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In The Power 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Quote: “Karma is a bitch.”

Name: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti

Nickname: Kat

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 120 Ibs

Ethnicity: Italian and Romany

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: In a long distance relationship

Political Affiliation: She doesn’t really care about politics because she knows it’s all for show anyway

Religion: La Vecchia Religione or the Old Religion. It is the folk religion of ancient and medieval Italy predating the Roman Catholic Church. Basically it’s an Italian branch of paganism with a Catholic veneer which many practitioners adopted to avoid being ostracized by the Church.

Drugs of Choice: She doesn’t do drugs

Alcoholic Preference: She doesn’t drink any alcohol either

Favorite Food: Italian food obviously

Major: History

Clubs: Nothing yet

Year: Freshman

Roommates: Undecided

Occupation: Student

Talents/Skills: Katerina is a great cook and can whip up a mean dish of pasta in no time at all. She knows how to make a lot with very little and is a great budget shopper. She likes to make things from scratch and rarely goes for prepackaged stuff. She has been doing yoga for four years which aside from clearing her mind gave her some wicked flexibility. Hand her a pack of cards and she can read your fortune plus beat you at any game you know.

Likes: Family, cooking, socializing, TV series, clothes, jewelry, perfume, make up, reading, writing, psychic fairs, the circus

Dislikes: Liars, fake people, ignorance, bullying, shallow people, animal cruelty

Personality: Katerina is the somewhat reserved at first kind of quiet. She is the kind of girl you need to get to know. Once you do however she is very caring, funny, kind and always offers a listening ear for a serious conversation. When she’s part of a group she’s perfectly content staying in the background, she’s not a huge stickler for attention. She likes it best to meet up with a few close friends instead of going someplace where she barely knows anyone.
It’s not easy to get her angry and she tends to avoid confrontation all together. The things she says aren’t usually what she’s thinking. She is polite and will give you the nice answer instead of the honest one. Tradition is very important to her which includes family birthdays and every other kind of celebration. She’ll cancel any and everything to make sure these go as planned.
Family comes first for Kat and she usually gives more than she takes. She’s not the kind of girl to ask something for herself or put herself before others. At times she can be pretty naïve and takes somebody at their word almost blindly.

History: Katerina Eleonora Sapienti was born in Beneveto, Italy. She grew up in a very close knit family with one younger brother and many cousins. Most of her family lived in the same neighborhood if not in the same town. So the importance of La Familia was ingrained into her from an early age. She didn’t have a remarkable childhood, she did well in school even though she preferred staying home.
With family life taking center stage there wasn’t a lot of room to be your own person. That never really troubled her until she started going to high school where her controlling parents started to suffocate her. It was time to grow up but she realized her parents weren’t going to change so she had to.
So after she finished high school Katerina decided it was time to leave the nest. It was scary and she got cold feet multiple times but she never let it show. If it wasn’t going to happen now she would never have a life of her own. She applied for a college in America and got accepted in an exchange program. America to her was a symbol of independence and freedom, the two things she wanted......no needed.

Power: ESP or Extrasensory Perception. She can acquire information by other means than the human senses or personal experience.
Interested in the second idea!
I love Yu gi Oh, it was one of my favorite shows growing up ^.^
Knock knock......anyone there?
This thread is pretty quiet. Any idea when we'll be starting with the IC?
Sorry for the double post ;)

Narrator are you going to be playing a character yourself?
I was just thinking are there any roles you need/want to see filled?
In a similar vain to the awesome show you based this on. You have the characters with combat skill, the scholar type characters etc.
Like I believe Katerina is in some ways the Vanessa type character so she might have a similar role.
Hopefully there will be another lady joining our company, I don't want to be the only woman in this merry bunch ;)
I'm glad my character is approved ^.^
For the timeline I was thinking halfway the 19th century?
That would be around the victorian time.

