Quote: “Karma is a bitch.”
Name: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti
Nickname: Kat
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 Ibs
Ethnicity: Italian and Romany
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: In a long distance relationship
Political Affiliation: She doesn’t really care about politics because she knows it’s all for show anyway
Religion: La Vecchia Religione or the Old Religion. It is the folk religion of ancient and medieval Italy predating the Roman Catholic Church. Basically it’s an Italian branch of paganism with a Catholic veneer which many practitioners adopted to avoid being ostracized by the Church.
Drugs of Choice: She doesn’t do drugs
Alcoholic Preference: She doesn’t drink any alcohol either
Favorite Food: Italian food obviously
Major: History
Clubs: Nothing yet
Year: Freshman
Roommates: Undecided
Occupation: Student
Talents/Skills: Katerina is a great cook and can whip up a mean dish of pasta in no time at all. She knows how to make a lot with very little and is a great budget shopper. She likes to make things from scratch and rarely goes for prepackaged stuff. She has been doing yoga for four years which aside from clearing her mind gave her some wicked flexibility. Hand her a pack of cards and she can read your fortune plus beat you at any game you know.
Likes: Family, cooking, socializing, TV series, clothes, jewelry, perfume, make up, reading, writing, psychic fairs, the circus
Dislikes: Liars, fake people, ignorance, bullying, shallow people, animal cruelty
Personality: Katerina is the somewhat reserved at first kind of quiet. She is the kind of girl you need to get to know. Once you do however she is very caring, funny, kind and always offers a listening ear for a serious conversation. When she’s part of a group she’s perfectly content staying in the background, she’s not a huge stickler for attention. She likes it best to meet up with a few close friends instead of going someplace where she barely knows anyone.
It’s not easy to get her angry and she tends to avoid confrontation all together. The things she says aren’t usually what she’s thinking. She is polite and will give you the nice answer instead of the honest one. Tradition is very important to her which includes family birthdays and every other kind of celebration. She’ll cancel any and everything to make sure these go as planned.
Family comes first for Kat and she usually gives more than she takes. She’s not the kind of girl to ask something for herself or put herself before others. At times she can be pretty naïve and takes somebody at their word almost blindly.
History: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti was born in Beneveto, Italy. She grew up in a very close knit family with one younger brother and many cousins. Most of her family lived in the same neighborhood if not in the same town. So the importance of La Familia was ingrained into her from an early age. She didn’t have a remarkable childhood, she did well in school even though she preferred staying home.
With family life taking center stage there wasn’t a lot of room to be your own person. That never really troubled her until she started going to high school where her controlling parents started to suffocate her. It was time to grow up but she realized her parents weren’t going to change so she had to.
So after she finished high school Katerina decided it was time to leave the nest. It was scary and she got cold feet multiple times but she never let it show. If it wasn’t going to happen now she would never have a life of her own. She applied for a college in America and got accepted in an exchange program. America to her was a symbol of independence and freedom, the two things she wanted......no needed.
Power: ESP or Extrasensory Perception. She can acquire information by other means than the human senses or personal experience.