The holograph disappeared after the call ended. The phone call was just his way to make sure she was okey, he wasn't really checking in on her. After all these years she had build up at least some credit, they trusted each other.

Amani cupped her chin in her hands laying on the bed with her feet propped up in the air. She was facing the walk in closet doors. It was the only area of which the doors were closed. It was pretty odd. Then she heard a loud thump inside the closet. She let out a quiet squeal and jumped off the bed looking around for something to defend herself with. She facepalmed herself. Epic fail, she knew some kickass self defense moves. Careful not to make any sound she sneaked her way to the closet. 1....2.......3! She kicked the doors open, almost falling into.........her luggage! The unmistakable flower patterned set of suitcases were neatly placed on the floor of the closet.

"Wow....." Was all she could say.They must have teleported her things here once they knew which room she picked. Once she had unpacked everything the room would feel more like home, though twice the size. She moved one of the suitcases out of the way and the handle bumped into one of the closet doors. Any normal door would stay closed, only nearly everything in the HQ was controlled by a super computer. The door opened up to reveal a glass case with a mannequin wearing........her costume?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The teenager in yellow was trying to be nice about the whole thing though for the cloaked teen somethings were just not adding up. Then it hit him as soon as the yellow speedster said that lounges had no door. Half of the logic the teen said was making sense though a lot of it didn't. The teen watched the yellow speedster smile and try to be friendly so that his image would improve though the unnamed teen's eyes narrowed as the door behind the kid in the yellow outfit slowly shut, creating a loud sound from it. " But this room has a door and a lounge area wasn't be so close to the rooms where I used to live. So the only explanation is that this is a room for living in... Which means I can claim this room to be mine, like you could claim any of the other rooms as yours. I apologize if me leaving the door open created any confusion. O-kay?" the teen tried to sound friendly as he tried to repeat the last word that the speedster said... it was unfamiliar though it didn't sound as though it was much of an insult or anything, so the teen again smiled under the mask. He knew this kid in yellow likes being leader though this time he also knew that he was right and the kid in the yellow tights was wrong and couldn't really argue against his own logic. The cloaked teen closed his eyes and casually opened the door in a friendly manner as he tried to yet again politely show the kid in yellow the way out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 33 min ago

Superboy watched Geb as he pulled a half digested mush out of his stomach, Superboy stopped for a moment trying to comprehend what he had just seen. "Ok... Do yourself and everyone else around here a favour... Never do that in front of anyone..." He then offered to make him a football. "Thanks... But i'm good... We'd need a few more people anyway...." he said slowly. He was kinda afraid to touch it, thoughts of Steve Mcqueen's The Blob coming back to him. He followed the odd fellow up the stairs. "Considering that most of us aren't old enough to drive yet, why do you think Batman would give us a garage?" he asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb laughed as Super boy seemed to have trouble with seeing him 'dispose' of his food. "Don't tell me the boy of steel has a weak stomach, but I see your point." He snickered as he continued down the stairs. "Suit yourself dude, but the offer still stands." He said after the football was turned down. The football then began to melt back into a greyish mush that seeped it's way over to Geb. "Oh, there's a good blobby. Come to daddy." The mush then leaped at Geb before melding back into him, leaving no trace it ever being there. Geb laughed again as they almost reached the bottom of the stairs. "Are you kidding? We're talking about Batman here, the man that gives his 'Boy Wonders' access to tech that would kill most people. I don't think he considers us driving to big of a deal." He said as they reached the garage. "And besides we're going to be fighting crime we'll need some wheels. I doubt that any villains will wait while we take the bus."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason continued to take bites of his apple, growling with content when he smiled. He walked to the upper levels of the building and began to look in the halls. He saw a door opening and peeked into the room, his ash grey eyes scanning the room before locking onto a girl. "H-hello, are the rooms assigned?" He asked curiously, he wasn't really sure.
Moira listened to Wolf's wise words and smiled, the male was right, she and Mason were no longer alone. Thank you... She thought toward him, it was nice to no longer be alone against the world, to feel as of part of a family. She had lied back down, teal colored energy covering the air around her, forming and solidifying into a shelter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Rachel was done setting up her security measures, she decided to continue her interrupted workout at the gym. She changed into a sports bra and a pair of shorts and walked out of her room. She really couldn't care less if any of the guys saw her like this - she was pretty sure the weights would hurt even Superboy a little bit, should any of the guys earn her ire.

She passed by the lounge where Kid Flash and the quiet guy seemed to be arguing about something. Did the dolt actually claim the lounge his room? Well, she did just run a live current through her own bedroom door so she wasn't in a position to talk about people going overboard with their personal space. She entered the gym and spotted a familiar set up she hadn't expected to be here.

From the ceiling to vertical supports extended to just above her reach, with a catches even spaced along its length, and a bar resting on the lowest one. Rachel smiled and wondered if Artemis had taken a leaf from Green Arrow's book and installed it here after showing Rachel the exercise. The girl grabbed the bar and started her workout, swinging herself up and moving the bar up a catch before she could fall back down. The bar was heavier than she was used to, but it wasn't that much more difficult to move.

I wonder if Kid Flash would die of a heart attack if he looked up now. Rachel smirked as she proceeded to move up another level, and now was high enough to look through the glass walls of the gym to see the lounge below. She was facing Nate, so if he looked up he would get a view of her hanging from that bar, toned abs stretched taut and slender legs dangling in the air. Well, perhaps his eyesight wasn't that great to notice the former detail, but she was a trouble maker. If Kid Flash couldn't focus on dissuading the boy from claiming the lounge because he was busy ogling her, that was his problem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Amani blinked a few times. She was completely whelmed to have her own costume. It meant she was really going to be part of this team of heroes. This superhero thing was getting more real every moment she spent on Mount Justice. At first she didn't know what to expect but at least she knew one thing for sure. This was going to be awesome! She didn't have much time to gawk at her heroine outfit because one of the boys walked into her room. Without realizing it she let out a soft squeak of surprise when she saw him.

"H-hello, are the rooms assigned?" He asked unsure.
"Ummm...." she started locking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't know actually, I found mine by accident but I think you can choose one you like" Then she suddenly thought of something which made her come back on her answer. "I think the boys are on the other end." At least she hoped they were. To be honest she wasn't all too sure. She told her dad they were and she hated lying. Not because she was a bad liar, but her dad always found out.
"I can walk with you, it's not like I'm doing much" She said looking at the half unpacked luggage on the closet floor. Getting to know her team was much more fun than unpacking. She could do that later when she was bored. Amani walked out into the hallway with a smile. "Come on!"
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