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*Blows my nose loudly in your shirt, still sniffing and rubbing my puffy eyes* Thanks Demon I really needed that. I'm still at a loss for words. WARNING. Don't any of you die on me! I can't wish you back to life you hear me!
oh........my............GOD!!!!!!! Can someone please knock me out for the next couple of years so I might forget the heartwrenching tear inducing ending from YJ I just watched. I have no words for it, I read a spoiler on purpose but obviously they were wrong. I can safely say this was by far my favorite suphero show ever! Which is why it hurts :( Now I understand all the canon stuff some of you guys worked in. I can't believe Wally is goneeeeeee. *Crying dramatically*. I feel like I broke up with someone, does that make any sense? I'm glad I took the time to post inbetween because I'm a wreck now *acting overly dramatic*. I need a box of tissues and hazeltnut ice cream through this I really do.
I can totally see you typing like that, very Wally of you
Demon you're so funny . Who writes a post on their phone while walking? Pretty awesome actually, I know I couldn't do it. I would totally get distracted or worse 0.0 bump into something! I'm glad Amani is with Mason where there is some peace and quiet. Things are heating up in the rest of the team. (no pun intended on Embers part)
Amani watched Mason enter the room finding his luggage in the closet just like she had. It was kind of cool how the Justice League just let them pick their own room and then to have their luggage mysteriously appear. They were probably using some kind of teleporting device but still it was pretty awesome. It did raise the question though, were there hidden cameras everywhere? She knew there had to be some for security measures but hopefully not inside their rooms. She liked her privacy, at the very least her room should give her that.

Still a bit embarrassed at her seemingly out of place reaction to standing in the doorway Amani stood behind Mason. Her hands were folded behind her back, her head cocked to the side slightly which caused her long dark curls to fall to one side almost completely. She studied Mason while a soft smile crept up her face, he had the same baffled expression on his face when she had discovered her luggage and costume. Amani was dying to try it on, it looked incredible and the League had really found something which fit her to perfection.

After Mason had recovered from the surprise of finding his belongings in the formerly empty closet he turned back to her. "So um, what are your powers?" She noticed he was a bit uncomfortable which in turn made her uncomfortable too. It was hard to find out why. Maybe because she was standing in his room? Or maybe because of her weird reaction earlier, yeah that was probably it. Or maybe she was thinking too much of it and it was all in her head. Then again.........no she was driving herself crazy. It was just the awkwardness of not really knowing each other. Though if there was one thing to break the ice it was switching out superpowers right? Well not literally of course, she wasn't even sure she could that even if she wanted to.

"My powers?........" "Well....." There wasn't really any way to make it sound less stupid than it really was. She had tried to make it sound cool and awesome before but it always came out wrong. Like I can make all your wishes come true. She cringed even thinking about it, her dad would kill her for advertising her powers like that even though that was pretty much what she did. "I can grant wishes" "Though it's not as cool as it sounds, there are a few rules that come along" She added with a slight wave of her hands as a disclaimer. "I can do the easy stuff like fixing what is broken, making things appear and disappear" "Though nothing really every appears or disappears, it comes from somewhere" "It's how the Justice League found out about me" She added with a mischievous smile. It had been money from the vault of the League which she'd confiscated using her powers. Of course she didn't know she was stealing from the League. She had explained as much when they came to enlist her. It was a story she preferred to keep to herself, she didn't want the team to think of her as a thief or worse.
"How about you?" She started cheerfully.

"What can you do?" The young girl made it to one of his chairs with a do you mind look on her face before sitting down to listen, crossing one leg over the other.
I'm sorry to see you go Azathoth and I wish you luck in getting through your writer's block. We may see each other again in a story somewhere on these forums. As for myself I will also be leaving this roleplay. I need something that's a little more fast paced in order to get through the first stage of character development. Once I'm comfortable with the character I can handle something low paced like this. Otherwise I tend to forget about the character and the ideas I had for her. It makes me less excited to write when I lost direction like that. Like I did for Azathoth I wish you all the best in continueing on, if there is any need to write me out let me know, we can work something out.
"I'm Amani, nice to meet you you Mason." She said with a smile as they walked down the hallway trying to find the boys quarter. "I think I saw you in the kitchen earlier" She continued. She stopped walking for a second while Mason stood to her right, she looked past him into an empty room. Amani still wasn't sure if the guys and girls were really separate but this room was pretty far away from her own. She told herself it was just to put her dads mind at ease and so she gestured towards the empty room. "This one is empty, though I don't know where your luggage is" She said uncertainly. The room looked similar to the ones she'd seen already, it was just as big if not bigger than her own. With slight hesitation she made it to the doorway checking if the room was really as empty as it seemed.

She turned to Mason and wondered idly what his superpowers were. He looked like he'd know his way around a fight. In any case she doubted she would be able to beat him in hand to hand combat. Luckily they were on the same team. When Amani realized she was standing in the doorway she shrieked and quickly stepped fully into the room. Standing in a doorway for too long was bad luck. Standing in the room she realized she must have come across as a crazy person which made her cringe, her cheeks flushing. My face is totally red. She thought. This wasn't the first time she had embarrassed herself like this. When she couldn't come up with some sort of excuse fast enough she quickly changed the subject back to luggage and rooms.

She cleared her throat laughing nervously. "He..heh....my luggage just sort of appeared in the room when I entered, I found my suitcase in the closet"
Guys.........everyone okey? I just want to check in and see how you all are. Probably bussy as am I.
I'm going to post tomorrow, so sorry if I keep you guys waiting. I want it not to be just one paragraph and if it is I want it to be good lol. The pace is picking up again and I like the posts we've got going right now. Lot's of interesting things happening ;) Not to mention Geb blowing up.
Small post but moving on :) Well the girls are in the minority so we have lots of "options" hahaha
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