My character isn't based on anyone from literature because I'm not familiar enough with many of them. To use what little I know would be an offense to the real thing.
I based her on multiple characters from other television series, books and some of my own additions, changes. I think she'll fit into this setting.
Anyone else have any thoughts about her you'd like to share?

Jester I was thinking, you could still go for a doctor, maybe a Zoologist specialized in birds?

"Putting one's self before all others is the only way to stay alive"

Name: Katerina Pietri
Alias(s): Bella Strega
Age: 22

Physical Appearance: Katerina is an extraordinarily beautiful young woman. She has an oval face with fine bone structure, a wealth of dark curly hair, and almond-shaped, deep brown eyes framed by long wispy lashes. She is often seen wearing elaborate gowns in many different shades but always of exquisite taste and quality. Her figure is slim with a slight hourglass shape. She stands at a modest 5'5".

But Katerina is anything but modest. She is very vain and spends a considerable amount of time on her appearance. She knows how to dress well. Everything she wears is chosen with purpose and care. Where she comes from a woman's value is largely based on what she looks like, so her vanity can be somewhat justified.

Personality: Katerina hasn't had an easy life and it left its mark. She is tough, independent, selfish, smart and has an incredible sense of self-preservation. There is nothing she wouldn't do to ensure her own survival. She has been known to have a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. If a task needs doing, she'll find a way to accomplish it, usually through a combination of uncompromising will and skilled manipulation of people and circumstances. Her eyes always seem to be hiding something Her mannerisms are more deliberate, her true feelings hidden, almost as if she is performing for an audience. She is such a skilled liar and actress that her "friends" are often left wondering. Did she really care about me or did she just use me?

Abilities and skills:
- Gifted fortune teller
- Skilled at reading people, their behavior, body language and facial expressions
- Possesses intimate knowledge of the Italian esoteric traditions
- Speaks and writes fluent Italian

Weapons & Equipment:
- An old and frayed deck of playing cards
- Several "prayer" books written in Italian
- A fine Damascus steel dagger

Brief History: Katerina grew up in a traditional Catholic home. The Pietri family was very poor but happy. Katerina´s father earned an honest wage as a cobbler and her mother stayed at home taking care of the family. The youngest of four children she unlike her three older brothers received a very different upbringing. The men in the family all took up similar trades to their father, but Katerina was groomed for marriage from a very young age.

They had her life all planned out. Her childhood was mainly spent learning how to cook, clean, sew and be a loving and proper wife for her future husband. Being beautiful was more important than being smart and to have an opinion of her own was not encouraged. Katerina learned how to bite her tongue to spare herself from getting lectured by her stern mother and grandmother.

As she got older men started to take notice of her physical appearance finding her to be quite pleasing to the eye. Before long Katerina started to notice them too. She fell in love but it was doomed from the beginning, she was already promised to a another. Some distant future husband. The future was still so far away in her eyes. Katerina was young and stupid. She truly believed she was in love. She had a child out of wedlock putting her entire family to shame. They disowned her after she gave birth in secret. She lost her baby and was forced out onto the streets. Suddenly blood was no longer thicker than water.

At the tail end of a couple of rough years on her own she caught the eye of an English man of considerable wealth. Katerina didn´t waste any time and she knew he was her way out, away from the streets and into the life of luxury she was meant to have. They married just a month after their first acquintance and she moved with him to London. Once in England Katerina quickly became English, taking the name of Katherine Pierce.
That's great!
Awesome :) Did you have a plot in mind? We could come up with something together. Like the setting etc.
Hi SinfulSkills ^.^

Before I decided to reply to your thread I checked out your website for a little bit and it's lovely.
The lay out is very nice and it's actually a really good idea to make a back up of your things someplace online. I should definately follow your advice on that ;)

Which character were you most looking forward to to play?
Havardr seems like a really nice guy, he's got my slightest preference :)
Hey guys, I'm leaving our roleplay. I'm not really dedicated to it anymore.
I hope you'll continue and have a good time with it. Maybe we'll bump into each other in the future.
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