Amani watched Mason enter the room finding his luggage in the closet just like she had. It was kind of cool how the Justice League just let them pick their own room and then to have their luggage mysteriously appear. They were probably using some kind of teleporting device but still it was pretty awesome. It did raise the question though, were there hidden cameras everywhere? She knew there had to be some for security measures but hopefully not inside their rooms. She liked her privacy, at the very least her room should give her that.
Still a bit embarrassed at her seemingly out of place reaction to standing in the doorway Amani stood behind Mason. Her hands were folded behind her back, her head cocked to the side slightly which caused her long dark curls to fall to one side almost completely. She studied Mason while a soft smile crept up her face, he had the same baffled expression on his face when she had discovered her luggage and costume. Amani was dying to try it on, it looked incredible and the League had really found something which fit her to perfection.
After Mason had recovered from the surprise of finding his belongings in the formerly empty closet he turned back to her. "So um, what are your powers?" She noticed he was a bit uncomfortable which in turn made her uncomfortable too. It was hard to find out why. Maybe because she was standing in his room? Or maybe because of her weird reaction earlier, yeah that was probably it. Or maybe she was thinking too much of it and it was all in her head. Then she was driving herself crazy. It was just the awkwardness of not really knowing each other. Though if there was one thing to break the ice it was switching out superpowers right? Well not literally of course, she wasn't even sure she could that even if she wanted to.
"My powers?........" "Well....." There wasn't really any way to make it sound less stupid than it really was. She had tried to make it sound cool and awesome before but it always came out wrong. Like I can make all your wishes come true. She cringed even thinking about it, her dad would kill her for advertising her powers like that even though that was pretty much what she did. "I can grant wishes" "Though it's not as cool as it sounds, there are a few rules that come along" She added with a slight wave of her hands as a disclaimer. "I can do the easy stuff like fixing what is broken, making things appear and disappear" "Though nothing really every appears or disappears, it comes from somewhere" "It's how the Justice League found out about me" She added with a mischievous smile. It had been money from the vault of the League which she'd confiscated using her powers. Of course she didn't know she was stealing from the League. She had explained as much when they came to enlist her. It was a story she preferred to keep to herself, she didn't want the team to think of her as a thief or worse.
"How about you?" She started cheerfully.
"What can you do?" The young girl made it to one of his chairs with a do you mind look on her face before sitting down to listen, crossing one leg over the other.